In the morning, Kaido and the Golden Lion arrived.

As soon as the two men came in, they saw Lynn.

The golden lion was fine, but Kaido’s eyes were full of resentment.

He already knew from Yamato last night that Yamato really liked Lynn and even wanted to have monkeys with Lynn.

This made him somewhat unacceptable.

After all, Lynn is his big guy, and Yamato is his daughter, and these two people are really inappropriate together.

So Kaido was very resentful.

Lynn also noticed Kaido’s eyes and shivered slightly.

“Kaido, what’s wrong with you?” Why are you looking at me like this? Did I do anything out of the ordinary? ”

The golden lion was smiling sneakily at the side.

That is, Lynn, I don’t know.

Quietly, he took Yamato.

Kaido walked over to Lynn and sat down cross-legged.

“Lynn, it’s necessary to tell you that you should stay away from my daughter in the future.”

“My daughter is young, ignorant, has not seen the world, and you two are really inappropriate.”

The golden lion finally couldn’t help it, turned around, and whispered a smile.

Kaido also blackened his face.

If he could, he really wanted to solve the problem by force.

Unfortunately, force is nothing compared to Lynn.

Kaido could only be more sullen.

“What’s wrong with me and your daughter?” How can I not know? You couldn’t be mistaken. ”

Lynn deliberately showed a puzzled expression.

Of course he knew that Kaido was interested in him, but he would never admit it.

“No kidding, you think I don’t know?” You must have done something to my daughter and deceived my daughter into not understanding things. ”

Kaido gritted his teeth as if it was all Lynn’s fault.

Lynn was really depressed.

He didn’t do anything to Yamato, and he never thought about attacking Yamato, and Yamato had nothing to do with him.

If there is a relationship, it is not that he is too handsome.

This is indeed a great sin.

“Well, Kaido, don’t talk nonsense, I have a very important thing.”

Lynn immediately shifted the subject.

Kaido didn’t dwell on it either, he also wanted to know what was going on with Lynn and let the two of them come over early in the morning.

“Lynn, is there anything important about you coming to the two of us?”

The golden lion also holds his chest with both hands.

Being able to get the two of them over must be something very important.

“In fact, the new world is already my territory, but the great sea lane is still the place of the navy and the world government.”

Lynn smiled eerily.

Although he signed an armistice with the world government, there was no way, and he would be itchy if he did not cause trouble for a day.

So he was ready to get in trouble with the world government.

The Golden Lion and Kaido looked at each other and seemed to understand what Lynn meant.

“Lynn, you want to do something to the world government, didn’t you sign an armistice with him?”

“Yes, the world government is still very powerful, especially that secret weapon, ordinary people are really not opponents.”

Both men used to be quite dragged.

But since they knew that the world government had a secret weapon, both men were a little embarrassed.

After all, that weapon is really powerful, and once the world government is, it will be finished.

“You look at the two of you, you actually confessed, you are also the top sea thieves, how can you admit it?”

Lynn somewhat hated that iron was not made of steel.

As a top pirate group, the sea pirates will actually be frightened by the world government.

These two people are not his sons, and if his son dares to do so, he will absolutely slap them and slap them a few more times.

The Golden Lion and Kaido rolled their eyes en masse, rather with disdain.

Lynn noticed the two men’s contemptuous eyes, and some wanted to draw their knives and move.

But in the end, I restrained.

How to say that these people are also his little brother, there is no need to be so cruel.

“Hey, aren’t you two scared?”

Lynn decided to do a radical move.

Unfortunately, Kaido and the Golden Lion did not take it to heart, and even still despised Lynn.

“Lynn, don’t let us two fools, if you have the ability, why don’t you go yourself, you have to let us go.”

“Yes, if you take the lead, we will definitely go, and we will certainly not admit it.”

Two people you say a word to me.

Anyway, their meaning was obvious, it was absolutely impossible to admit it, and it was impossible to give Lynn a black cauldron.

“Believe me, there’s a reason I’m doing it.”

“After all, I am the captain of the ship, and if I take the initiative to do something to the world government, it will definitely cause a big war.”

“On the contrary, if it is the two of you, even if the world government is angry, I can blame all the blame on you two, and the world government will not be able to help us.”

Lynn said something that was very vocal.

Kaido and the Golden Lion’s faces instantly turned black.

As it is, let them carry the black pot, and when necessary, dump the two of them, which is really a good opinion.

Both men looked at Lynn with murderous looks at each other at the same time.

If he could, this look would definitely kill Lynn.

Lynn had a cold sweat on her forehead.

It was really embarrassing to be discovered by these people, but it didn’t matter, anyway, his face was thicker.

“Kaido, Squire, this little thing is left to you, and I’m sure you can do it.”

Lynn had a look of determination in her eyes.

Kaido and the Golden Lion nodded helplessly.

“There’s no way, since you said so, then the two of us can only do it ourselves.”

The golden lion was the first to nod in agreement.

Kaido didn’t think much of it.

He was now curious about what Lynn was doing and what she wanted to do.

“In fact, the mission this time is very simple, you go to the city, find a way to break through the defenses there, and let go of the sea thieves inside.”

Lynn said the plan this time.

Kaido and the Golden Lion looked strange.

They didn’t expect Lynn to be so cruel and wanted to let go of the pirates inside.

You know, there are a lot of sea thieves in the Advance City, and there are some particularly powerful pirates.

Letting these pirates go will definitely have a big impact, although it is nothing to their pirates.

But the Navy will definitely have a headache.

But it was all right, anyway, it was not against the world government, that is, some soldiers who were advancing the city, and the two of them were completely enough.

Even if something goes wrong, Lynn will carry it.

“No problem, we’ll leave it to the two.”

Kaido and the Golden Lion were excited, and they had long wanted to do so.

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