Kuzan’s joining the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment naturally caused an uproar, after all, it was a former admiral, and as a result, he joined the Pirate Regiment.

However, Sakarsky did not pay too much attention to it, that is, he joined the pirates, and he was a pirate himself anyway.

This is also an indirect contribution to Lynn.

After Sakarsky became an admiral, he also began to deal with his own affairs, and he did not dare to trouble Lynn anyway.

Lynn naturally wouldn’t bother the Navy.

Once again, the whole world became calm.

But while calming, undercurrents are surging underground.

The world government is working in secret to get rid of Lynn in one fell swoop.

As for Lynn, he is also developing strength.

The purpose of both sides is to eliminate the other.

On this day, Lynn was resting, when suddenly a few people came from afar.

“Captain, there’s something very important.”

Lynn looked at the men who had come in and suddenly came with great interest.

“What’s the matter?” Whether the world government is going to do it to me, or the navy is going to do it to me, I want to see who it is. ”

Seriously, he was really curious.

“Captain, it’s not the world government, it’s not the navy, these people you probably can’t imagine.”

Lynn was getting more and more interested.

Is there anyone in this world who dares to do anything to their Black Dragon Pirate Regiment?

There should be no such arrogant people, right?

“Take it and I’ll see it.”

Lynn looked at the intelligence in her hand, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“I didn’t expect that now even the revolutionary army would dare to do something to me, and it was really bold.”

He really did not expect that it would be a revolutionary army.

The current revolutionary army, I am afraid that even the navy can not beat it, but dares to do some small means.

And it’s still on his turf.

Of course, it was not the revolutionary army that did anything to him, nor was the revolutionary army a fool, the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment dominated the whole new world, and who dared to do anything to him.

The revolutionary army naturally did not have the courage to do so.

They also only dared to secretly propagate revolutionary ideas in Lynn’s territory, and then recruit some people to expand the revolutionary army.

However, there are many people who hate the world government, and there are many people who hate pirates, so they join the revolutionary army.

Because it’s a little low-key, no one knows.

No, Lynn herself did not think that the revolutionary army had been mixed in his territory for more than ten years, and only recently had it been discovered.

Lynn still admired the Monchi Dragon.

But unfortunately, the Monchi D Dragon actually dared to mix in his territory, then don’t blame him for being rude, he can only teach the Monch D Dragon a lesson.

This is his turf after all.

All taxes, conscription, had to be done by him.

“To investigate the position of the revolutionary army, I personally intervened, but I want to see who dares to make trouble in my territory.”

That afternoon, Lynn set off with a group of people, mighty, but in a matter of days, to a remote island.


That’s right, the stronghold of the revolutionary army in the original book.

It was precisely because the place was remote enough that Lynn could not see it, so the revolutionary army mixed quite well here.

If Lynn had thought of the revolutionary army earlier, he would have sent someone over.

But now, he is all hands-on, and it won’t be long before he can easily take down the revolutionary army.


When Lynn arrived, he drove everyone away, alone himself, and prepared to lay siege to the revolutionary army.

That’s right, he wanted to surround the revolutionary army alone.

The revolutionary army did not know it yet, it was still doing its own thing, and in the square, many soldiers were training.

They train hard every day to one day defeat the world government.

Responsible for training is a fish man.

In one of the rooms, Monchidron and the others were meeting to discuss the future development of the revolutionary army.

Unbeknownst to a group of people, Lynn was already approaching.

Outside, after Lynn arrived, he saw the crowd training in the square, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

This luck is still quite good, the revolutionary army seems to be still there, then don’t blame him for being rude, he can only take the revolutionary army.

Lynn no longer hesitated, stood outside alone, and shouted.

“Listen, people inside, you have been surrounded by me, start now, lay down your weapons quickly, surrender immediately, and I will guarantee your safety.”

Accompanied by a shout from Lynn.

Many people in the revolutionary army were frightened, and those who thought it was the world government were in a hurry.

“No, everyone quickly retreat, the people of the world government have come in.”

“I’m blocking all this for you, and you’re running faster.”

Although they intend to overthrow the world government, they also know that the world government is strong, and just a few of them have no choice but to represent the world government.

Therefore, in a short period of time, there is no world government.

They must continue to concentrate their forces and one day defeat the world government.

But at least not now.

Lynn watched the hastily retreating, but still orderly revolutionary army, not knowing what to say.

He was also a man, and these people could run so fast, and he was really a man of the world government.

Inside a room, Monchi Dlong also heard this shout, and also thought that the people of the world government had come, and quickly rushed out.

As the head of the revolutionary army, it is of course necessary for him to protect his comrades in the revolutionary army.

After the Monchi Dragon rushed out, he stood at the front while looking at the crowd below.

“Everyone, don’t panic too much, with us protecting you, you will be able to retreat safely.”

Lynn looked at the men and walked out slowly.

“Hey, hey, big brothers and sisters, I’m the only one, there’s really no need to run so fast.”

Munch Dragon only saw Lynn at this time, her face was even more ugly, she would rather meet the Navy or the World Government, rather than meet Lynn.

Because Lynn was so perverted, their revolutionary army had no hope of victory at all.

Although a little nervous, the Monchi Dragon jumped in front of Lynn, and in the sky, a sudden storm blew in.

The originally clear sky became cloudy, lightning and thunder, and even more roaring.

Lynn looked up at the unpredictable weather in the sky, the corners of her mouth rising slightly.

“It seems that you are planning to fight with me, there is no way, then you can only play with you.”

Seriously, Monchidron didn’t want to fight.

But Lynn has arrived, and he cannot back down, he wants to protect the members of the revolutionary army.

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