
Lynn sat in her own place, her face a little gloomy, and her heart was angry.

Someone dared to do something to his men.

That’s punching him in the face.

Without teaching this nameless rat, he was very unhappy in his heart, and some could not accept it.

None of the people next to him spoke.

They were also very upset in their hearts, and now how to say that they were also a pirate group, and to do something to their companions was to provoke them.

“Very good, we must investigate, I want to see, who is so arrogant?” Dare to do something to my people. ”

Lynn had a calm face.

On that day, the whole new world was in turmoil.

The underground forces began to investigate wildly.

But within a day, Lynn had already found a suspect.


“It’s really good, it looks like, it should be this Barrett who did it.”

The red-haired Shanks’s face changed slightly.

The name was really familiar, not his former companion.

A member of Roger’s Pirates.

Lynn also turned to look at the red-haired Shanks.

“Redhead, he seems to have been your companion.”

“Yes, he is indeed my companion, very strong, with a strength infinitely close to that of Captain Roger.”

The red-haired Shanks looked a little dignified.

Barrett is really strong, and once he could only look up to Barrett.

“Is Roger great?”

Lynn said a word.

The red-haired Shanks was stunned and unable to speak for a moment.

It seems to be true.

Although Roger is very powerful, it seems that it is not enough to look at this pirate group.

If nothing else, even Lynn doesn’t count.

Whether it is Whitebeard, or the Golden Lion, or Kaido and Big Mama, the strength is particularly powerful.

Even he had reached Roger’s level of strength.

No matter how strong Barrett was, he couldn’t hit so many people alone.

Poor Barrett.

Who do you say you offended badly?

It’s going to offend Lynn.

“Redhead, you and I will go.”

Lynn stood up and got ready to go.

The red-haired Shanks’s expression was a little ugly.

“Captain Lynn, Barrett and I used to be companions, and it was not convenient for him to do anything to him.”

“You don’t have absolute certainty of defeating him, and I don’t expect you, this kind of battle, I do it myself, you just watch from the sidelines.” 」

“When I defeat him, you will say good things next to him and make him surrender to me, so that I will take another subordinate.”

Lynn gave the red-haired Shanks a blank stare.

He could have thought that the red-haired Shanks could defeat Barrett.

Not to mention the poor strength of the red-haired Shanks themselves, it is purely that the red-haired Shanks and Barrett have a good relationship and may not be able to get a hand.

“I see, then you will have a fight, and the rest will be left to me.”

Red-haired Shanks eventually agreed.

No way, he couldn’t refuse Lynn.

And if he could, he persuaded Barrett to surrender, and nothing would happen.

As long as Barrett didn’t look for death.

How to say that they were once companions.

That night, Lynn left with the red-haired Shanks’ team.

Barrett didn’t know that Lynn had set her sights on him, still looking for the treasure he had hidden.

It was because of these treasures that he came to the new world on purpose, and was even willing to turn his face to Lynn.

Otherwise, where would he dare to offend Lynn.

Especially so many people were defeated by Lynn.

Normal people know not to offend Lynn.

On this day, above the sea.

Barrett looked at the island in front of him, and his heart was full of excitement, and he finally arrived here, where he buried the treasure.

Although he didn’t care about the gold and silver jewelry, it was still of little use.

Just as Barrett was approaching the shore, a number of pirate ships suddenly appeared in the distance.

These pirates were, of course, Lynn’s men.

Barrett’s newly recruited pirates all saw these pirate groups, and their faces changed instantly.

In particular, the flag hanging on the pirate ship is exactly the flag of Lynn’s team.

That meant Lynn was here.

“Lord Barrett, Lynn is here.”

The pirates were about to cry.

Why would they be so unlucky.

Actually met Lynn, the new world is obviously so big, what luck does this have to be back

Barrett also turned around and looked at the approaching ships in the distance, and his face became difficult to see.

Before he could take his things away, Lynn had actually come out.

This is really excessive.

“What are you afraid of? That is, Lynn alone, there is nothing to be afraid of. ”

Although Barrett was very nervous, he was particularly calm on the surface, and did not take Lynn to heart at all.

And if you think about it, if it’s just Lynn, there’s no need to pay attention to it.

Soon, Lynn’s boat was close to shore.

Lynn stood at the bow of the ship, looking at Barrett in front of her, with a cold chill on her face.

“Barrett, you are so arrogant that you dare to do something to my people, it seems that I need to teach you a lesson.”

Of course, Barrett could not admit it, so he stood where he was, his hands clenched into fists.

“Lynn, although you are very strong in the new world, I am not a vegetarian, and I will let you know how strong I am today.”

Nearby, the red-haired Shanks immediately stepped forward.

“Mr. Barrett, I think you should surrender, there is no need to fight, it is too dangerous.”

Seriously, he didn’t think Barrett could beat Lynn, but rather, he thought Barrett might be easily killed by Lynn.

After all, their entire pirate group was not an opponent.

“It turns out to be you little devil, but don’t be too arrogant, even if you two add up, you are not my opponent.”


Lynn finally couldn’t help but laugh.

“You are really an idiot, although the redhead is indeed more wasteful, but the good villain is also a person who can fight with Whitebeard, you can fight one is already laborious enough, and you still want to fight two.” 」

The red-haired Shanks’s face darkened slightly.

Although he really couldn’t beat Lynn, he didn’t need to say such an unpleasant thing.

What is waste?

That sounds very unpleasant.

The red-haired Shanks didn’t dare to say anything, and could only smile awkwardly.

As long as I don’t want my face, I will never lose face.

The person next to him was also smiling.

Red-haired Shanks is also really unlucky.

“Don’t talk nonsense, come here, I’ll accompany you to a fight, let you see my true strength.”

Lynn pulls out Senmoto Sakura.

He was ready to have a good fight with Chimoto Sakura.

It should be possible to beat Barrett in a second.

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