The next few days of negotiations were very tense.

Both sides are arguing.

This also made the Five Old Stars understand that Lynn could indeed defend against their attacks, and it should be a special means, just like theirs.

And even the problems are the same.

That is, the energy consumed is particularly large.

This also caused the five stars to not dare to act against Lynn, but in the same way, Lynn did not provoke the world government.

After several days like this, the negotiations were finally over.

Lynn acknowledged the position of the world government in the New World, such as a naval base, or a member of the World Government.

But equally, the world government will not meddle in Lynn’s affairs in the New World.

Both sides compromised with each other.

Lynn was still very happy to be able to make the world government compromise, and the new world would be his territory in the future.

Dominating the whole new world and dominating the new world should also achieve an achievement, even a high achievement.

I just don’t know what the specific reward is.

The people of the world government soon left.

Lynn watched the men leave, then yelled and laughed triumphantly.

“It’s great, from now on, the new world is my territory.”

Nearby, several other pirates were happy.

Red-haired Shanks and Big Mama also particularly admired, and Lynn was absolutely excellent to be able to do this.

Even the original Locks was far inferior to Lynn.

In the end, it is because Locks is too weak, even if it rules most of the new world, it is because the world government is not serious.

Lynn is different, his own strength is very strong, and he can’t kill Lynn, so naturally he can only compromise.

“Folks, have a banquet now, and when it’s over, we’ll go find the Golden Lion and reign supreme in the New World.”


Countless pirates cheered.

Kaido and Mitsuki Oda were also happy, but the two were slightly restrained, and the big mother also had a smile on her face.

Maybe with Lynn, you can really dominate the new world.

When she betrayed Locks, she simply did not think that Locks had any hope, and naturally could not stupidly follow Locks.

The banquet on the evening was particularly luxurious.

Lynn even feasted on the entire Pirate Regiment.

After all, this is a great joy for their pirate group.

A few days later, Lynn took his men and set off in a mighty way, aiming for the golden lion.

As for Whitebeard, it was Lynn’s former friend, and it was easy to deal with, and Lynn had no intention of doing anything to him.

Of course, if Whitebeard doesn’t compromise, there’s no way, and Lynn can only have a good time with Whitebeard.

Even if you are a friend, you need to fight.

The Golden Lion had been paying attention to the situation in the New World all this time, and when he saw Lynn set out, he knew that Lynn was going to do something to him.

He was also very nervous.

After all, Lynn now, but the most powerful pirate group in the new world, even if it was him, there was no chance of victory.

If nothing else, even Kaido, he needs to give it his all, not to mention Big Mama and Redhead Shanks.

These two are also perverted figures.

Even Hawkeye Mihawk had challenged him, and he was sure of victory, but he couldn’t crush it.

Not to mention facing so many people now.

The golden lion had already thought of the scene where he was under siege.

It’s horrible.

A chill rushed into his heart, and the golden lion snorted even more, and then raised the double knife in his hand.

Do you want to fight or not?

The pirates below all noticed the golden lion, but none of them dared to speak.

They would now love to get the Golden Lion to surrender, but this is not possible because they are not qualified to command the Golden Lion at all.

Not to mention the special brutality of the golden lion.


Just as the golden lion was thinking, a burst of dragon groans suddenly came from the sky.

When the golden lion heard the dragon’s groan, his face changed instantly, and this voice was particularly familiar, either Lynn or Kaido.

But whoever it was, it was his enemy.

They are all members of the Black Dragon Pirate Order.

The golden lion immediately rushed out.

The other pirates followed the golden lion.

“Everybody hurry up and get ready.”

The golden lion had just rushed out when he saw a green dragon flying in the sky.

He recognized the man’s identity at a glance.

Lynn’s co-captain was also Lynn’s most trusted man.

Known as the Hundred Beasts Kaido.

After Kaido flew over, he glanced at the people present, and then looked at the golden lion not far away.

“Boy, surrender!”

The golden lion’s face instantly became extremely ugly.

“You dare to call me a boy, do you know who I am?” I’m your senior. ”

To Kaido’s title, the Golden Lion exploded.

When he was in the Rox Pirates, his status was much higher than Kaido’s, and he was also Kaido’s predecessor.

Now Kaido was so arrogant.

Kaido didn’t care, even with a sinister smile on his face.

“Golden Lion, you are no longer the same person you used to be, do you really think I’m afraid of you?”

“Also, don’t forget, now that my pirate regiment is stronger than you, in a little while, Lynn will come, and what will I do when the time comes to see you?”

Kaido was very proud.

No matter how arrogant the golden lion is, so what?

Now their pirate group is much stronger than the golden lion, and the golden lion has only two choices, either surrender or admit it.

The golden lion’s face also became gloomy.

As if that were the case, he was left with only two choices, and there was no other choice.

But, just admit it.

There is still something unacceptable.

“Kaido, you are too arrogant, it seems that today, I need to teach you a lesson and let you know what it means to respect your predecessors.”

The golden lion slowly lifted Sakura and the dead wood.

He decided, before Lynn arrived, to teach Kaido a hard lesson.

Of course, there is another very important reason, even if he wants to run now, he can’t run, after all, Kaido can fly.

He can only defeat Kaido in a short period of time and then quickly leave here.

The new world has no place for him to mix, then go to other places, he still does not believe, the world is so big, there is no place for him to stay.

The two sides fought like this, and the battle was fierce.

Everywhere, sword qi swept through, leaving a huge gully and spreading.

Lions sprang up again, let out a roar, and pounced on Kaido.

Kaido also spat out a flame, which instantly ignited the island and caused a raging fire.

(Search for Pokkis, pull down, and you’ll find my new book.) )

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