Holy Land Mary Joa, in an office.

The face of the five old stars is particularly ugly.

They had thought that by giving Lynn a little bit of danger, Lynn would relent and wouldn’t do anything out of the ordinary.

Unexpectedly, Lynn did not pay any attention to it, and even so unscrupulously, conquered a new world’s top sea thief.

The red-haired Shanks was conquered, which meant that Lynn’s team was getting stronger and stronger, even across the new world.

So absolutely stop Lynn.

The five old stars were silent for a while.

Suddenly, the bald five old stars raised their heads, and their eyes were full of determination.

“Guys, you have to fight Lynn, and I decided to use that weapon and destroy Lynn completely.”

The other five old stars were obviously a little scared.

After all, that weapon, but the bottom card of their world government, will never be used unless it is a last resort.

Come to think of it, now is the last resort, and if she doesn’t defeat Lynn, Lynn will rule the New World.

Then there may be a big war.

“That’s the decision, use that weapon, and completely defeat Lynn.”

The five old stars quickly made a decision.

The bald five old stars were also very happy, and they could finally teach Lynn a lesson.

Who let Lynn dare to take away his concubine.

Although he didn’t care much about some women, he still cared a lot about his face and always felt that he was trampled on his dignity.

After the five old stars made a decision, they began to prepare, after all, that secret weapon could not be activated so easily.

Until then, it must not be discovered.

Unbeknownst to Lynn, the world government was already planning to do something to him, and at the moment, he was preparing to find the Golden Lion.

A large group of pirate ships set off in a mighty wave.

In order to make the golden lion deeply aware of Lynn’s strength, Lynn brought many people, all of whom were top sea thieves.

Kaido the Hundred Beasts, Aunt Charlotte Lingling, Red-haired Shanks, each of them is a top sea thief.

Even in the future, they will be the four emperors standing at the top of the world, and the king will come to the whole sea and have the supreme position.

Any one person is at the level of a golden lion.

Not to mention Lynn herself.

It can be said that the golden lion has no chance of winning.

On the sea, all four of them were sitting on the deck, drinking together, and had a good time.

“Lynn, do you know where the Golden Lion is?”

Red-haired Shanks suddenly asked.

Lynn slapped his backhand right in the face of the red-haired Shanks, hitting the red-haired Shanks with a look of confusion, and then touched his cheek.

He didn’t understand why the red-haired Shanks had hit him.

“Please call me Captain, did you hear that?”

The red-haired Shanks looked strange, a little incredulous, and even with a hint of grievance.

The good guy was also the captain, and Lynn was too fierce.

Because of such a small matter, I actually slapped him hard.

Although the strength is actually not very large.

Lynn noticed the expression on his face and raised his hand again, placing his right hand in the void, ready to slap again.

Red-haired Shanks took a quick step back.

“Wait, don’t do this, Captain, I was wrong.”

Lynn didn’t keep going.

Beckman sat next to him, smiling, and Jesus Bu laughed happily.

Red-haired Shanks felt even more humiliated.

“Beckman, I’m your former captain, do you need to laugh at me?” Don’t know how to help me. ”

Beckman was particularly calm.

“Redhead, I think the captain is right, as a crew, you should be respectful.”

“Yes, redhead, be respectful to our captain.”

Nearby pirates are booing.

The red-haired Shanks looked strange and sighed, but wasn’t actually too angry, and he also knew that Beckman was making fun of them.

He was already used to the crew of these pit daddies.

Lynn smiled too, and then went on drinking, eating meat, and not saying a word.

The world government, for its part, has also begun to investigate Lynn’s location, and as long as Lynn’s location is determined, Lynn will be completely taken.

The Five Old Stars had even predicted that, under their absolute strength, they would completely destroy Lynn and destroy Lynn’s rule.

Then there will be no more danger.

On the other hand, the Golden Lion already knew that Lynn was going to do something to them, but he didn’t pay any attention to it at all, and he was still very confident about his own strength.

It’s just that deep down, the Golden Lion is also a little worried, how to say that Lynn has also notified so many places, defeated so many people, the strength must still exist.

A few days later, Lynn’s team, just past a sea area, was discovered by the World Government.

The world government immediately decided to use their final weapon to completely defeat Lynn.

Several of the five old stars sat in the office, looking in the direction of the distance, and their hearts were particularly nervous.

Immediately they did something to Lynn, but somehow there was a sudden feeling of uneasiness in their hearts.

This feeling cannot be dissipated.

The five old stars were worried that if they failed, it would be bad.

But when they think of their secret weapon, there is no possibility of failure at all, and they are not so afraid.

After waiting for a while, the Five Old Stars suddenly spoke.

“The time is almost up, it’s time to do something to them, guys, you can destroy Lynn in no time, this world, after all, is still our world government.”

The bald five old stars spoke.

The other five old stars also nodded, they had already expected that Lynn would definitely be defeated.

In the new world, above the sea, Lynn was resting, when suddenly his eyes widened and he looked up at the sky.

At that moment, he suddenly had a feeling of uneasiness, and even a hint of danger, hidden deep inside.

“Not good, dangerous.”

Lynn immediately rushed out of the room.

On the other side, Kaido and a few of them also rushed out.

They also felt an invisible sense of oppression, but some could not say it.

I just felt pressed down by a big mountain.

“Lynn, do you feel it?”

Kaido asked hurriedly.

Lynn didn’t say much, this was the first time to become a black dragon form, a huge black dragon, just floating in mid-air.

Such a danger, only the black dragon form, has super defensive power and can resist this danger.

He already had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

Maybe the world government is going to do something to him.

Also, he’s been pretty much lately.

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