Office of the Marshal.

Sengoku was particularly angry, and he did not expect that the world government would marry Lynn.

That’s it, it’s okay to endure.

But even less did they expect that the world government would actually send Lynn to the people who had captured their navy.

This is simply abominable.

“Is the matter clear? What do you guys think? Did the world government do this? ”

Sengoku looked at the navy below and had a headache.

The navy’s face is also very ugly, and they can be senior generals in the Shanghai Army, and their loyalty to the navy is still there.

It is also difficult to accept that the world government should do such an outrageous thing.

“Warring States, according to our intelligence, the world government has indeed been there twice, but we are not very clear about what exactly it has done.”

Lieutenant General Crane spoke.

Sengoku’s expression was even more ugly, he was now sure, this must have been done by the world government.

It is hard to imagine that the world government would do such a beastly thing without taking their navy seriously.

However, he could not help the world government, so the Warring States could only be angry in their hearts.

Lieutenant General Crane, Kapu.

The expressions of these two people were not particularly good.

If eyes could kill, they would have killed long ago.

“This time the world government has indeed gone too far.”

Karp’s face was ugly.

“I’ll go and make a phone call.”

Sengoku immediately called the Five Old Stars.

Of course, the five old stars would not admit it, and even loudly rebuked the Warring States.

This also made the Warring States firmly determined, this must be done by the Five Old Stars, this is really too beastly.

No matter how angry the Warring States is, they have no choice but to accept all this silently.

However, Sengoku already had an idea in his mind.

The navy is no longer the navy it used to be, and even the world government can betray them at will.

Their navy has no independent autonomy anymore.

“Folks, I have decided, I want to resign as Admiral.”

Sengoku suddenly spoke.

Many people present were shocked, and they did not expect that the Warring States actually wanted to abdicate.

“Sengoku, don’t be kidding.”

“Yeah, there’s no need to be so arrogant, there’s something we can talk about.”

Almost everyone is persuading the Sengoku.

Only Sakarsky was a little confused.

If the Warring States were really willing to abdicate, he might be able to become a marshal of the Shanghai Army.

But Sakarsky didn’t dare to say it on the surface, and he also worked with others to persuade the Sengoku.

“No, I don’t deserve to be this marshal, it doesn’t matter anymore, those ordinary pirates, you can handle it.”

“As for Lynn, the power is so strong, now even the world government is doing this kind of outrageous thing, what else can we do?”

The rest of the navy was silent.

As if that were the case, they had completely overwhelmed Lynn, and there was no need for anyone else to do anything about it.

“I can’t even save my own companions now, and I really don’t want to continue like this, so you don’t need to persuade me.”

The Warring States have made up their minds.

Anyway, it is not of much use to the Navy, and his pressure is indeed very large, it is better to abdicate and cultivate his body.

As for the Navy, there is no need to be so entangled, anyway, it can be handled by others.

Those ordinary pirates don’t need to work hard.

The navies were silent.

They understood that the Warring States had already made up their minds, and no matter how much they tried to persuade them, it was estimated that it would be useless.

Since this is the case, they can only silently support the Warring States.

Sakarsky was so excited that he now jumped up and celebrated loudly.

But once again he restrained.

He had to wait until after the abdication of the Warring States before competing for the position of admiral.

“Well, all of you take a break, and by the way, think of a way to save Tina, who is also a member of our navy,”

Sengoku turned and left.

Sakarsky had an idea in his mind too.

Tina and Darth Vader were here at Lynn, and if he could save them, his status in the Navy could rise a little higher.

When the time comes, the position of admiral may be easy to get your hands on.

When Sakarsky returned to his room, he made sure no one was there and immediately called Lynn, who he wanted to discuss with Lynn in advance.

Lynn quickly got the news, and her heart was still very shocked.

He also did not expect that the Warring States actually wanted to abdicate because of a blow.

But soon, Lynn figured out that the strength of the Warring States was indeed not good, at least relative to her.

Having been hit so many times over the years, it is estimated that the Warring States have long wanted to abdicate, and this time they have been pit by the world government again, and the glass heart is broken.

But also, if he had been hit for so many years, it is estimated that he would not be able to hold back, and he would have abdicated a long time ago, and it would have been impossible to persist until now.

In this way, if the Warring States abdicate, Sakarsky will be able to become a field marshal, and then Sakarsky will be his man, and the navy will also be his man

Lynn was suddenly expectant.

On the other side, Sakarsky heard Lynn not speaking, and was slightly anxious, and quickly spoke.

“Captain, what do you think of my plans?”

Lynn then looked up.

“Yes, I will support you, you want to be a field marshal, of course I support you, and then you will take the initiative to come and negotiate with me.”

“That’s it.”

Sakarski hung up the phone excitedly.

He could already imagine that as long as he could save Tina and Darth Vasque, the position of the Admiralty was very certain.

Lynn hung up the phone too, thinking of Tina and Darth Vader, and thinking to herself that it was time to take them down.

Otherwise, if these two people are released, they may not have a chance in the future.

After Sakarsky gets Lynn’s approval, he makes an excuse and asks to save Tina and Darth Vader.

Sengoku was still quite curious in his heart, why Sakarsky was so active, others did not have such courage.

In the face of Sengoku’s questioning, Sakarsky said in a righteous manner.

“Although I think these two people are quite humiliating, but they are also members of our navy, so naturally we want to save them.”

Everyone present thought Sakarsky had taken the wrong medicine.

When Sakarsky is willing to give himself to others.

It’s hard to imagine, but since Sakarsky has taken the initiative, it can only be left to Sakarsky to deal with.

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