In the end, no one mentioned the Yamato thing.

These people are still quite smart, and they have probably guessed what might happen, so they don’t ask too much.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly fell silent.

Nearby, Big Mom suddenly raised her head.

“Lynn, I actually have a beautiful daughter too, and I can introduce you to you if you need to.”

Big Mom thought it was good, if she could, let Lynn be with her daughter, so that her status in this pirate group would be higher in the future.

“Lynn, I also have a beautiful daughter, although it is a dry daughter, but if you want, I am willing to introduce it to you.”

Of course, Whitebeard understood Big Mama’s thoughts, but he didn’t care too much, he was purely interested.

By the way, let’s tease Lynn again.

The golden lion’s eyes also revealed a cold light.

“If you want to talk about my daughter, I also have one, and if you need it, I can actually introduce it to you.”

Lynn gave the golden lion a blank stare.

“Shiki, I won’t say anything about others, but do you really think I’m an idiot?” You have a daughter, no kidding. ”

“Lynn, don’t you say, although I didn’t tell you, but the fact that I have a daughter, it’s true, but not many people know.”

What the Golden Lion said was very clear, and even Lynn herself was a little unclear.

Maybe the Golden Lion really has a daughter.

But none of that mattered, and Lynn didn’t get tangled up too much.

“Golden Lion, although you do have a daughter, I don’t have any relationship, as far as your daughter is concerned, just look at you like this, it is not beautiful at all.”

“Yes, your daughter is not pretty at all.”

Kaido nodded beside him and said.

Compared to his daughter Yamato, the daughter of the Golden Lion is certainly not good.

“Nonsense, my daughter is much prettier than you.”

The two men just quarreled.

Lynn was helpless, people were so good, these people wanted to send their daughters one by one.

Is he the kind of money-hungry and lustful person?

But don’t say that if the daughter of the golden lion is beautiful, it is not unacceptable.

Lynn thought to herself.

Wait a minute.

How can this question be thought?

Lynn, you are so wicked.

“Well, you two don’t talk nonsense, even if you two girls are beautiful, I can’t look at your two daughters.”

“What is my identity? I am a good person, a representative of justice, a perfect incarnation, how can I do such an evil thing. ”

Lynn abruptly interrupted the two.

Everyone in the room was despising Lynn.

I don’t know how Lynn was so kind enough to exaggerate herself so well.

The representative of justice, the embodiment of perfection.

This doesn’t sound like Lynn.

Forget it, who makes Lynn more powerful, they can’t help Lynn, they can only accept all this silently.

“Okay, no, it’s time for us to go to breakfast, I’m a little hungry.”

Lynn touched her stomach, turned and prepared to leave.

The others immediately followed, entered the cafeteria together, and began to prepare breakfast.

New world, above a certain sea.

A huge ship suddenly appeared.

On the boat, stood a middle-aged man

This middle-aged man, no one else, was none other than Barrett who had escaped from Advance City.

After Barrett left Advance City, he captured some pirate groups and then came to the New World, ready to deal with some things.

Nearby, many pirates were a little frightened and shivering.

After all, the territory of the new world has been occupied by Lynn, and Barrett has come to the new world to provoke Lynn no matter how he looks at it.

“What’s wrong? Why are you afraid? ”

Barrett looked at the trembling pirates around him, with a murderous look in his eyes.

“My lord, this is the New World, Lynn’s territory, and when we come to the New World, we will be hunted down by Lynn’s team.”

One of the pirates was still trembling, and his eyes were full of trepidation.

The pirates nearby also nodded, all a little frightened, and their eyes were even full of trepidation.

Lynn was terrible.

“Hmm, what’s so scary, isn’t it Lynn?” There is no need to be afraid of him. ”

Barrett snorted coldly, not taking Lynn to heart on the surface, but deep down, he was still very vigilant.

After all, Lynn was really strong.

If nothing else, simply Lynn herself, plus Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Big Mama, these are all grades that have been with Roger.

But even these three people were conquered by Lynn alone, not even Roger, let alone him.

Barrett is more arrogant on the surface, but deep down he is particularly jealous, absolutely impossible, and foolishly provokes Lynn.

He also came to the New World this time because he had something to deal with, not to challenge Lynn’s position.

The pirates were afraid, but they couldn’t help Barrett and could only admit it.

Not long after, Barrett’s ship suddenly encountered another pirate ship.

This pirate ship, of course, is Lynn’s.

In the whole new world, there is only Lynn, the pirate group, and the other pirate groups no longer exist.

Lynn’s men saw Barrett and thought it was a pirate who had come in, so they wanted to throw Barrett out.

The members of the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment were immediately ready to act.

Barrett’s face instantly turned black.

Originally, he didn’t want to provoke Lynn, but if these people took the initiative to send something, then don’t blame him for being rude.

“Shoot me.”

Barrett roared.

The pirates around them trembled with fear.

This is Lynn’s men, to do it to these people, is that not to Lynn?

They could already imagine that when Lynn knew, he would completely explode and even hunt them down.

Although they were particularly frightened, they did not dare to refuse, after all, Barrett was more brutal than Lynn.

If they refused Barrett, they would definitely be solved by Barrett.

The two sides immediately engaged in an artillery battle.

The Black Dragon Pirates were powerful, but they were only those cadres, and these ordinary pirates were naturally not Barrett’s opponents and were quickly solved by Barrett.

After taking care of Lynn’s men, Barrett had a look of coldness in his eyes and left the area.

At the same time, Lynn’s side also knew the news here and sent someone to investigate at the first time.

After all, this kind of provocation must be clearly investigated.

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