For the next few days, Lynn lived happily ever after the Navy Headquarters.

But time was short-lived after all, and Lynn felt that it was almost over, so she had no choice but to leave.

When he left, Lynn was still a little reluctant, but the Navy Headquarters was too good to eat and drink for free every day.

And there are many beautiful women in the Navy Headquarters.

Lynn spends every day with the two sisters of Tsuruka, and by the way, she meets other beautiful women, such as Ain.


Dressrosa, Lynn is back again.

When the pirates saw Lynn return, they immediately gathered around her, their eyes filled with adoration.

“Captain, you’re back.”

Lynn nodded, then walked in the direction of the castle.

The pirates nearby didn’t say anything.

No sooner had Lynn spoken than Lynn had reached the middle of the castle when a man stood at the gate.

When the man saw Lynn, his eyes lit up, and he ran quickly from afar, his eyes filled with adoration.

“Captain, you’re back.”

Lynn looked at the comers.

This is a tall, and particularly plump girl, and her face is also particularly delicate.

She was none other than the daughter of Kaido, the beast.


“Yamato, you’re here, how are you doing?”

Lynn said hello.

“Captain, I’ve had a pretty good time lately.”

Yamato’s eyes lit up even brighter, and his eyes were filled with adoration.

Lynn was definitely concerned about her.

She was very excited and looked forward to Lynn’s concern.

Since childhood, Yamato and Lynn have lived in a pirate group, and have often seen Lynn kill all sides.

It was from that time that Lynn became an idol of Yamato’s cult.

There was even a hint of admiration.

Lynn noticed Yamato’s eyes, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and sighed.

Sometimes people are too handsome, which is not a good thing.

One by one, they all fell madly in love with him.

Unfortunately, what to do now?

Yamato is Kaido’s daughter, and Kaido is his younger brother.

In the relationship between the two of them, Lynn was embarrassed to do something to Yamato.

“The captain and the vice captain are all having a banquet, do you want to go together?” Yamato suddenly opened his mouth to invite.

“It’s not impossible, it just so happens that I haven’t had anything to do lately, just to pass the time.”

Lynn thought about it and didn’t refuse.

The two men came to the banquet hall together.


Whitebeard and Kaido and the others are here.

And the Golden Lion and Big Mama.

Plus red-haired Shanks.

Almost all of the top pirates in the new world have been subdued by Lynn.

After Lynn came in, he saw these subordinates who belonged to him, and he was quite proud in his heart, and there was a great sense of accomplishment.

The men also noticed Lynn and set their sights on Lynn’s body at the same time.

“Lynn, here you are.”

Lynn nodded, then sat down in her seat.

Yamato didn’t think much of it, immediately followed behind, and then sat down next to Lynn and poured Lynn the wine himself.

This attitude, this gentle expression.

The beauty of Yamato is fully revealed.

Kaido was drinking, and when he saw his daughter who was so active, his face instantly turned black, and he was eager to slap Yamato to death.

The good villain was also his daughter, the cadre of this pirate group, who actually took the initiative to pour wine for Lynn.

Even if Lynn was the captain, he shouldn’t have that status.

Others naturally noticed Yamato as well.

In particular, Yamato’s eyes, with a strong sense of admiration, clearly already liked Lynn.

Several people looked at each other, and then at the same time teased Kaido, with a hint of strangeness in their eyes.

Kaido of course noticed the expressions of the men and looked at Lynn with a look of resentment on his face.

That look was desperate to eat Lynn.

He had always regarded Lynn as a brother and as his own big brother, and he had great respect.

Lynn is good, usually greedy for money and lust, and now he actually comes to soak his daughter, which is also too disrespectful to him.

Should I kill Lynn?

Kaido looked at the wine gourd in his hand and thought a little about whether he could throw it at Lynn.

Lynn also sensed that someone was looking at him, and immediately turned his head to look at Kaido, who had a strange look.

I looked into the eyes of the others again.

In this instant, Lynn instantly understood that he was too good, causing Yamato to like him and arousing the opinions of so many people.

But is Lynn a scared person?

Lynn still drank calmly, and even leaned next to Yamato, and the two behaved quite kindly.


Kaido gritted his teeth.

The sound of clenching his teeth caught the attention of many people, and Lynn naturally heard it.

However, Lynn did not say it, but deliberately showed a puzzled expression.

“What sound?” How does it sound so big? ”

Yamato also looked around curiously.

Unfortunately, the sound of the banquet was so loud that even Yamato could not hear it clearly, and even more could not distinguish the direction of the sound.

“It could be that we heard it wrong, or it could be the sound of a rat, so there’s no need to take it to heart.”

Kaido’s heart was broken.

It was too sad not to see that in Yamato’s eyes, he was just a mouse.

Lynn also sneaked a laugh.

“It is indeed possible that it is a rat, and it may be a rat, a very large white rat.”

Kaido raised his fist and weighed it slightly, wondering if he could defeat Lynn.

But eventually it was abandoned.

It would soon be over, Yamato put his arm around Lynn’s shoulders again, and the two of them left together.

The golden lion stood up at this time and looked at Kaido, who was a little angry next to him, and the smile on his face was quite bright.

“Kaido, I didn’t expect Lynn to be so charismatic that even your daughter is deeply in love with Lynn.”

Not to mention, not only the Golden Lion, but everyone else admired Lynn, with such a great charm, so many girls like Lynn.

Whitebeard also pinched his face.

“To say handsome, I’m pretty handsome, why do those people like Lynn?” Are you blind? ”

Kaido could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, raised the wolf’s tooth stick in his hand, and prepared to fight with a stick.

“You bastards, I’m going to kill you, you’re waiting for me.”

“Hahaha… Let’s go first. ”

Kaido still wanted to do it, but unfortunately the others ran quite fast and quickly threw Kaido away.

Only a sullen Kaido remained.

“Lynn, actually dare to chase my daughter, don’t blame me for not being polite, I want to…”

Eventually, Kaido doesn’t know what to do.

(Search for Porkies, New Book, Man in One Piece: The Laziest Navy)

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