The battle between Kaido and the Golden Lion has already entered a white-hot stage.

The golden lion’s head hurts.

The previous Kaido was not strong at all, that is, an intern, and even a little brother.

He never took Kaido to heart.

Even if Kaido made a big reputation, he still didn’t pay attention to it, thinking that it was just that.

But when the fight really started, the golden lion found that Kaido’s strength was really strong, and even if he broke out with all his strength, he couldn’t suppress Kaido.

If you continue to fight like this, it is estimated that it will take a long time, and the battle is not over, maybe Lynn has already come.

When the time comes for one person to challenge both teams.

The golden lion just thought about it, and his body was shivering.


Just as the two sides were engaged in fierce clashes again, a dragon groan came from afar.

Hearing this dragon groan, the golden lion’s face instantly turned miserable.

It was Kaido before, and now don’t think about it, it’s definitely Lynn.

The Golden Lion was particularly worried at the thought of Lynn also coming, and he didn’t think he could beat the two of them.

The golden lion just tangled for a moment, then jumped into the air, ready to flee for a while.

Unfortunately, it was still a step slower, and Lynn had already appeared in an instant, and appeared directly above the golden lion.

“Scrap, after so many years of not seeing, why did you run when you saw me?” Do I look so scary? ”

The golden lion stopped, his face a little ugly.

“Lynn, I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

He also did not expect that Lynn, who was once relatively weak, had now become so strong.

Even so powerful that he could only look up.

This powerful one is a bit perverted.

Lynn slowly reached out, squeezed it gently, and stroked it again in front of the golden lion.

The golden lion shivered.

The first time I faced Lynn, it was really scary.

He was now particularly troubled by whether he could beat Lynn.

In the end, whether it should surrender or not.

Just as the golden lion was thinking, Lynn’s huge dragon claws had already slapped at the golden lion.

The golden lion couldn’t care less about it, quickly flashed to the side, and quickly retreated backwards.

But alas, his speed was simply not as fast as Lynn, and he couldn’t even shake Lynn away.

Lynn’s dragon claws had already slapped on the golden lion’s body, sending the golden lion flying.

The golden lion spun in mid-air, and then fell heavily to the ground, its face completely green.

He also didn’t expect Lynn to be so powerful, this is the strength of the pervert.

Much more powerful than before.

This slap hit the body, and the qi and blood were all messed up.

Lynn looked at the golden lion that had fallen to the ground, and immediately reached out her hand and pressed a finger on the golden lion.

That’s right, Lynn only used one finger.

The golden lion could not resist, so he was pressed by Lynn, and no matter how he struggled, he could not get rid of Lynn.

The golden lion felt humiliated, and immediately used the fluttering fruit, and a large number of stones sprang up around it, forming a lion in an instant.

The lions pounced on Lynn.

Lynn just stood where she was, letting the stone lions hit her, still nothing.

Even the scales were not harmed in any way.

No matter how much the Golden Lion resisted, he couldn’t resist Lynn.

Lynn’s claws gently clamped the golden lion up, then placed it in front of his eyes and blew another breath of hot air.

“Stoney, are you sure you haven’t surrendered yet?” If you don’t surrender, then don’t blame me for not being polite, I will hurt the killer. ”

The golden lion has a particularly complicated heart, and at the same time is hesitating whether he should surrender or not.

Lynn saw that the golden lion hesitated, so she threw the golden lion into the air, and then slapped it down, and the other slap came.

It’s like slapping a ball.

The golden lion’s face was green, a little helpless, and he didn’t even know what to say.

This is clearly playing him like a ball.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t resist Lynn.

After another fight, Lynn threw the golden lion on the ground, put one foot on the golden lion, and stepped on the golden lion tightly.

Lynn opened her mouth again, a flame coming from her mouth.

The golden lion’s face was green, and he hadn’t forgotten that some of them were just being grabbed by Lynn and then burned alive.

He would never have confessed anyway.

No, he could never have found death.

Just as Lynn was about to spit out flames, the golden lion suddenly shouted.

“Wait, I surrendered.”

The golden lion confessed, although he was not afraid of death, but he could not die.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to turn to Locks.

Now that Lynn was more perverted and powerful than the original Locks, she was almost about to kill him, and she was naturally afraid.

Lynn saw that the golden lion had confessed and did not continue to act on the golden lion.

Kaido also flew over at this time.

“It seems that the battle is over, but this is also very good, and in this new world, we will be the overlord.”

The other pirates were also very happy.

Finally, the Golden Lion was completely conquered, and in the end only Whitebeard was left, and Whitebeard was the best person to deal with.

The golden lion sighed and sat helplessly on the ground, not knowing what to say.

After dominating the new world for so many years, he was finally defeated by Lynn.

I’m going to be Lynn’s little brother in the future.

Lynn also saw the displeasure in the golden lion’s heart, walked over to the golden lion, and gently patted the golden lion’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, don’t feel inferior, being defeated by me, this is not too shameful, after all, I am so strong.” 」

“And you look at Kaido and a few of them, which one of them wasn’t defeated by me.”

Kaido’s face was black, and the big mother’s expression was also strange.

The two of them were indeed defeated by Lynn, but they also felt ashamed to say it.

Don’t know to give them a face?

The golden lion also felt that he had been hit.

While he’s definitely not Lynn’s opponent, he shouldn’t say so, and he needs face.

It’s a little more euphemistic.

“By the way, Schipkey, get ready, and I’ll take you to see our companions, and you’ll be the deputy captain of our pirate regiment from now on.”

The golden lion nodded in frustration.

No way, since he had beaten Lynn, he could only admit it.


Never be the boss again.

(New book search Pokkis, last one, the title of the book can not be found.) )

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