“Hurry up, take down this traitor.”

Quinn took the lead and punched the embers of the fire.

Jack next to him also picked up a large knife and slashed at the embers of the fire.

Since the embers are spies, take them down first.

The fire ember also wants to cry without tears, he is the real fire ember, the cadre of the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment.

I don’t know where the toothless pterosaur in the sky flew from, but dared to impersonate him, causing him to be suspected by others.


The three of them soon fought.

Although the strength of the fire ember is quite strong, and the demon fruit has awakened.

However, facing two top masters at once, they were still suppressed and basically powerless to resist.

Lynn was flying in the sky, and saw the three people fighting, still very curious, and slowly flew over.

“How did the three of you get into a fight?”

Quinn glanced at Lynn.

“Embers, hurry up and pull this man down, this man is actually pretending to be you, you must catch him and hand him over to the captain to deal with.”

Lynn was blindfolded for a moment.

However, seeing the angry fire embers next to him, he thought about his current appearance and instantly understood.

It must have been the embers of the fire that had been misunderstood.

Alas, it’s pretty pathetic.

Lynn immediately rushed out, a hand on Quinn’s wrist.

Quinn didn’t react before he was kicked out by Lynn, staggering, almost falling to the ground.

“Embers, what are you going to do?” Do you believe I told the captain? ”

Lynn immediately changed back into her form.

“It’s me, don’t get me wrong, it’s not him.”

Quinn was completely blindfolded.

The embers of the fire also looked incredible.

The two did not expect that it was actually Lynn.

“Captain, how did you do it?”

The embers of the fire immediately came and wanted to cry without tears.

It turned out to be pit by Lynn.

Lynn was the captain, and there was nothing he could do but accept silently.

“Nothing, you can go back.”

Lynn sent them away with the embers of the fire.

He was now somewhat anxious to see the others.

Of course, it was his own wife.

He now spent every day except rest, just with his wife, doing something very happy.

When she got home, Lynn saw a few people in the sky and moon, immediately walked over, and then looked at the crowd nearby.

He didn’t even know what to say.

Because there were so many ladies that they didn’t know who to take care of.

She felt the need to find a way to flip the card, just like the ancient emperors.

Seeing Lynn thinking, Tianyue immediately came to Lynn’s side and gently took Lynn’s arm, looking particularly gentle.

“Lynn, what’s wrong with you?” Did something happen? ”

Everyone else gathered around, particularly worried about Lynn and thinking that something had happened to Lynn.

Only Lynn, very calmly raised her head.

“I’m actually thinking, with so many beautiful ladies of yours, I have limited time every night and I don’t know who to take care of.”

The faces of everyone present were all black, and their faces were red with a touch of redness, shy and lovely.

In the end, it is still a group of young girls.

Oh, no.

It should be the heart of a young girl.

All the women were speechless, and then looked up at Lynn with murderous look in their eyes.

This look seemed to eat Lynn.

Lynn was particularly calm, not paying attention to these people at all, but continued to speak.

“Actually, I think you’re all pretty pretty, but I really don’t have enough energy, or I’ll still flop in the future.”


The people present were curious.

They had never heard the term flop before.

Lynn looked at the curious ladies with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, one hand wrapped around a man, and then pulled into her own arms.

“It’s actually very simple, I use a sign with your name on it, and at night I flip the sign, and whoever turns to whose name I am with is with whomever I want.”

This kind of imperial life, Lynn has long wanted to enjoy it.

The faces of the people present changed instantly.

Everyone, including Tianyueshi, looked at Lynn with special eyes.

Lynn still didn’t care.

“Don’t talk so much nonsense, say fast, do you agree?” Or I’ll make this sign tonight and I’ll flip the card later. ”


Tianyue suddenly moved, and the sword in his hand slashed at Lynn, but without force.

“Lynn, you’re thinking pretty good, it’s absolutely impossible, just give it up for me.”

Lynn was so fast that it spread out in an instant.

“Really, I didn’t expect to be discovered by you, then there was no way, I could only give up.”

In the face of these indignant ladies, Lynn gave up decisively.

It’s not fair at all to make brands or something.

Wouldn’t it be bad if some people are unlucky and haven’t been flipped for a month?

Maybe the harem will be unstable at that time.

It’s better for Lynn to work a little harder, trying to take care of a few more people a day, so that there will be no problem.

Tianyue looked at Lynn who was leaving, and did not continue to catch up, she was purely spoiled, not really angry.

After leaving the room, Lynn walked outside, looking at the sun in the sky, thinking about what to do next.

It is a little boring to have conquered the whole new world and not be able to develop into the great waterways.

You can’t always drink and have fun at home every day.

But I haven’t said yet, such a life is quite good.

Lynn happily left.

He was going to go play nearby, pass the time, and stop by other places.

The Naval Headquarters, or Mary Joyce, the Holy Land.

Just find a place to hang out.

On this day, Lynn finished eating, quickly changed into the form of a black dragon, and then rushed into the sky, disappearing in an instant.

Kaido and Whitebeard were both drinking together, looking at Lynn who flew into the sky, and subconsciously glanced at it.

“You say, where does Lynn want to go now?”

Whitebeard asked.

“Don’t worry, I guess I’m planning to go out and have fun, where to go, I’m not very clear, but the Navy is very likely.”

Kaido knows Lynn well.

I also knew that Lynn went to a few places every day, either to the Navy to find the ladies of Vice Admiral Tsuru, or to the base camp of the World Government.

Others didn’t think much of it either, and continued to drink.

As for Lynn’s business, it had nothing to do with them, and they couldn’t take care of Lynn anyway.

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