Barrett was tempted to resist.

But looking at the large number of blades around him, he floated around him.

These blades were particularly sharp, and with a hint of coldness, Barrett was a little frightened in his heart.

Don’t look at him very hard-tempered, it looks very dragged, but in fact, there is still some fear.

“How’s it going? Barrett, if you think about it carefully, if you don’t agree, then I can only kill you. ”

Lynn grabbed the handle of Chihon’s sword.

The blade has long since turned into a cherry blossom.

“Mr. Barrett, I don’t think you’ll join in at all.”

“Anyway, Whitebeard and Golden Lion have already joined, even if you join again, it is actually nothing, no one will say you.”

Red-haired Shanks came out from the side.

He really didn’t feel ashamed, after all, he also surrendered.

Barrett had actually wanted to agree to it in his heart, but he was a little embarrassed to admit it.

Now that the red-haired Shanks had said so, Barrett no longer hesitated and nodded his head in agreement.

After all, Lynn was already very powerful, and when he was in Roger’s Pirates, Lynn had already dominated the New World.

In fact, being defeated by Lynn is not something to be ashamed of.

“Very well, one day, you will be honored by today’s choice.”

Lynn waved lightly, and all the blades returned to Chimoto Sakura.

Barrett stood up slowly, rubbed his arm gently, and then gritted his teeth.

Although Lynn’s men were merciful, he had a lot of small blades on his body, that is, he looked like nothing was wrong, but it was actually very painful.

Red-haired Shanks immediately jumped over.

“Hurry up, help Mr. Barrett treat the wound.”

Immediately a few ship doctors came running.

Barrett did not speak, nor did he refuse, after all, he was injured, and he should still treat the wound.

Soon, the wounds on Barrett’s body were healed.

Lynn immediately sat down next to Barrett, hands on her chest, with a sly smile on her face.

Barrett noticed Lynn’s smile, his face unchanged, and a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

“Lynn, do you have anything to do?”

The red-haired Shanks also took a step back.

He also knew Lynn, don’t look at Lynn’s smile so good now, but it was really terrible.

There’s always a terrifying feeling.

Lynn was particularly calm.

“Barrett, I don’t know why you’re here, but there are definitely a lot of things, and since you’ve joined our pirate group, you should also prepare some gifts.”

Barrett understood instantly.

Lynn was wanting money.

Although he didn’t understand why Lynn wanted money, he was not qualified to refuse.

Anyway, it will be Lynn’s men in the future, and his gold and silver jewelry can also be given to Lynn.

Of course, it is still necessary to hide some.

“By the way, not only for me, but also for others, and those co-captains, even your companions, must prepare gifts for them.”

Barrett’s face instantly darkened.

Just prepare gifts for Lynn, and you need to prepare gifts for others.

It’s really enough.

No, you must resist.

Barrett was thinking in his heart, he couldn’t just admit it, he would definitely have to resist, and it was a big deal to have a good fight with Lynn.

Lynn seemed to read Barrett’s thoughts, but in a blink of an eye, he placed the blade next to Barrett.

“How? Don’t you want to rebel against me? ”

Barrett shivered, then put a smile on his face and squeezed out a smile with difficulty.

“Captain, you laughed, as a friend, be sure to prepare some gifts for them, I have already prepared them.”

Red-haired Shanks immediately came over.

“So, Mr. Barrett, have you prepared some for me?” I also want some gifts. ”

Barrett wanted to slap the red-haired Shanks to death.

Did he really want to prepare a gift?

It was clear that he was forced by Lynn, and the red-haired Shanks actually came over.

This is clearly looking for a fight.

Beckman sighed, then immediately pulled the red-haired Shanks aside.

The captain was really stupid enough to come over and wasn’t afraid of being repaired.

“Well, now that you’ve got your gifts ready, I’m not going to say too much anymore, clean up a little, and then it’s time for us to go.”

Lynn didn’t say much and went back to her boat.

Barrett went inside the island and began to look for what he had hidden, as well as the gold and silver jewelry.

With the help of many pirates, these gold and silver jewels were quickly found.

Lynn stood on the shore, looking at the box in front of her, not knowing what to say.

“Barrett, I didn’t expect you to be so rich, so much gold and silver jewelry, and all of it was supplied to me.”

Barrett’s face darkened.

He was tempted to say that all of this, as well as his private money, would certainly not have been given to Lynn.

However, seeing Lynn’s greedy eyes, Barrett had no choice but to refuse Lynn.

“Come, put away all these things, be sure to put them away, these are all gifts that Mr. Barrett has prepared for us.”

Lynn clapped her hands and immediately ran over, and many pirates, moving everything of value to the ship.

Barrett was watching from the sidelines.

Although he didn’t care much about gold and silver jewelry, he still felt some heartache when all these things were taken away.

Ten minutes later, all the gold and silver jewelry had been removed, and Lynn was the first to board the pirate ship.

Barrett had to follow.

“Okay, let’s go.”

The pirate ship set off in a mighty wave.

A few days later, Lynn returned to Dressrosa.

At this moment, all the co-captains had been waiting for a long time.

As soon as Lynn landed, the men set their sights on Barrett.

“Boy, did you provoke the Black Dragon Pirates?” I really admire you for daring to provoke Lynn. ”

“Yeah, so many of us, few of us dare to provoke Lynn, and you just came to the New World, so you dare to do it.”

Everyone looked at Barrett as if they were watching a monkey.

After all, Barrett was so brave, so many things, they did not dare to do, Barrett dared to be so cruel.

Barrett blackened his face.

Just because he was afraid of Lynn didn’t mean he would be afraid of these ordinary pirates.

At best, it is on the same level as him.

He even dared to come over and taunt him.

No, you must determine your position in this pirate group.

At least be a co-captain.

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