Soon, a girl with blond hair and glasses was taken to Lynn’s front.

Lynn looked at the girl in front of her, and always felt that this girl seemed to have seen it somewhere, and her eyes were particularly familiar.

Soon, Lynn thought of a man.


He also thought of Robluch, which indirectly thought of Carlyfa.

That is, to change clothes, dress a little more gorgeously, and get rid of the identity of CP9.

The world government was really good enough to let Khalifa pretend to be the granddaughter of the Five Old Stars, which was clearly deceiving him.

But it is also true that even if it is a marriage, it is impossible to let the biological granddaughter of the Five Old Stars come over, and the ancient emperors of our country often do this.

“Kalifa, that’s a pretty good name.”

Lynn did not reveal Carrifa’s identity.

How to say that it is also a beautiful woman, since the world government itself has sent the door, only an idiot will refuse.

Rob Luke was relieved, it seemed that Lynn had agreed, and his task was completed.

It was a pity that Califa was his companion after all, and had given it to Lynn in vain.

It’s really a sheep in the wolf’s mouth.

“Captain Lynn, what do you think?” If you agree, I’ll go back and report to Lord Five. ”

Rob Luke just looked at Lynn.

Lynn didn’t hurry to answer, closed her eyes, and thought seriously.

“Wait, you can’t just say yes.”

Rob Luke was ready to leave, listening to Lynn, and had to stop, thinking about what Lynn’s purpose was.

Lynn looked at Rob Luke with a strange face.

“Boy, I’m really sorry, just a little thing, I want to give up on the world government, how can I have to come back a little bit.”


Someone nearby almost fell to the ground.

Originally, I thought that Lynn had something to say, but I didn’t expect to say this.

What a greedy guy.

But also, as a pirate, you should be greedy.

“Lynn is really enough.”

Whitebeard wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He was still speechless to Lynn.

Rob Luke was also helpless, but could only speak.

“Captain Lynn, what do you ask for?” Despite saying, as long as…”

“As long as you can agree?”

Lynn interrupted Robluch.

Rob Luke had a cold sweat on his forehead.

He really couldn’t agree to that.

After all, he was not a five-old star, and he couldn’t make a decision for the five-old star at all.

“Captain Lynn, I can say a word to Lord Five-Star, and as to whether Lord Five-Star will agree, it is not up to me to decide.”

“No problem, you tell the five old stars, I am quite interested in their granddaughter, one seems to be in the navy in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, called Darth Vader.”

“As for the other one, it seems to be called Tina, both of which are very beautiful, and I am very interested in these two, so I let the two of them send them to my pirate regiment to be my subordinate.”

Lynn decided, he was going to pack everyone.

The golden lion next to them and the others were quite speechless.

“Lynn started again, this guy, it’s really enough, I admire this guy.” The golden lion sneered.

He was so old that there was only one lady.

When I think about Lynn, what a scumbag.

The others nodded at the same time, and they suddenly realized that Lynn was really a scumbag.

Lynn suddenly turned around and looked directly at the golden lion.

The golden lion shivered.

Actually forgot Lynn’s perverted strength, but also said it, Lynn should not want to avenge the snow hate, right?

He had already thought that if Lynn was mad, he could never be Lynn’s opponent, maybe he would be beaten particularly badly.

Remembering what had happened to Mitsuki Oda before, the golden lion couldn’t help but shiver, feeling a little scared in his heart, and he was worried that he had also been seriously injured.

“I still have something to do, so I’ll leave for the time being.”

The golden lion made an excuse and left.

Lynn didn’t get angry either, and continued to look at Robluch.

“Well, you can go back, and remember to tell the five old stars, if you don’t agree to my request, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

“Got it.”

Rob Luke turned and left.

Although he didn’t know Darth Vader and Tina, he guessed that it should be the Navy, and Lynn knew.

Lynn said this purely because he was interested in these people and wanted them to take the initiative of the world government.

This is also a matter for the five old stars, which can be completely handed over to the five old stars to deal with.

Mary Joa, the Holy Land, the five old stars also heard Lynn’s request, they are also smart people, naturally understand what Lynn means.

Although he was a little reluctant, he could only act on the Navy with a clear conscience.

In any case, the navy is the face of the world government, and it can completely dispose of some of it, just at that time, the navy contributed to the world government.

The navy itself did not know that the world government had done such a bad thing.

Dressrosa’s side.

Lynn leaned back slightly, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, and everyone nearby was celebrating Lynn.

Because Lynn got another beautiful woman.

“Lynn, congratulations.”

Whitebeard was genuinely happy for Lynn.

After all, he is Lynn’s good friend, and he can also be said to be Lynn’s good big brother.

Lynn also looked at Whitebeard silently.

“Newgate, you and Lingling are both single and of similar size, otherwise the two of you are together, which is a comfort.”

Everyone was laughing.

“That’s right, Newgate, or the two of you will be together.”

Big Mom also looked at the white beard.

“Newgate, I wouldn’t care, or we’d have a couple of kids.”

Even the white-bearded sons were booing loudly.

Whitebeard was a little embarrassed to be said.

“I don’t want to get married yet, I’ve been single all my life, there’s no need to get married.”

Lynn sighed.

“Newgate, it’s a pity, you may not know the happiness of men in this life, but forget it, anyway, you have been single for a lifetime, and you can be with your right hand in this life.” 」

Whitebeard had a black face and wanted to hack Lynn to death.

This is clearly mocking him.

It’s disgusting, but I can only put up with it.

“Captain, the people of the world government have come again, and they have brought some people here.”

Outside voices interrupted Lynn.

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