A few days later, the news of Lynn’s domination of the New World spread throughout the world in an instant.

Almost everyone knows that Lynn defeated Whitebeard, defeated the Golden Lion, and became the sole king of the entire New World.

Lynn also issued an order that all pirates must submit to Lynn, and the pirates’ turf must also surrender to Lynn.

The vast majority of pirates had to surrender.

They knew their strength very well, and even Whitebeard couldn’t beat them, let alone fight against Lynn.

They weren’t sure they could rebel against Lynn.

So I could only surrender to Lynn, and there were still some people left, although they were very unhappy in their hearts, but they also knew that they could not help Lynn.

But they didn’t want to surrender to Lynn, so they left the New World alone.

They are going to develop on great waterways.

Lynn wouldn’t refuse either.

These men went to the Great Passage and would go to the Navy for trouble, and Lynn especially approved of their actions.

He even sent people to bid farewell to the pirates.

Of course, there are also some pirates who want to rebel against Lynn, but unfortunately, the strength of these people does not require the deputy captain of Whitebeard to do anything.

A single cadre solved these pirates.

Just a month later, Lynn finally ruled the whole New World, and almost everyone surrendered to Lynn.

Lynn truly became the King of the New World.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, successful domination of the whole new world, get the achievement package.”

On this day, Lynn was communicating with her husband about something important when she heard the system.

Scared Lynn almost out of luck.

Fortunately, Lynn was not so easily frightened, and quickly stabilized her mind, and then hurried to finish her own business.

He was still curious about this big package.

After all, to be able to get a big package, this is the most important thing,

Lynn immediately sorted out her clothes and went outside, then focused on the system.

“System, hurry up and open the big package for me.”

He couldn’t wait to know what the gift was.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, successfully opened the gift package, and obtained a monkey charm.”

Lynn had a happy smile on her face.

I didn’t expect it to be another spell, 12 spells, each of which was pretty good.

This monkey charm is also quite good.

If she could, what Lynn wanted most was the Dog Charm, which would keep people young and immune to deadly attacks.

With this dog charm, he can fight against the secret weapon of the world government.

It doesn’t matter how powerful your secret weapon is.

You can’t kill me anyway.

Unfortunately he didn’t get the dog charm.

But this monkey spell is also quite good.

You can turn the target into an animal that the holder wants to become, and at the same time change it back to the way it is, but you can’t make up non-biological things like money or cars.

With this thing, similar to 72 changes.

Then Lynn could turn into something else.

For example, Kaido’s green dragon form, or the toothless pterosaur form of fire embers.

Or the previous Roc bird form.

It can be used to pit those who are animal with demonic fruit abilities.

In Lynn’s hand, a spell suddenly appeared.

The spell has a monkey motif on it.

The spell flashed a flash of light and then entered Lynn’s body.

Lynn looked at the sky in the distance, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, quietly left, and then in an instant, he turned into a toothless pterosaur.

This is the form of fire embers.

With the Monkey Charm, he can transform.

Lynn transformed into a toothless pterosaur form, then flew into the sky and flew in mid-air.

A lot of people see it.

However, when he saw the toothless pterosaur form, he didn’t say anything, how to say that the fire ember was also a high-level cadre.

If a senior cadre wants to fly, he still has this qualification, and if you are an outsider who wants to fly in Lynn’s territory, you will definitely be defeated by Lynn.

Lynn flew for a moment and didn’t stop.

Inside a restaurant.

The three plagues all sat together and drank.

Jack sat at the bottom, and was facing the window, just in time to see Lynn flying in the sky.

Just seeing the toothless pterosaur flying, Jack opened his mouth in surprise, and then glanced at the fire embers next to him.

He felt that he might have read it wrong, but it didn’t seem to be wrong at all.

Fire Ember also noticed the look in Jack’s eyes, and his expression suddenly became serious.

“Jack, what are you doing?” How can you be so surprised? Be sure to be calm. ”

“Yes, you have to calm down.”

Quinn also gave Jack a look.

Jack looked up and pointed up.

“Two big brothers, you see.”

Fire Ember and Quinn looked at the sky at the same time.

Just seeing the toothless pterosaur flying, both of them were quite calm, and did not pay attention to it at all.

“It turned out to be a toothless pterosaur, it should be embers flying in the sky, this guy knows the pendulum, there is nothing to pay attention to.”

Quinn was particularly calm, and then continued to drink, completely ignoring Lynn flying in the sky.

But the next second, Quinn was suddenly stunned.

The embers of the fire were also stunned.

Two people look at each other at the same time, with disbelief in their eyes.

In the next second, Fire Ember and Quinn quickly turned their heads and opened their mouths in surprise, a look of disbelief.

“How is that possible? Embers, aren’t you waiting here? Why fly in the sky? ”

Quinn shouted excitedly.

Fire Ember also felt incredible, there was actually a person with the same ability as his Demon Fruit, flying in the sky.

This is not a bad person, he himself does not believe it.

But who is this person?

Fire Embers’ hearts were filled with doubts.

Just as the ember was thinking, he suddenly noticed Quinn and was looking at him with strange eyes.

The same goes for Jack next to him.

The embers of the fire were a little frightened by both of them.

“Why are you two looking at me like this?” I tell you, don’t mess around, or don’t blame me for not being polite. ”

Quinn stood up suddenly.

“The embers, those flying in the sky, should be the real fire embers, and as for you, they should be fake, right?”

Jack also stood next to Quinn.

Because the power of the Demon Fruit is unique, since the toothless pterosaur form is flying in the sky, it means that the embers of the fire in front of you are fake.

On the contrary, there are still many people in this world who can change their forms.

Maybe the embers of the fire in front of you are fake.

The face of the embers of the fire instantly darkened.

Dare to doubt him.

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