At night, many people went back to sleep.

Yamato quietly left his house and walked toward Lynn’s house.

At the evening banquet, Lynn sneaks up on Yamato and asks Yamato to come over in the evening.

These words were taken to heart by Yamato.

So Yamato approached in the middle of the night just to be with Lynn.

Lynn had been waiting in the living room for a long time.

When Yamato came in, he happened to see Lynn with a happy smile on his face.

“Captain Lynn, here I come.”

Lynn immediately stepped forward and gently took Yamato into her arms.

“Yamato, what do you think of me?”

To blame Kaido is too arrogant, he obviously did not feel anything about Yamato, and actually looked at him with that kind of look.

There was no way, he could only take Yamato.

Not to mention, Yamato is really pretty.

Yamato heard Lynn’s confession, shyly lowered his head, and gently put his arm around Lynn.

“Big Brother Lynn, I like you too.”

The two men just got close together.

Lynn didn’t say anything either, and at this time, there was no need to say anything, just take the other side down.

Soon, the two of them walked into the side room together.

Early the next morning, Yamato quietly left.

Kaido’s home.

In the morning, when Kaido got up, he saw Yamato, which was walking something wrong, and he always felt that Yamato was a little different from before.

It seems to be much more mature than before.

Kaido suddenly thought of something, last night, Yamato seemed to be away from home for a while, but he didn’t pay attention to it.

Now it seems that last night, Yamato may have been with some people.

Take Lynn, for example.

It was only Lynn, most likely with Yamato, and even something had happened.

Kaido immediately walked over to Yamato’s side.

“Yamato, were you with Lynn last night?” Did that bastard do something to you? ”

Yamato paused,

This kind of thing must not be said.

“No, absolutely nothing.”

Yamato shook his head.

But who is Kaido?

He knew Yamato very well, so he could see at a glance that Yamato was abnormal, and instantly understood that Yamato must be with Lynn.

It’s so disgusting.

Damn Lynn, everything was his fault.

Kaido didn’t hesitate anymore, turned around and left.

Yamato didn’t know that Kaido was in trouble with Lynn, but he was relieved in his heart, just afraid that Kaido knew everything.

Lynn had just gotten up, and before she could rest, Kaido had already entered, still holding a huge mace in his hand.

The fierce Kaido seems to be about to eat Lynn.

That look, many people look a little scared.

Only Lynn, still very calm, but in his heart also secretly said a bad word,

He always felt that Kaido was not good.

In the distance, the golden lions also came over.

Several people sat next to Lynn together, as if watching a good show.

These people are all deputy captains, top cadres.

The golden lion, in particular, with a smile on his face, this look seems to say, go ahead, let’s see the good play.

Kaido walked over to Lynn and placed the mace next to Lynn.

“Lynn, how many years have we known each other?”

Lynn paused, then thought seriously.

“We’ve known each other for more than 20 years, what’s wrong? Do you have anything to say? ”

“Yes, we’ve known each other for more than 20 years, and the first time I met you, I was conquered by your force.”

“In the years that followed, I fought side by side with you, experienced a life-and-death battle, and I was very worthy of you.”

“As a result, you bastard actually did something to my daughter, don’t you know that my daughter is very simple?” You scumbag, I’m going to beat you to death with a stick. ”

Kaido picked up the stick and slammed it into Lynn’s head.

Lynn just reached out with a hand and gently grabbed Kaido’s weapon, then squeezed it tightly.

Powerful forces burst out.

Kaido wanted to take back his weapon, but he didn’t have enough strength, and no matter how hard he struggled, it would be difficult to get rid of Lynn.

“What do you want to do?”

Lynn just looked at Kaido with such a straight face.

Kaido suddenly woke up.

Lynn has super-perverted powers and can beat them all in minutes.

He was actually going to do something about Lynn.

Isn’t that just looking for death?

After Kaido returned to God, he immediately released the mace and sat calmly in place, with no intention of doing anything.

I couldn’t beat Lynn anyway.

“Forget it, I won’t fight with you, and today’s events will let you go.”


The golden lion almost fell to the ground.

The others were also speechless and despised Kaido.

Just now I was still so dragged, as if I wanted to fight with Lynn, and now I actually admit it, do you have any courage?

Lynn also threw the mace aside, with a sly smile in her eyes.

Still want to be arrogant with him.

Originally, I thought that Kaido would be a little arrogant and even fight with him, but I didn’t expect that Kaido would admit it at once.

“Well, the thing between me and Yamato, do you think so many people should say it?”

“If this is said, these people will definitely be blind, and if there is something, we can talk about it ourselves.”

Lynn said in a serious tone.

Kaido thought about it for a moment, as if it really was, but she couldn’t let these people know, or her reputation would be ruined.

At that time, Yamato’s reputation was also ruined.

Nearby, the golden lion immediately swooped over.

“Lynn, can you say a little bit?” What is your relationship with Yamato? ”

The whitebeard also pricked up his ears, the aunt had a smile in her eyes, and the red-haired Shanks was also particularly interested.

As for the other senior cadres, they were also looking at Lynn, and their hearts were also particularly curious.

Lynn and Yamato have nothing to do with each other.

“How? Do you want to know? ”

It should be a very unusual relationship.

Lynn slowly pulled out the demon sword, and Chimoto Sakura placed it next to him.

“Schipkey, what do you want to know?” Just ask, I think I’ll tell you verbatim. ”

The golden lion blackened his face before he didn’t believe Lynn.

If Lynn put the knife down, he might still believe Lynn.

But the knives were already out, and the meaning was obvious, if the nonsense was made, it would definitely be hacked to death by Lynn.

The golden lion wouldn’t have been fooled by Lynn.

“Lynn, count you out, I don’t want to know, I’m going to dinner.”

Everyone else agreed.

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