A group of people sat on the deck together.

There are a lot of people standing on the homework.

They were all Lynn and the Golden Lion’s men.

After Lynn completely defeated the Golden Lion, she naturally accepted the Golden Lion’s territory.

The Golden Lion is sorry, but he has been defeated by Lynn, and he will be Lynn’s subordinate in the future.

Even if you want to resist, you can’t resist, you can only accept all this silently.

Lynn was drinking while talking to the crowd.

Suddenly, Lynn noticed that the golden lion was particularly depressed, thought about it a little, and quickly made a decision.

You have to make the golden lion happy.

Lynn walked over to the golden lion and looked at the rudder on the golden lion’s head, one hand on it.

The golden lion also looked at Lynn.

“Lynn, do you have anything to do with me?”

“What should you call me?”

Lynn held out her right hand and pulled out the demon sword Muramasa, which was placed next to the golden lion.

Mitsuki Mita shivered.

It is also worthy of Lynn, who knows the threat, and there is only one trick.

The golden lion shivered.

“Captain, yes, you’ll be the captain from now on.”

Lynn nodded, then grabbed the rudder on the golden lion’s head with one hand and pressed the golden lion’s shoulder tightly with the other.

The golden lion seemed to have guessed something, and his face changed slightly worried.

“Lynn, what do you want to do?” I tell you, don’t mess around, it’s terrible. ”

Without saying a word, Lynn clutched the golden lion’s head tightly, pulling it hard and pulling the rudder away.

A large amount of blood rushed out.

The golden lion’s face was green, and he wanted to take it off, but it was so nailed to his head, but he couldn’t take it out casually.

Now it was actually pulled out by Lynn.

Just when the Golden Lion was panicking, Lynn held out a hand and the horse charm was launched.

The scars on the golden lion’s body recovered instantly, and there was no injury on the head at all.

It was as if it had never been injured.

“Okay, the scars on your body are healed.”

The golden lion was indeed stunned, and then touched his head.

The familiar rudder was gone, and there were no wounds at all, as if there were no injuries.

The main thing is that he now feels that his brain is particularly clear, as if he is suddenly many years younger.

How is this possible?

Suddenly, the golden lion remembered that he had fought with Kaido, when Kaido was all injured, but he also recovered in a short time.

He understood now that Lynn must have had a special ability to recover his wounds and help him recover.

The golden lion was suddenly a little excited, and in recent years, his domineering spirit has become worse and worse, because his health is not very good.

Now that his body can recover, it means that he can become more powerful, maybe he can return to the peak.

In this way, it is also quite good to be with Lynn, at least Lynn’s personality is much better than Locks.

The main thing is that Lynn has too many men, excluding Lynn, the strength is comparable to the peak of Locks.

Lynn noticed the Golden Lion’s expression, and he saw that the Golden Lion had completely surrendered to him.

Next up is Whitebeard.

“Well, folks, accompany me to Newgate, and take him in, and this new world will be ours from now on.”

Lynn looked up at the sky.

Others also had sinister smiles on their faces.

Especially the Golden Lion, he has been taken down by Lynn, so Whitebeard can’t stay.

At the very least, Whitebeard must be taken down.

That way, you won’t lose face in saying it later.

A group of people set off in such a big way.

Above the surface of the sea, the Moby Dick was sailing rapidly.

Suddenly, pirate ships approached from all directions, completely encircling Whitebeard’s fleet.

So many pirates, naturally attracted the attention of many people.

“Daddy, it’s not good, we’re surrounded, surrounded by Lynn.”

A pirate said hurriedly.

The white-bearded man turned black.

Not because of being surrounded by Lynn, but because of what the pirate said.

What is called outside is all Lynn.

No matter how powerful Lynn was, there was only one person, and there could not be so many Lynns.

Whitebeard was not too angry, so he walked to the bow of the ship and looked in the direction of the distance.

“Lynn finally came, and I heard that not long ago, he conquered the little red-haired ghost, and presumably now wants to take us down.”

The pirates nearby were angry.

“Daddy, Lynn is too much, we are also companions, he actually plans to do something to us.”

“Yeah, you can’t let Lynn go.”

Everyone present was angry.

How to say that he was once a companion, Whitebeard and Lynn are good friends, and Lynn actually planned to betray his companions in this way.

Whitebeard was not angry, just silently looking into the distance.

He had already guessed that Lynn had defeated so many people and would definitely send someone to do something to him, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just Lynn.”

Whitebeard comforted his crew.

“Yes, there is no need to be afraid, but Lynn, Daddy can hit three people alone.”

The pirates nearby were all shouting.

The white-bearded man’s face changed slightly, and he didn’t know what to say.

Although he was quite strong, he couldn’t beat Lynn, let alone fight three at a time.

These pirates are so confident that Whitebeard doesn’t know what to say.

Suddenly, a dark shadow in the distance approached quickly.

The speed of the black shadow was particularly fast, but it was just a flash of light, passing by Whitebeard’s side.

Whitebeard’s heart was also particularly shocked.

Although he knew that Lynn was very strong, he did not expect Lynn to be so strong, so fast that he did not react.

If there is a fight, he is certainly not Lynn’s opponent.

Whitebeard was still somewhat thankful, fortunately he and Lynn were good friends, and even if Lynn had ambitions to dominate the world, she would not do anything to him.

Big deal and Lynn form a team.

Anyway, I used to be a pirate group.

Lynn landed smoothly next to Whitebeard, then turned around and looked at the pirates present, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

The last of the Whitebeards remained, and he could immediately rule the whole New World and become the uncrowned king of the New World.

It can even be called One Piece in the true sense.

(Search for Pokékés and find my new book.) )

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