“Redhead, since you want to rebel against me, then don’t blame me for not being polite, I can only suppress you by force.”

Lynn instantly appeared next to the red-haired Shanks, and held out her right hand to drill down against the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks’s face changed instantly.

This is Lynn, the strongest pirate in the world.

Even if he is famous in the new world, he needs to be careful and cautious in the face of Lynn, afraid of being killed by Lynn.

Just as the red-haired Shanks was thinking, Lynn was getting closer.

The red-haired Shanks also reacted at this time, quickly jumping to the side, far away from Lynn.

Unfortunately, the red-haired Shanks was still a step slower, perhaps Lynn was too fast.

But in a blink of an eye, Lynn approached, grabbed the red-haired Shanks’s shoulder with one hand, and squeezed it hard.

The red-haired Shanks’s face changed instantly.

It was really Lynn’s strength that even he felt a pang of pain, and even a soreness.

“Such a strong force.”

The red-haired Shanks had a particularly ugly face and a wary look in his eyes, and he prepared to retreat.

Lynn looked at the red-haired Shanks who was planning to retreat, pulled hard, and picked up the red-haired Shanks and threw them into the air.

The whole figure was spinning in the sky.

The red-haired Shanks face was green, although he knew that Lynn was very powerful, but he did not expect Lynn to be so perverted.

Where did he know that Lynn’s physique had once again strengthened and become more perverted than before.

Bang bang bang…

Lynn grabbed the red-haired Shanks and slammed it to the ground, and fell back and forth, and huge pits appeared on the ground.

Red-haired Shanks was powerless to resist.

In the distance, Beckman and the others glanced at the red-haired Shanks, and soon understood that Lynn was getting stronger again.

But also, since she can conquer Big Mama, this shows that Lynn is very perverted.

Being able to beat the red-haired Shanks is also a matter of course.

They have given up their resistance.

The red-haired Shanks were all hanged by Lynn, and even if they were combined, they wouldn’t necessarily be able to beat Kaido and Big Mama.

Not to mention the fire embers for a few of them.

This battle has no point in fighting at all.

Beckman took the lead and took a step back.

“Folks, you don’t have to fight today, anyway, if you can’t win the fight, it is better to negotiate directly at the end.”

“I agree.”

Rakilu was the first to nod in agreement.

Jesus Bu did not refuse.

Not to mention the others, it can be seen that the red-haired Shanks has no chance of winning at all, and if he fights, he is also looking for death.

The red-haired Shanks had been hanged and listened to Beckman’s words, and almost didn’t get angry to death.

He was almost killed now, but as a result, these men were good, but they had all given up, and they didn’t know how to resist well.

Even resistance yields no results.

“Wait, I admit it, please let me go, I will never dare again.”

The red-haired Shanks kept shouting, and he was afraid that he would be killed by Lynn, especially since Lynn was too cruel now.

Maybe Lynn is the cruel and unkind person.

Unfortunately, Lynn did not take the red-haired Shanks to heart at all, and continued to hang, and the strength of the attack was still quite large.

Within minutes, huge pits appeared on the ground, and the red-haired Shanks was covered in dust, looking blue in the nose and swollen face.

Lynn had learned almost the lesson, and felt that it was okay, which threw the red-haired Shanks aside.

“Well, it’s over, now give you another chance to think about it, do you want to surrender?” Or do you want to surrender? ”

The red-haired Shanks face was green.

Did this give him a choice?

Clearly did not give him any choice.

Speechless, but there is nothing that can be done.

The red-haired Shanks stood up slowly and gently patted his arm, which was still a little sore.

“Captain Lynn, it’s all my fault, I admit it, I admit it, and from now on, I’m a member of the Black Dragon Pirates.”

Although he didn’t want to turn to Lynn, the red-haired Shanks thought about it carefully, and he was not Lynn’s opponent at all.

If you can’t fight, you can only admit it, you can’t fight with Lynn, and he doesn’t have the desperate capital.

Beckman and others were relieved.

It seems that the red-haired Shanks is still quite smart, and he knows that he can’t beat Lynn, so he can only admit it.

If the red-haired Shanks really wanted to fight, he didn’t know what to say.

You can’t watch the red-haired Shanks being beaten to death.

Fortunately, at the last minute, the red-haired Shanks still confessed.

Lynn was also very happy.

“Since you surrendered, then I will not say anything more, from now on, you are also my subordinate, and your territory is my territory.”

The red-haired Shanks bowed his head helplessly.

After more than ten years of traversing the new world, he finally lost and was absorbed by Lynn.

“By the way, take your men and me with you.” Of course, you can also resist, but the price of resistance, I think you know. ”

The smile on Lynn’s face was a little grim.

The red-haired Shanks snorted, remembering Lynn’s strength and fantasizing about his own rebellion.

It will be especially miserable.

“No, I will never resist.”

Red-haired Shanks said righteously.

He really wouldn’t resist.

“All right, brothers, we can go back.”

As soon as Lynn clapped her hands, she walked to the front.

Kaido and Big Mama also followed, looking at the red-haired Shanks with a strange look in their eyes.

The red-haired Shanks completely ignored the expression on which he didn’t care at all about the present.

Shame is also shame, this is not the first time in his life to lose face, he has long been used to it.

The entire red-haired pirates followed Lynn in despair.

They have been traversing the New World for many years, known as the Five Emperors of the New World, with supreme glory and status.

It turned out that it had only been many years, and before they could enjoy it, they were knocked on by Lynn.

That’s all, Lynn is so powerful, even the red-haired Shanks is not an opponent, and their entire pirate group has been conquered.

The status of the Sea Thief Emperor was gone.

But what can they do?

No one let them beat Lynn.

Forget it, even if they turn to Lynn, they are still top pirates, and they can rule the whole new world together with Lynn.

At that time, the name will be louder than the four emperors.

They’re not captains anyway.

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