The next day, the news of the red-haired Shanks surrendering to Lynn spread throughout the world in an instant.

Almost everyone knows that Lynn defeated Big Mama and then conquered the red-haired Shanks.

Both are the One Piece Emperors of the New World.

This means that half of the territory of the new world has fallen into Lynn’s hands.

All that remained were the Whitebeard and the Golden Lion.

Many people are curious about how long it will take Lynn to completely solve Whitebeard and the Golden Lion and dominate the world.

World governments and navies are also particularly worried.

But all this has nothing to do with Lynn, who has returned to his base camp with the red-haired Shanks.

Along the way, the red-haired Shanks sighed, not knowing what to say.

The good Sea Thief Emperor, just like that.

Lynn had just stepped into his base camp when he heard the red-haired Shanks sigh, turned around, and put the knife on the red-haired Shanks’s neck.

“How? Do you still have any plans to betray? ”

The red-haired Shanks felt the coolness in his neck and couldn’t help but shiver, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

“Lynn, I’m joking, believe me, I lost, but I still have my discipline.”

Lynn almost didn’t fall to the ground.

He had some doubts about the red-haired Shanks’s.

Does the red-haired Shanks have discipline?

“Forget it, don’t talk so much nonsense, celebrate you joining my team, take you to celebrate, have a banquet.”

Lynn ultimately failed to teach the red-haired Shanks a lesson.

“Banquet?” That’s great, I’ve wanted to have a party for a long time, we’ll go now. ”

The red-haired Shanks suddenly became excited, and as for the previous unhappiness, it had long been forgotten.


Many pirates nearby almost fell to the ground.

Just now I was so angry, I wanted to fight with Lynn, but I didn’t think about it, and I didn’t care at all.

Is this the red-haired Shanks?

The skin is really thick enough.

But seriously, the banquet is really important.

A group of people arrived at Lynn’s castle and began to prepare for the banquet.

For the banquet, they are really looking forward to it.

At the banquet, many people were enjoying the food and drinking leisurely.

Even the red-haired Shanks, who was unhappy before, was forgotten.

What could be happier than to enjoy.

While everyone was drinking, Lynn’s ladies also attended the party.

A group of people in the sky and moon, each of them is a big beauty.

Many pirates secretly glanced at it, but they only dared to peek at it and did not dare to look too much.

After all, these were Lynn’s wives.

Not to mention the protection of Lynn, these simple ladies, each of whom has undergone Lynn’s special training, are really strong.

Marciano himself took a glass of wine and walked over to Lynn and poured Lynn a glass.

Of these ladies, the most gentle was Marcino’s.

Not only like the big sister next door, but also like a good wife and mother.

No, Marcino is a beautiful wife and mother.

The red-haired Shanks also saw Marciano and remembered his first love, which was gone, and there was still some sadness in his heart.

Especially seeing Marcito’s gentle expression, the red-haired Shanks felt that his heart was moving, and secretly took a look.

Since he can’t be with Marcino, he secretly observes Marcino and satisfies his own ideas.

The red-haired Shanks peeked at him from time to time, thinking that he had not been discovered, but he was sensitively detected by Lynn.

Lynn saw that the red-haired Shanks was still peeking, picked up the bowl in his hand, and gently threw it out, just smashing it into the face of the red-haired Shanks.


The bowl was so broken, and the wine inside was spilled on the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks looked confused and did not react.

“Lynn, why did you hit me?”

Lynn smiled with a murderous look in her eyes.

“You ask me why I’m hitting you? Why do you say I hit you? What were you just looking at? What’s there to see? ”

The red-haired Shanks also knew that he had been discovered, which was quite embarrassing, and felt Lynn’s murderous spirit, and suddenly shivered.

“Hahaha… Lynn, in fact, I want to say that the people in our pirate group are really good, they are all handsome men and beautiful women. ”

“What did you just call me?”

Lynn’s eyes were strange.

The red-haired Shanks snorted again, but soon reacted, as if he had called the wrong person.

“Captain, I mean Captain.”

“Well, since you’ve instigated it, then I won’t bully you, and it’s time to leave after the banquet.”

Lynn didn’t teach the red-haired Shanks a lesson and continued drinking.

The red-haired Shanks also sighed, not daring to continue to look at Marcino, how to say that Marcino was also Lynn’s wife, and had nothing to do with him.

The banquet ended quickly.

After the crowd dispersed, Lynn stood in her room, looking at the sky in the distance, thinking in her heart.

Behind, both Kaido and Mitsuki Oda are standing here.

The two men had followed Lynn for decades and had earned Lynn’s trust, and the others were not qualified to stand behind him.

“Lynn, have you thought it through?” Next, do you want to do it to the golden lion, or to the white beard. ”

Kaido asked first.

Mitsuki Oda nodded beside him.

Now that the red-haired Shanks had been solved, the other pirates, big and small, were almost the same, and only the golden lion and the whitebeard were left.

Whitebeard was fine, he had been Lynn’s friend before, and it was easy to deal with, but the Golden Lion, that was Lynn’s enemy.

Lynn sat cross-legged.

“In fact, I don’t worry about these two people, it’s easy to get the two of them, the new world, one day is my territory.” 」

“But I’m thinking about how the world government reacts, and as the world government that has ruled the world for 800 years, it should not be simple.”

Lynn looked in the direction of the distance, as if she had seen the Five Old Stars.

He was curious to know the power of the world government.

Kaido and Mitsuki Mitsuki also looked serious.

“You’re right, the world government is very powerful, and they will definitely stop us.”

“Seriously, I’m really curious about this.”

“Well, this kind of thing will not be said for the time being, it is not too early, and you should go back.”

Lynn pushed the two and pushed them away.

Mitsuki Oda did not refuse, but as he was leaving, Mitsuki Mita suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at Lynn.

“Lynn, aren’t you trying to do something out of the ordinary?” Like with your wife. ”


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