“Gazhi, it is said that you are quite powerful, so why don’t you two fight and let me see your strength.”

Lynn flicked her arm.

The reason why he wanted to fight with Gazhi was purely to let Gazhi know his strength, and he would not dare to be arrogant in the future.

“That would be trouble for Captain Lynn.”

Gazhi did not refuse.

Although he couldn’t beat Lynn, he also wanted to know Lynn’s strength.

The main thing is that Lynn wants to fight with him, and he has no qualifications to refuse.

“Well, come with me.”

Lynn took the Gazhi men to the square.

A lot of pirates get together.

“Who are those people?”

“It seems that he is the one who wants to join the captain.”

The pirates began to talk.

Suddenly, these pirates noticed Lei Jiu.

A very beautiful girl.

However, these pirates also knew that a big beauty of Lei Jiu’s level was not something they could touch.

“It’s a pity, I guess such a big beauty should have been taken in by the captain.”

One of the pirates sighed.

“Indeed, it is estimated that the reason why the captain accepted this man was also for the sake of this beautiful woman.”

Lynn stopped suddenly.

These pirates were really very clever, and they actually understood his thoughts at once.

However, this man is also really arrogant.

Lynn turned her head to look at the blackbeard boy again, and he was really arrogant.

Blackbeard also noticed Lynn’s gaze and quickly took a step back, pulling away from Lynn.

It’s over, and Lynn is worried about it again.

“Titch, have a fight with me tonight.”

Blackbeard’s face instantly turned pale.

The other pirates nearby were all smiling.

Having offended Lynn, Blackbeard was finished.

Lynn continued walking in the direction of the square, then turned to look at Gazhi.

“You do it first.”

Gazhi was also not polite, took out a metal spear, stomped on the ground with force, and ran quickly towards Lynn.

When running, a blue current appears on the shoes, and the speed of running becomes faster.

Just a flash of blue light.

Although this high-tech is not very good for the top combat power, it is also a good high-tech.

The moment Gazhi approached Lynn, the spear in his hand stabbed at Lynn.

The surface of the long hair carries a strong electric current.

The current crackled and then flowed over Lynn’s body and all over her body.

Lynn just stood where she was.

Although these currents were loud, they traveled around Lynn’s body and could not enter Lynn’s body at all.

Not even the slightest hint of paralysis.

This is the absolute power, even if the natural thunder fruit is fully exploded, it will not be able to help Lynn at all.

Gazhi also had incredulity in his eyes.

Although I knew that Lynn’s strength was very perverted, I didn’t expect that the pervert was a bit excessive.

His high-tech lightning attack did not cause any damage at all.

Just as Gazhi was shocked, Lynn grabbed the high-tech spear in Gazhi’s hand with one hand and pulled it hard.


The alloy metal spear was broken by Lynn.

Gaji’s eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, his face was incredulous, and his heart was a little unacceptable.

Although it was mass-produced, it was also very expensive, and it was his own exclusive item, so it was easily broken.

Gazhi’s children were also shocked.

This is also too easy, worthy of Lynn, the top sea thief in the new world, actually has such strength.

Lynn threw away the broken spear in her hand.

“Really, don’t choose a powerful weapon, and this kind of bells and whistles is of no use at all.”

Gazhi didn’t say a word, dropped his weapon, then raised his right hand, his arm covered with domineering, and then slammed it down.

When he threw his fists, the air seemed to explode, with a wave of aftershocks.

Lynn just stood where she was, like a statue, motionless.

At the moment when Gazhi was about to approach, Lynn quickly dodged away, then held out a hand and pressed Gazhi’s head.

Suddenly there was an explosion.

Gazhi’s head was pressed to the ground by Lynn, and the ground exploded into a huge deep pit that rapidly expanded.

An invisible stream of air spread out in all directions.

Lynn withdrew her hand and patted it gently.

As for Gazhi, he had already been slapped by Lynn.

In the end, Gaji’s strength is not strong.

Luffy in the original book, however, defeated Doflamingo but was still knocked unconscious by Kaido’s stick.

Not to mention that he is more powerful than Kaido, and Gazhi, who is defeated by Doflamingo, is certainly not Lynn’s opponent.

Gazhi’s children were also stunned.

They originally thought that Gazhi was quite powerful, Lynn, even if it was strong, it would definitely be limited, and the gap was not very large.

As a result, it now seems that the gap is too large.

One slap knocked him unconscious.

If they go up, it is estimated that it is also a slap, a child.

“Here we go.”

Lynn turned and left.

“Alas, it was so bad, I heard that that person seemed to be the king of the Kingdom of Djerma in the North Sea, and the result was so poor.”

“Yes! Just such a little bit of strength, actually want to provoke our captain, too arrogant. ”

Almost everyone didn’t take Gazhi seriously.

The Ichi group was also embarrassed that their strongest father was actually defeated by Lynn.

And it’s so easy.

In addition, many people in the vicinity ridiculed, they are eager to find a seam to drill into.

After a long time, Gazhi also woke up.

When he woke up, Gaji saw the children next to him and remembered what had happened before.

“Worthy of being the most powerful pirate in the new world, I didn’t expect it to be so powerful, I just slapped it, and I was knocked unconscious.”

Gazhi was really shocked inside.

That slap, when he had just been hit, his brain was completely dizzy.

Trying to resist Lynn, there was no time to catch Lynn’s movements.

“Father, what’s next?”

Lei Jiu said next to her.

The three sons also looked at Gaji.

“Of course, it is time to go to Captain Lynn, and you must get Lynn’s support, only in this way can you eat both black and white.”

Gazhi thought of Doflamingo.

It is because of Lynn’s support that the new world is particularly open.

If he could also get Lynn’s support, maybe he could surpass Doflamingo and achieve something.

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