Barrett was a little confused.

He wanted to determine his position in this pirate group.

But just as Barrett was about to act, Lynn suddenly appeared and quickly pulled out Senbon Sakura.

As for the demon knife village masa, he has retired honorably.

“How? Do you want to fight? ”

“I’m a little itchy on my skin right now, can any of you help me?” I can’t thank you enough. ”

Barrett quickly took a step back, and the others also quickly stepped back, far away, feeling a little nervous.

He always felt that Lynn was not a good person.

The others also stepped back, afraid that Lynn would be mad.

Lynn gently patted Chihonzakura’s blade, then looked around again, with a sinister smile on her face.

“I see that you seem to be a little eager to try, it just so happens that I’m bored, or I’ll accompany you to a fight.”


Kaido was most concerned about this kind of thing, but hearing Lynn’s words, Kaido quickly stepped back.

Others also distanced themselves from each other.

They were still quite scared, and they could fight with anyone, but they couldn’t fight with Lynn.

Because a fight is absolutely impossible to fight.

Almost everyone backed away.

“Don’t worry, I’m beating so many of you alone, what do you think?” Lynn was smiling.

He was suddenly a little excited, and he wanted to have a good fight and vent his displeasure.

The main thing is to teach these people a lesson.

One hits so many.

Kaido and the others looked at each other, and then there was some eagerness to try, and their hearts were particularly excited.

One person can’t beat Lynn, so let’s do it together.

He still didn’t believe that so many world-class masters could not beat a Lynn.

“Lynn, let’s fight now.”

Kaido took the lead.

Whitebeard also raised the large knife in his hand.

None of the others spoke, but silently stepped forward, indicating that they wanted to have a fight with Lynn.

So many people are quite arrogant.

Lynn also wanted to show her strength.

“Well, we’ll fight now, and I’ll accompany you, but you don’t lose.”

“Thunderous gossip.”

Kaido took the lead, holding the mace in his hand, and hit Lynn hard.

Between the swings of the clubs, there was a loud thunderous sound in the air, deafening, and a large amount of thunder and lightning spread all over Lynn’s body.

Unfortunately, the power of these thunderbolts was very small, and they did not feel anything on Lynn’s body.

Lynn just yawned.

Whitebeard also appeared behind Lynn at this time, jumped into the air, and slashed at Lynn with a large knife in his hand.

The large knife has a white air mass on it.

The air mass constantly vibrates in the space, and in the tearing space, many people’s faces change.

Whitebeard had no mercy on his men at all.

But Lynn still didn’t pay attention to it, turned around, and Senmoto Sakura slashed hard.

Blades and blades collide with each other.

However, in an instant, a crack suddenly appeared in Chimoto Sakura’s blade, and then it shattered.

Barrett’s face changed instantly, remembering what had happened before, and quickly took a step back.

The red-haired Shanks also remembered Lynn’s horror, and the retreat was quite fast, and the distance was far away.

Whitebeard was very proud.

“Lynn, your knife really can’t work, it’s not as good as the previous demon knife Muramasa.”

The red-haired Shanks felt pity, Barrett was pitying, and the pirates who knew about it couldn’t help but shake their heads.

What a poor baby.

Whitebeard suddenly saw Lynn’s smile, and then noticed the expressions of the others, and there was a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn’t think of it for a while.

Soon, however, Whitebeard noticed that a large number of cherry blossom-like blades suddenly appeared in the sky.


The blades moved suddenly, and flew out quickly, but in a breath, the blades appeared next to Whitebeard.

The white beard did not react, and many small wounds appeared on his body, and blood flowed out.

This is still Lynn did not lay a dead hand.

If he kills the killer, Whitebeard is finished.

Whitebeard was also shocked inside, and then forced himself to endure the pain, quickly retreated backwards, and brandished a large knife.

The force of the shock is launched.

All the blades were shaken to the side, and then quickly returned to Chihonzakura.


Lynn came to Whitebeard, grabbed Whitebeard, and threw it out hard, hitting the golden lion on the side.

The golden lion was also knocked to the ground, and then flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.

As for the others, it goes without saying that although the strength is quite strong, it is only relative to ordinary people.

Neither Whitebeard nor Big Mama, nor the Golden Lion nor Kaido, was Lynn’s opponent.

Completely in the stage of being hanged.

Barrett retreated farther and before he could act, he saw Lynn killing all sides.

He now understood why the Golden Lion had all surrendered to Lynn, and did not dare to resist, because Lynn was too perverted.

So perverted that no one can resist.

Barrett looked at his fist again, then immediately withdrew his hand and turned to the side.

This matter has nothing to do with me.

I just watched the show.

Barrett hypnotized himself in his mind.

He wasn’t going to fight Lynn anyway.

Unfortunately, Lynn will not spare Barrett, and he plans to teach Barrett a harsh lesson.

Lynn came to Barrett and grabbed Barrett by the shoulders.

Barrett turned and happened to see Lynn.

That weird smile is really scary.

“Wait, I just came over to see the play, I didn’t agree…”

Before Barrett could finish speaking, he was picked up by Lynn and spun in the air, and the speed of rotation was quite fast.

The Whitebeard couple were very happy.

It couldn’t be beaten just a few of them, and Barrett didn’t have anything to do.

Not to mention Barrett being arrogant first.

The golden lion saw the red-haired Shanks next to him again.

It seems that the red-haired Shanks has not been beaten, which is a bit unreasonable.

The red-haired Shanks also noticed the look in the golden lion’s eyes, and did not know what the golden lion meant.


“Teach this little devil a lesson, you can’t let go of one.”

The golden lion jumped towards the red-haired Shanks.

Kaido followed, and it was not only them who were to be humiliated, but also to embarrass the red-haired Shanks.

In the face of so many people, the red-haired Shanks has been crushed the whole time.

His crew did not dare to help him.

They can’t always be allowed to face these top guys.

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