Inside the lobby, Lynn waited patiently.

I don’t know how long it took for the two men to be brought up.

One is Darth Vader and the other is Tina.

Anyway, these two are very beautiful, it is a pity that Darth Vader, or some green, not as plump as in the original book.

But it doesn’t matter, he has time, and one day Darth Vader’s figure can become very beautiful.

Then the fruits of victory can be picked.

Darth Vader and Tina also saw Lynn, and their faces changed instantly, and they were particularly embarrassed.

They also did not expect that they would suddenly be kidnapped and eventually taken to Lynn.

I just don’t know what it means.

“I didn’t expect that the five old stars actually sent people over, but since everyone has sent them, I also promised to marry you.”

Darth Vader and Tina’s faces were ugly.

It was given to Lynn, and it was the world government that did it.

This is really excessive.

How do they serve the navy, conquer civilians for the world, and finally get this treatment.

“Okay, no nonsense, send it to my room now, and I’ll go into the cave tonight.”

Lynn was a little excited.

How to say that it is also two big beauties.

Mitsuki Oda suddenly sprang out from the side.

“Lynn, the next thing you can’t do alone, you might as well leave it to me to do, and I’ll help you do it.”

Lynn suddenly turned around and slapped Mitsuki Onada’s body and flew Mitsuki Mita out.

“The rest has nothing to do with you, I will work hard myself, and you will go back and have a good rest.”

The people nearby looked at each other, and then looked at Mitsuki Ota with some contempt.

This guy is really brave, he dares to do something to Lynn, and he is not afraid of being killed by Lynn.

But forget it, nothing to do with them.

Lynn quickly took Tina and Darth Vader into the room.

The two men looked at Lynn, who was getting closer, and felt a little nervous.

“Don’t mess around, if you dare to mess around, then don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Unfortunately, no matter how much the two people warned, they couldn’t help Lynn, and they could only watch Lynn approach.

After Lynn approached, he didn’t think much about it anymore, naturally he had to do the most important thing.

Unfortunately, Lynn still didn’t do it.

Those who were before could threaten them, but Tina and the two of them, who had been hurt so much by the world government, really wouldn’t necessarily dedicate themselves to the Navy.

So Lynn decided to fall in love.

He didn’t take down two people, just taking advantage of them, so that the two could accept it and not turn their faces.

But after a long time, these two people are almost the same, slowly accept him, he is trying to find a way to download the two people.

On this day, Lynn stood next to Tina and Darth Vader and sorted out her clothes.

He still hadn’t taken down the two of them just now, but he had already shown them almost the last step.

The two men were also quite angry, but there was nothing they could do, they could only look at Lynn with their eyes.

If Eye Eye can kill, then needless to say, Lynn has been killed many times.

Lynn looked at the two Tina next to her, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“Two, don’t be angry, as long as you are with me, you can eat delicious and spicy.”

“No kidding, I can’t be with you, I can’t be with you in this life.”

Tina gritted her teeth and said that if there was a knife now, she would hate to slash Lynn to death, but unfortunately she didn’t have a knife now.

Lynn took a closer look at Tina, which was pretty good, and Darth Vader next to it was pretty good, and both of them were very pretty.

It’s a little tricky.

But this time he put up with it, and he wanted to have a good time.

“Wait a minute, at night, I will come to you, tonight, you can’t hide, you can only sleep with me for one night.” 」

Lynn turned and left.

Tina and Darth Vader gritted their teeth, more worried about the night.

If something really happened that night, it would be bad, and they didn’t want to be taken down by Lynn like this.

Darth Vader was a little worried.

“Sister Tina, what should I do now?” In case Lynn comes in the evening, we can’t resist him. ”

“Don’t worry, what do you see me here?”

Tina was particularly proud and took out of her pocket a creature that resembled a snail.

This is, of course, the phone bug unique to the One Piece world.

Darth Vader’s eyes lit up, and with this phone bug, you can call for help.

She now understood why Tina had just faced Lynn and why she was so proactive and even did such a thing.

It turned out that everything was for stealing.

Outside, Lynn had his back against the wall, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and this phone bug, which he had actually deliberately left behind for Tina to discover.

Only if Tina took the initiative to find out, this would steal it, and then call the navy, you can stir up dissension.

Thinking of this, Lynn was getting more and more excited.

If the Navy and the world government turn the other cheek, that’s fine, he’ll be happy.

Tina quickly made a phone call.

On the Navy side, because Tina was attacked by stealth, they were quite worried and had been investigating Tina all the time.

It’s just been a few months and there’s no news at all. The navy began to give up, thinking only that Tina had been wiped out.

After all, if you want to throw the body into the sea, you may be eaten by the sea king.

But when they received a call from Tina, the Navy was shocked.

Nor did they expect that their navy would be attacked by the world government, and even the people who had captured their navy would give it to Lynn.

Seriously, the Navy didn’t believe it, but it made a special call to report to the Warring States, ready to let the Warring States deal with the matter.

After all, maybe it was really the world government that did it.

This kind of thing should still be judged by the Warring States.

When Sengoku received this news, he also did not believe it, but remembering that the world government had found Lynn before, Sengoku had some doubts in his heart.

Why should the world government look for Liu Yifei.

According to intelligence, the world government seems to want to get married.

If you think about Lynn’s lustful personality, maybe this thing is really done by the world government.

Thinking of this, the Warring States were particularly angry.

He also did not expect that he would do his best to serve the world government, and the world government would actually pit the navy so badly, stabbing the navy with a knife in the back.

Even the Sengoku were angry, but the other senior admirals were all angry.

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