Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku sat in the marshal’s office, covering his forehead, very annoyed.

Next to the author many admirals.

The admirals didn’t know what to say.

Especially recently, Lynn has completely occupied the entire New World, and their navy does not dare to touch its edge.

Coupled with the fact that the pirates of the New World have been driven away, their navy has left a few bases in the New World, which is of no value at all.

You can’t always do anything to Lynn.

The Sengoku were even wondering whether they should withdraw all the bases of the New World.

Anyway, I can’t beat Lynn, and keeping these bases is a complete waste of resources.

It would be better to bring all these navies back and suppress the pirates of the great shipping lanes.

But these are just the thoughts of the Warring States.

Just when the Sengoku had a headache, a huge black dragon appeared directly above the naval headquarters.

This black dragon is, of course, Lynn.

After Lynn appeared, she looked at the navy below, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“Ah He, your husband has come to see you.”

A loud voice spread throughout the Navy headquarters.

In the marshal’s office, Lieutenant General Tsuru was resting, when he suddenly heard this shout, and his face instantly turned black.

The voice was so familiar, it was definitely Lynn.

Lynn was here again.

And in the face of so many navies.

Lieutenant General Crane walked out of the office breathlessly, looking at Lynn in the sky, eager to knock Lynn down.

The face of the Warring States is also quite ugly.

This was their naval headquarters, and Lynn appeared so brightly and honestly that he didn’t pay any attention to their navy at all.

Although now their navy is indeed inferior to Lynn.

Many navies also saw Lynn, and their eyes were full of trepidation.

“That’s Lynn, the most powerful pirate in the New World right now, who rules the whole New World.”

Although Lynn did not do anything to the Navy, many of the Navy were still afraid.

After all, this was Lynn, the most powerful pirate in the New World, and even if Lynn didn’t do anything to them, they were a little scared in their hearts.

Not to mention Lynn’s size.

Lynn slowly fell, looked at the retreating navy, and couldn’t help but laugh.

It’s just that the black dragon form is too vicious.

Even though Lynn was laughing, the men were frightened.

“Well, don’t be afraid, I and your navy are also relatives.”

“By the way, Lieutenant General Tsuru, you know, it’s your Vice Admiral Tsuru, and he’s my wife.”

Some of the Navy knows it, and this kind of thing is also circulating in the Navy.

But the vast majority of navies don’t know.

These navies were very excited, it seemed like a big secret, they heard something they shouldn’t have heard.

On the other side, some people’s faces changed.

For example, the senior admirals of the Navy.

They knew about it too, but no one ever dared to say it, but Lynn actually said it.

On the other side, Lieutenant General Crane finally couldn’t restrain his anger, jumped straight out, and in an instant, came to Lynn’s side.

Lieutenant General Crane jumped into the air and kicked Lynn in the head, eager to kick Lynn away.


With a loud bang, the air exploded.

Lynn just stood where she was, motionless, completely unharmed.

Lieutenant General Crane was not too surprised.

After all, Lynn’s strength is so perverted, if she kicks and flies, it would be a bit incredible.

“So pretty, worthy of being a lieutenant general of the crane.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard I’ve been around for a long time, and I didn’t expect my skin to be so well maintained.”

Many navies have admiration in their eyes.

There are too few female navies, let alone as beautiful as Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Unfortunately, they can only take a look.

In the crowd, some of the older navies were also quite envious.

They have all become old, partial Lieutenant General He, not only has not become old, but also so young that people look foolish.

Lieutenant General Tsuru also heard the praise of the people nearby, and his heart was still very happy.

It’s all thanks to Lynn.

If Lynn hadn’t given her pure gold, she wouldn’t have been so young.

While Lieutenant General Crane was thinking, Lynn had already changed into human form and placed it on Lieutenant General Crane’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong? Do you particularly like me? He even secretly had a crush on me. ”

Lynn blew a soft breath of hot air.

Before Lieutenant General Crane could react, he saw Lynn approaching him, his face changed instantly, and he gently pushed Lynn.

“Hurry up and flash me aside, don’t come near me, or don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn didn’t take Lieutenant General Tsuru’s words to heart at all.

Instead, he approached Lieutenant General Crane closely, pulled Lieutenant General Crane into his arms, and walked towards Sengoku.

“I have a very important matter to report to the Warring States, and now I will take me to see the Warring States.”

Lieutenant General Crane wants to get rid of Lynn, but he has no ability and can only lean in with Lynn.

Not to mention, Lynn is really good and gives people a warm feeling.

The two men walked to the office of the Sengoku Marshal.

Along the way, there were many people looking at the two, and Lieutenant General Tsuru looked a little embarrassed, lowered his head, and said softly.

“Lynn, can you please not do this?” There are a lot of people here, and I’m a little embarrassed that you’re holding me like this. ”

Lynn saw Lieutenant General Crane’s shy expression, thought about it carefully, and finally let go of Lieutenant General Crane.

How to say that it was also the first request of Lieutenant General Tsuru, and he was embarrassed to refuse.

Lieutenant General Crane was relieved, afraid that Lynn would continue to hug, and he would be embarrassed to say anything.

In the distance, Sengoku looked at Lynn as he drew closer, not knowing what to say.

All he knew was that Lynn had come over, there must be some conspiracy and trickery, and he didn’t know what Lynn had in mind.

Kapu also stood next to Sengoku.

“Lynn, he’s coming, you have to be careful, this guy is really strong, we are not necessarily opponents.”

The other admirals had serious expressions.

They were well aware of Lynn’s strength, especially perverted, and if they were not careful, they would definitely be defeated by Lynn.

Just hope Lynn doesn’t do something out of the ordinary.

Lynn soon arrived at the Sengoku Marshal’s office.

Sengoku immediately sat in his place, and the others stood on either side of Sengoku, like Sengoku’s bodyguards.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes shrouded Lynn.

Lynn didn’t care, calmly walked in, and found a place to sit.

As a big man in the new world, he is not afraid.

(Search for Pokkis, this is my latest novel.) )

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