At night, Lynn was resting in her room.

When the moon is waiting for you, you are asleep.

Halfway through sleep, Lynn suddenly opened her eyes, gently patted the moon, and then quietly left.

“I have something to do today and won’t be back at night.”

There were still Olvia in the sky and the moon, and a few of them were not angry, after all, Lynn was a sea thief, and there would always be something.

Sometimes Lynn would come back late and fall asleep in another room.

After Lynn left the room, she quietly came to the guest room.

Gazhi and several of them were all arranged here.

This is a room dedicated to guests.

After Lynn entered the guest room, she quietly came to the outside of Leijiu’s room.

What pursues Lei Jiu and the like, too much trouble.

After all, the pursuit of girls is very annoying, not just send a billion and eight billion, you can sleep with those girls.

Especially these more famous female matches.

So Lynn was ready to come directly to a cruel one, which also fit his personality.

An evil pirate.

Lynn came outside Leijiu’s room and walked in quietly, and no one noticed.

Inside the room, Lei Jiu also did not find it.

At this moment, Lei Jiu slept soundly.

Lynn didn’t think much of it, quietly walked in, and soon came to Leijiu’s side.

Not to mention, Lei Jiu is quite beautiful.

Not only was she pretty, but she was also in a very good shape, especially the sleeping Lei Jiu, which made Lynn can’t help but take one more look.

What a perfect woman.

Lynn didn’t think much of it, and immediately approached Lei Jiu, and then lay down beside Lei Jiu.

Lei Jiu also found Lynn at this time, and immediately stood up and kicked at Lynn with one foot.

Lynn reacted quickly and quickly flashed to the side, dodging Leijiu’s attack. And grabbed Lei Jiu’s foot.

This slender thigh, especially perfect.

It’s a big beauty.

Lei Jiu also saw Lynn at this time, remembering Lynn’s personality, and her heart was a little nervous.

Lynn suddenly stepped forward and gently tapped Lei Jiu’s head.

Just a hand knife, Lei Jiu fainted and lay in front of Lynn.

After knocking Lei Jiu unconscious, Lynn immediately put her arms around Lei Jiu and left with Lei Jiu.

He was ready to pull Lei Jiu into his room, and even if something happened, it was Lei Jiu who did it.

That’s right, it was Lei Jiu who liked Lynn’s beauty, so she planned to do something to Lynn.

After returning to the room, Lynn removed her coat, looked at the beauty in front of her, and slowly leaned up, and the two of them just leaned together.

After some understanding, Lynn poured herself a glass of water, took a leisurely sip, and then looked at Lei Jiu, who had fainted.

He felt a little sorry for Lei Jiu, and halfway through, Lei Jiu woke up for a trip, and then fainted again.

As for how to faint, then there is no need to guess.

In fact, Lynn was quite curious about why Lei Jiu did not resist, and she was very cooperative with Lynn at the beginning.

Perhaps because Lynn was too powerful, Lei Jiu did not dare to rebel against Lynn, so in the end she could only accept Lynn silently.

Lynn took a sip of tea before lying next to Lei Jiu, holding Lei Jiu in her arms, and fell asleep together.

That night, Lynn slept happily.

The next morning, Lynn got up early in the morning and looked at Lei Jiu next to her.

Lei Jiu was already up at this moment, and was sorting out her clothes, without making a sound, nor shouting like those ordinary girls.

Lynn took a quick step back, then sorted out her clothes, revealing a frightened expression.

“You… You actually did such a thing to me while I was asleep. ”

But after saying that, Lynn felt that something was wrong.

Since Lei Jiu didn’t resist or yell, there was no need for him to shout like this, it was really humiliating enough.

Lei Jiu also had a black face and looked at Lynn with a grudge, this expression looked even more cute.

It was clear that she had been bullied by Lynn and even fainted once, and as a result, Lynn said such a hateful thing.

“Captain Lynn, I didn’t say anything about you doing this to me, but you’re going a little too far.”

Lynn immediately stepped forward, gently wrapped her arms around Leijiu, and then pulled Leijiu into her arms.

“So you’re interested in me?”

Lei Jiu felt the warmth in Lynn’s arms, and suddenly felt that Lynn was still very good.

The length of the man is handsome, and the strength is very strong.

Instead of marrying someone else later, it would be better to be with Lynn, at least Lynn is still quite handsome.

Lei Jiu threw herself into Lynn’s arms like this, carefully feeling the warmth brought by Lynn, and there was an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Lynn was proud too.

“It looks like I’m quite handsome, and I’m not an ordinary handsome, even the little beauty, you already like me.”

As she spoke, Lynn’s right hand lightly nodded at Leijiu’s chin.

Lei Jiu did not refuse, very happy to give hugs, enjoying the warmth brought by Lynn.

“Okay, we can go to dinner, you go out first, and then you’ll be my man, and no one will dare to bully you.”

Lynn gently patted Lei Jiu’s little head.

Without refusing, Lei Jiu buttoned the button on her collar and walked out of Lynn’s room.

As soon as she walked out of Lynn’s courtyard, Lei Jiu saw Mitsuki Mitsuki Gota coming from a distance.

Mitsuki Mita also saw Lei Jiu, slightly stunned, felt a little incredible, and was particularly shocked inside.

It’s only been a while.

No, that is, one night gone, Lynn had actually taken down Lei Jiu.

It’s really fast.

He had just had an idea for Lei Jiu, and before he could do anything to Lei Jiu, Lei Jiu had already come out of Lynn’s room.

If nothing had happened, Mitsuki Oda wouldn’t have believed it.

Mitsuki Oda covered his chest and felt that his heart was broken, and the beautiful girls were snatched away by Lynn one by one.

“It’s disgusting, Lynn is also true, one by one, snatched it all, can’t you leave me one?”

Although he was quite envious in his heart, Mitsuki Mita had no choice but to watch Lei Jiu leave.

Not long after, Lynn also walked out, just in time to see Mitsuki Mitsuki with a grudging look.

“I said she took the initiative to sneak up on me, can you believe it?”

Mitsuki Mita looked at Lynn with blank eyes.

People Lei Jiu took the initiative.

He didn’t believe the nonsense.

This must have been Lynn initiated.

Just make up such a high-sounding reason.


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