Doflamingo did not speak, and he was actually thinking about whether today’s decision was the right one.

But there was nothing he could do, either surrender or die, and Doflamingo had to surrender in order to survive.

“Very good, from now on, you are my subordinate, this is also my territory, if you disobey one day, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn pushed a warning to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo didn’t say much, just remained silent.

After getting Doflamingo done, Lynn thought for a moment and prepared to do something to the other pirates.

For a moment, Dressrosa, a lot of pirates set off, Kaido and Big Mama together.

Of course, in order to hide the tracks, Kaido and Big Mama both secretly set out, and only the people of the world government noticed that something was wrong.

As for the pirates, their spies are not as capable as the world government, let alone find Lynn’s tracks.

On this day, an island.

Lynn’s ship slowly approached.

The island is the territory of the red-haired Shanks.

Even the nearby islands are all red-haired Shanks, but only this island is the base camp of Red-haired Shanks.

Lynn’s boat slowly approached the shore.

Of course there are a lot of pirates nearby to see.

“Wait, this is the territory of our red-haired pirates, and it is forbidden to enter.”

Several pirates stopped Lynn.

Lynn stepped out of the boat and looked at the pirates in front of her with a sinister smile on her face.

“How? You want to stop me? ”

When the pirates saw Lynn’s face clearly, their faces changed instantly.

This is currently the strongest pirate in the New World.

They didn’t expect it to be so unlucky, and Lynn came.

“Lynn, be careful, it’s Lynn.”

The pirates retreated at the same time.

Such a strong sea thief, no one dares to offend.

Lynn slowly stepped forward, no one dared to stop it, so he let Lynn in.

Even the people who reported were gone.


Lynn walked slowly into the middle of the island, and a stream of super powerful overlord color domineering energy was released.

The red-haired Shanks was drinking with his men, when he suddenly felt this domineering spirit, and his face changed in an instant.

The others were also aware of it, all a little wary, and their eyes looked at the forest on the other side.

Lynn gradually approached.

The ground suddenly cracked and expanded.

A crack also appeared in the nearby trees, and then broke from the middle, so heavy that they fell to the ground.

There are many people nearby who have white eyes and then fainted.

The red-haired Shanks looked at Lynn who was gradually approaching, and his face darkened.

He also did not expect Lynn to actually come, and as soon as he came over, he would release his domineering, which was clearly provoking him.

However, considering Lynn’s great power, he could only give up.

However, in an instant, the red-haired Shanks suddenly had a smile on his face and looked particularly flattering.

“Captain Lynn, it’s been a long time coming, and you’re still as handsome as ever.”

Red-haired Shanks can only pat himself on the back.

As for the others nearby, they also smiled awkwardly, not paying too much attention to who made Lynn so perverted.

Lynn walked over to the red-haired Shanks and sat down cross-legged with her hands on her chest.

“Redhead, I’m here to look for you this time, but there’s something very important, and I think you need to think about it.”

Red-haired Shanks saw Lynn’s expression so serious, and knew that Lynn must have such a thing, and his heart was particularly nervous.

Wouldn’t he want to beat him?

“Captain Lynn, do you have anything to do?”

The red-haired Shanks took a step back, one hand already on his weapon, and the others were alert.

They all thought Lynn might do it.

If Lynn did, they had to join forces, or they would never be able to beat Lynn.

Red-haired Shanks felt that Lynn was quite strong, and immediately took a step back, pulling away from Lynn.

Absolutely no fight with Lynn.

Lynn saw the red-haired Shanks’s movements, quite helpless, is his strength really so strong?

Even the red-haired Shanks took a step back in fright.

But if you think about it, it seems that it is really possible, after all, he is so powerful.

“Redhead, the purpose of my coming here today is actually quite simple, that is, in the whole new world, there can only be one pirate group, that is, my Black Dragon Pirate Regiment.”

“The rest, I think you should understand too.”

Lynn took out the demon knife and flicked the blade gently, then looked at the red-haired Shanks with a strange face.

The look in his eyes was murderous.

The red-haired Shanks took a frightened step back and quickly drew his knife, his eyes full of vigilance.

“Captain Lynn, what do you want to do to me?”

Just then, a few more people came from afar, these people were not others, of course, Lynn’s men Kaido and a few of them.

The red-haired Shanks looked at Kaido and Big Mama who came in the distance, as well as the other pirates behind them, and their faces instantly became ugly.

One Lynn was already tough enough, and now there were a few of them again.

These people are more difficult people to deal with.

The red-haired Shanks was very nervous in his heart, but there was no way, and he couldn’t run away if he wanted to.

Kaido and Big Mama appear next to the red-haired Shanks at the same time, blocking all the way for the red-haired Shanks.

As for Beckman and a few of them, they were also surrounded by clusters, and there was no way to go at all.

Beckman also had a headache.

“It looks like today, it’s a big fight.”


Lynn couldn’t restrain herself and sneaked a laugh.

“This is also a good idea to say the peak war, don’t forget, we have an advantage in numbers, and we also have an advantage in strength.”

Beckman was instantly frozen by Lynn’s words.

It seems that it is true, Lynn is so powerful, there is an advantage in numbers, they really don’t seem to be able to beat Lynn.

But at this time, it is not convenient to admit it…

No, you have to find a way to fight.

Or just surrender.

Beckman looked at the red-haired Shanks on the side, and he wanted to wait for the red-haired Shanks to make a decision.

The red-haired Shanks was also thinking in his heart.

The possibility of winning the war is very small, but it seems a little unreasonable.

Just as the red-haired Shanks was thinking, Lynn suddenly appeared next to the red-haired Shanks and slowly held out a hand.

He was going to teach the red-haired Shanks a lesson first.

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