After Lynn brought the two men back, she casually threw them aside and began to rest.

For the next few days, Lynn dealt with the pirates and did nothing.

Instead, after a few days, Lynn passed some threats, and Peach Rabbit finally compromised.

There was no way, in the end it was still the Navy, for the sake of the Navy, especially the New World was Lynn’s territory, and they couldn’t help Lynn.

Instead of offending Lynn and harming Lynn retaliating against the Navy, they can only compromise and finally dedicate themselves to justice and the Navy.

Because of this, Lynn lived a good life, every day is to enjoy life, quite corrupt.

On this day, Lynn had just finished resting when she heard the navy coming.

Lynn wasn’t a fool either, and instantly understood that the purpose of the navy’s coming here was probably for the two of them.

Ain and Peach Rabbit are also looking forward to it.

The two of them could even imagine that they could get rid of Lynn in no time.

Although it was a pleasure to be with Lynn.

But they were still in the Navy after all, and they couldn’t be with Lynn forever, and they only hoped that this time Lynn could let them both go.

Lynn also noticed the expressions of the two people, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as to whether he would let these two people go in the end, it depended on his mood.

Good mood, can completely release people.

If you are in a bad mood, don’t blame him for being rude, and you can only continue to detain these two people.

Lynn’s home base.

After the arrival of Karp and Lieutenant General Tsuru, they were taken into the living room by the pirates, and several people could only wait silently.

In particular, Lieutenant General Crane, who was a little worried, was afraid of the danger that the peach rabbit would have.

She knew Lynn’s personality very well, and she was worried that Lynn would do something out of the ordinary.

Several people waited anxiously.

Unfortunately, Lynn didn’t show up, not even a shadow.

After a long time, Lynn finally came.

Lieutenant General Crane saw Lynn and couldn’t wait to step forward and grab Lynn by the collar as soon as he grabbed him.

“Lynn, hurry up and hand over the garden, I’ve already heard that you took the two of them away, and now you let the peach rabbit and the two of them go.”

Lynn wasn’t surprised either, after all the Navy had spies on his turf, that’s for sure, plus he didn’t hide it either.

Lynn found a place to sit down, leaned back, and then pulled gently, and Lieutenant General Crane fell into Lynn’s arms.

“Ah He, do you like me so much?” As soon as you come and throw yourself into my arms, don’t you want to humiliate me? ”

The navies looked at each other and pretended not to see anything, and Karp was even more distracted.

As for the pirates, they were laughing from the sidelines.

Lynn waved softly, and the pirate left.

The face of the Lieutenant General Crane was particularly gloomy.

“I ask you, can you let people go?” If you let people go, let my sister go now. ”

“No problem, you said this, after all, your sister is also my woman, how could I possibly do something out of the ordinary to her?”

Lynn naturally didn’t care.

Lieutenant General Crane’s face became particularly ugly.

“What did you just say?” What happened to my sister? Did you do something to my sister? ”

When he came, Lieutenant General Crane knew that Lynn would definitely do something out of the ordinary.

But I didn’t expect that Lynn actually did it, and still did such a beastly thing.

It’s only been a few days.

Lynn was also so hungry and thirsty, how could he do such a thing.

The angry Lieutenant General Tsuru was immediately ready to act.

Unfortunately, before he could do anything, Lynn flashed to the side and pulled out the demon sword and placed it next to the neck of the Lieutenant General Crane.

“Beauty, although you are my person, you are usually quite obedient, and it is also very good to serve me, which makes me particularly cool.”

“But that doesn’t mean you can go unscrupulously looking for death, and if I’m angry, then don’t blame me for not being polite.”

This is already obvious.

Lieutenant General Crane’s face was also quite ugly, it was too arrogant, and she wanted to teach Lynn a lesson.

But considering Lynn’s strength, Lieutenant General Crane could only restrain her, who made her not Lynn’s opponent at all.

At this time, Kapu also walked to the side of Lieutenant General Crane.

“Two, don’t fight, it’s too dangerous, we can discuss something well.”

He’s also a smart guy who knows he can’t beat Lynn, so there’s no need to fight.

Instead of fighting a battle with Lynn that has no chance of winning, it is better to have a good talk, not to mention that this is Lynn’s home base.

Lieutenant General Crane also took a deep breath.

“Lynn, let my sister go.”

“Don’t worry, you are my good friends, come to my territory, how should I entertain you well?”

“Come people, go and prepare a banquet, and celebrate here tonight, and celebrate my marriage with the Navy.”

Lynn shouted.

He didn’t care at all about Lieutenant General Crane and Karp’s faces.

Immediately a lot of pirates came in and then they started to prepare.

Lieutenant General Crane still wanted to say something, and Kapu gently pushed Lieutenant General Crane’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Lynn won’t do anything to us, he’s just a little bit more colorful, and he’s not really bad.”

The pirates nearby were speechless when they heard it.

I actually dare to say that Lynn is very colorful, although Lynn is indeed very colorful, but there is no need to be in front of so many faces.

Never mind.

It’s a matter between the big guys, and they can’t meddle.

Lynn naturally heard Karp’s words, but didn’t take them to heart at all, and she was especially happy today.

It’s also okay to let go of Peach Rabbit and Iron.

But before letting these people go, Lynn decided that at least Lieutenant General Tsuru would have to pay some price.

For example, give your own body.

At night, the entire Black Dragon Pirate Regiment held a grand bonfire party.

At the party, many pirates sang and laughed.

Next to a fire, Karp looked at the excited people and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Not to mention, this pirate regiment is very good, at least in our navy, it is almost impossible to be so happy.”

Lieutenant General Crane nodded.

Three of the most bizarre pirates in this world.

Black Dragon Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Red-haired Pirates.

The three pirates occupied more than half of the New World, but never did anything out of the ordinary.

Whether it is burning and looting, never participated.

No, Lynn did bad things.

For example, robbing people’s women and the like.

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