“What do you do?”

Peach Rabbit and Iron are particularly vigilant.

It was already known that Lynn was a bad person, and now it was more certain that Lynn was indeed an outsider.

Otherwise it would have been impossible to pat their little farts.

“Me? In fact, I want to discuss with you about the problems of life. ”

“For example, I’m particularly curious, how do girls give birth to babies, or will you accompany me to study it?”

Lynn had a playful smile in her eyes.

Peach Rabbit and Ain instantly understood what Lynn meant, and Lynn presumably had thoughts about the two of them.

No, you must find a way to get out of here, or wait until Lynn does something to the two of them, and the two of them may not be able to fight back.

Unfortunately, the two did not have time to resist, and Lynn had already appeared behind Peach Rabbit and Ain, and one of them knocked on the back of the head.

Even if the strength of the two is very perverted, but they can’t help Lynn at all, they are easily knocked unconscious by Lynn.

“Alas, why do you two want to resist? Obviously, he couldn’t resist me, and now he’s fine, and I’ve knocked me unconscious. ”

Lynn picked up the two men and prepared to leave.

He was even wondering in his heart now if he should do something bad.

For example, hey hey hey hey hey hey

But if you think about it carefully, this is a naval base after all, and it is not appropriate to do such a bad thing.

And after taking these people, you must find a way to spend the honeymoon, during the honeymoon, every day to be happy.

So something is not quite right here.

Lynn did not hesitate, carried the two men, came to the rear, and turned into a huge black dragon, and left with the two of them.

The navies certainly saw Lynn, but not too much of a struggle.

They still wanted Lynn to leave.

On the other side, Lynn had a smile on her face, even a crazy laugh, and in his dragon claws, she grabbed Peach Rabbit and Ain.

He could already imagine that in a few days, it would be the happiest time for him, and when the time came, how wonderful life would be.

Early the next morning, Lieutenant General Tsuru got up.

A group of navies ate in the navy cafeteria.

Halfway through the meal, Karp suddenly reacted.

“Didn’t seem to see Lynn, what’s going on?” Why is he gone? ”

“Oh, don’t you know? Lynn was gone last night, for no apparent reason. ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru was actually quite curious.

According to Lynn’s character, he will definitely be cheeky and stay, and he doesn’t know how to leave.

But since Lynn was gone, there was no need to care, she wished Lynn was gone.

But in the afternoon, Lieutenant General Tsuru suddenly discovers that his sister Peach Rabbit is not there, and Ain is not there.

Although I don’t know what happened, I can be sure that I should have been taken away by someone else.

The first thing that Lieutenant General Crane thought of was Lynn.

Lynn is not a good person, bad things are done, maybe all this is Lynn doing.

And the more you think about it, the more likely it is.

It is said that even Marcino in the village of Cap was forcibly abducted and taken away by Lynn.

Plus she’s a case in point.

Lieutenant General Tsuru was even more convinced that Peach Rabbit had been taken away by Lynn, and had been out for so long, that something might have happened.

On the shore, Kapu and Zefa also looked strange.

“I think it’s very likely that he was taken away by Lynn, this boy is an old ghost, young, and I don’t know if my body can hold it.”

Kapu said indignantly.

He hadn’t forgotten Marcino who had been taken away, and he didn’t know what it had been like to be ruined by Lynn.

“We’re going to find Lynn now, and we’ll make sure to bring them back.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru made a decision to save the peach rabbit.

Naturally, Karp would not refuse, nor was he afraid.

They were well aware of the character of the Black Dragon Pirates, who were the level of overlords in the New World, but never caused trouble.

And for so many years, basically no offense has been committed to the Navy, and the two sides have lived in peace.

Coupled with the fact that Lieutenant General Tsuru and Lynn are still related, there may not be a battle.

“Well, Ah He, I’ll accompany you to see it, and if there is anything, we will facilitate our retreat.”

Captain Kapu and Vice Admiral Crane led a group of navies and soon marched to Lynn’s territory.

On the other side, Lynn arrives at his base camp with Peach Rabbit and Ain.

Such a huge body naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Mitsuki Oda also noticed the scene here, and his heart was still quite curious.

“Lynn, you’re finally here.”

No sooner had he finished speaking, Mitsuki Oda noticed Peach Rabbit and Iron beside Lynn.

It was two beautiful girls with very good shapes, which should have been specially prepared for him.

Sure enough, Lynn was a very good captain, thinking about them pirates every day.

Mitsuki Oda sorted out his clothes.

“Lynn, thank you so much, I knew you were a good person, and I actually prepared such a beautiful girl today.”

Both Momoto and Ain spotted Mitsuki Oda, and subconsciously took a step back to distance themselves from Mitsuki Oda.

It was really Mitsuki Oda who was so terrible, and quite ugly, it was simply ugly.

Although only relative to Lynn.

It is mainly Mitsuki Mita’s special obscenity.

Mitsuki Oda also felt a special blow.

“Alas, it seems that the two of them don’t like you, so there is no way but me to take care of them both.”

Lynn sighed, put one hand around a man, and had a particularly good life.

Mitsuki Mita’s face instantly darkened.

“Lynn, I suspect you didn’t intend to introduce me at all, this must be the girl you prepared for yourself.”

“Tell me about looking at you, there are so many ladies in the family, and you still want to marry these beautiful girls, are you busy?”

Lynn patted herself proudly.

“No way, I’m a tough person, I’m very strong, I’m excellent in all aspects, and I’m also very good in that aspect.”

Peach Rabbit and Ain’s faces instantly turned red, slightly embarrassed, and they had never seen such a brazen person before.

But let’s not say that Lynn is really strong.

Mitsuki Oda didn’t say anything either.

Sure enough, it wasn’t enough to count on Lynn.

He still went out for a trip, figured out a way to find a beautiful woman on his own, and then lived a happy life.

Mitsuki Oeda left disappointed.

Lynn also took Peach Rabbit and Ain with her.

Tonight you can get to know each other well.

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