A month later, Sakarski arrived in Dressrosa.

Looking at the pirates standing in two rows, Sakarsky was not afraid at all, and triumphantly stood up with his head held high, striding forward.

Anyway, he and Lynn were companions, and Lynn could never have killed him, which was just a negotiation.

At most, this negotiation will take a little time.

On both sides, many pirates have seen Sakarsky, and their hearts are quite unhappy, and they don’t know where Sakarski’s confidence comes from, and they are so arrogant.

“Well, these navies are really arrogant.”

The fire ember was quite upset inside.

The other pirates were also unhappy, but Lynn had already agreed that Sakarsky was coming, and there was nothing they could do.

I can only watch Sakarsky be so arrogant.

Soon, Sakarski entered Lynn’s castle.

All the pirates are here at the moment.

Seriously, although he knew that these people did not dare to do anything to him, Sakarsky was still quite nervous.

After all, these are the top sea thieves.

Every strength is not weaker than him, and if he really fights, he will definitely be buried in the crowd.

However, when he thought of being Lynn’s person, Sakarsky was not so afraid, and calmly stepped forward.

“Captain Lynn, I’m here this time to talk to you about the relationship between Tina and Darth Vader.”

“Boy, what qualifications do your navies have to discuss things with us?”

“Yes, you’re a little admiral and you’re not qualified at all.”

A crowd of people were mocking.

Sakarsky didn’t care, he was humiliated enough anyway, he didn’t care about continuing to lose face.

“Captain Lynn, is that how you manage your men?” I don’t know anything about respect or etiquette. ”

Lynn smiled.

This guy is still quite clever, and he actually knows how to kill people with a knife, fox fake tiger will.

However, it seems a little inappropriate to use him as a knife.

He’s also the captain.

“Sakarsky, you are indeed quite arrogant, but I can teach them a lesson, but are you sure that you are so arrogant that they will not seek revenge on you in the future?”

Sakarsky’s body trembled.

He seemed to have forgotten something very important, these pirates were all arrogant and untamed.

He seemed to be a little arrogant.

The pirates nearby were also very cooperative.

Whitebeard raised a large knife, Kaido picked up a wolf’s tooth stick, Big Mom also held a knife in her hand, and the golden lion held a knife in one hand.

These people are ready to go.

Sakarsky wanted to cry without tears.

He seemed to have forgotten the power of these pirates.

But at this time, he couldn’t admit it.

Sakarsky could only look at Lynn with blank eyes, looking arrogant, but actually already beginning to make eye contact.

I’m your man.

I do.

It is also to protect one’s identity.

Lynn also saw what Sakarsky was thinking, and wasn’t actually too angry.

“That’s it, let’s continue to negotiate.”

Next, the two sides began to negotiate.

It’s just that Lynn has no intention of regressing at all, and even asks for special highs.

How to say that he and Sakarski are clearly opposites, if the conditions are too simple, perhaps some people will suspect Sakarsky.

So the conditions he proposed were particularly harsh.

The negotiations were deadlocked for a while.

After holding out for a long time, the Navy paid a very good price, which redeemed the two people.

Of course, this price is nothing compared to the previous lieutenant general Crane, or others.


Lynn personally sends Tina and Darth Vader away.

Tina and Darth Vader were looking forward to it, they had been here for a few months, and the two of them had no rights at all, and they had already wanted to leave.

“Alas, I didn’t expect you two to leave, because we spent the Spring Supper together a few days ago.”

Lynn sighed softly, with particular disappointment.

Tina and Darth Vader turned darker.

It was clear that Lynn had forced them half a push, and now said such hateful things.

But seriously, compared to before the beginning, Tina and Darth Vader are angry, but at least they can restrain themselves.

It is impossible to think of finding death and finding life.

“Let’s go, we’ll see you later, no, we’ll never see each other again.”

Tina left first, followed by Darth Vader.

Lynn looked at the two who were leaving, and then set her eyes on Sakarsky with a sly smile on her face.

“Sakarsky, aren’t you going to just leave?”

Sakarski paused, a look of bewilderment.

Is there anything else?

It was hard for Lynn not to follow the script.

No, think about it, as if Lynn really wasn’t going to follow the script, there was a precedent last time.

The thought that Lynn might not follow the script made Sakarski feel a little uneasy in his heart, afraid that Lynn was too cruel.

Although he was a little worried, but this was the end of the matter, Sakarsky had nothing more to say, and could only prepare for battle.

At least he can’t admit it, the big deal is to be beaten, has he been beaten less in his life?

You shouldn’t be so afraid of being human.

Sakarski turned around, still expressionless.

“Lynn, what else do you want?” We’ve already signed a treaty before, do you want to break it? ”

In the face of such an arrogant Sakarsky, Lynn did not say a word, grabbed Sakarsky’s shoulder, and threw it into the sky.

“Come and come, let’s have a good discussion, you let me see your strength, in addition, don’t be so arrogant in the future.”

Next, Sakarsky naturally resisted, but unfortunately, his strength was not as good as Lynn.

After some hard fighting, the battle was finally over.

Sakarsky was beaten so badly that his face was covered with marks, and Lynn couldn’t bear to look at it.

So in the end, Lynn didn’t keep fighting, he was afraid that if he continued to fight, he would beat Sakarsky to death.

That is, to hurt Sakarsky, there is no need to be so cruel.

“Well, Sakarsky, I’m sorry for you too, you can leave.”

Sakarsky covered his red and swollen face, didn’t say a word, and left silently, just his heart was fluttering.

It really didn’t follow the script.

In the script, he has left at this time.

Who would have thought that Lynn would be so fierce, grabbing him was a violent beating, and there was no power to fight back.

It also made Sakarski understand why so many people would compromise with Lynn.

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