
In the sky, suddenly there was a loud thunderous roar.

A dazzling bolt of lightning soared into the sky and slammed down on Lynn.

The dazzling thunder and lightning even illuminated half of the sky.

Lynn stood where she was, motionless.

No matter how powerful these thunderbolts were, they couldn’t help Lynn.

That’s Lynn’s true strength.

Just as the lightning was about to fall, Lynn suddenly lifted her foot, pointed it at the sky, and kicked it hard.

One kick down and the sky exploded.

Raiden was even more kicked by Lynn.

Monchi Dragon opened his eyes in surprise, his heart was shocked, it was hard to imagine that Lynn was so powerful.

This was the first time he had faced it head-on.

Although he had a headache, Monchi Dragon also knew that now was not the time to be afraid, and he had to defeat Lynn.

Even if you can’t defeat Lynn, you have to hold on for a while, and you definitely can’t be defeated by Lynn so easily.

Just as the Monchi Dragon was thinking, Lynn appeared in an instant, grabbing the Monchi D Dragon with one hand.

Munchdon looked at Lynn who was close at hand, his heart trembled, and quickly retreated backwards.

But still a step slower, Lynn grabbed the Monchi D Dragon with one hand, and then pulled it hard, throwing the Monchi D Dragon into the sky.


Lynn threw a punch into the void.

The void exploded, and an invisible fist-like shock wave flew towards the Monchi Dron, hitting the Monchi Dron’s body right on it.

“Not good, dragon.”

In the distance, Ivankov was arranging for someone to retreat, but seeing that the Monchi Dragon had been sent flying, he couldn’t care less and quickly came to Lynn’s side.

A hand stabbed at Lynn, and Lynn could feel a chill.

In the middle of Ivankov’s finger, there was a flickering needle.

Lynn sneered and stood where he was, letting Ivankov touch him.

“Great, you’re finished, you’re about to become a woman.”

Ivankov shouted excitedly.

His hormonal fruit had finally touched Lynn, and it was already expected that Lynn was going to become a woman.

But just when Ivankov was excited, Lynn calmly turned around and slapped it hard.

This slap hit Ivankov’s face, and Ivankov’s face was already swollen, and his body flew out backwards and rolled on the ground.

A huge pit appeared on the ground in an instant, and the earth trembled even more violently.

Lynn sneered in her heart, then patted her clothes.

“What a fool, forgot to tell you, my body is as strong as iron, you can’t even break through my defenses.”

Ivankov also remembered at this time, and the Monchdron had mentioned that Lynn’s defense was so strong that no one could kill Lynn.

He wasn’t even to mention pit Lynn.

Lynn shook her arm.

“Again, you guys try a little harder, you see, until now, I’m not even hurt, when will I be able to beat me?”

Monchid’s face turned black.

As a former navy, he was well aware of Lynn’s strength, and ordinary people could not help Lynn at all.

Who would have thought of meeting Lynn.

He knew he would meet Lynn today, and last night, he would get out of here as soon as possible, preferably going far.

Monchi D-Long reluctantly squeezed out a smile.

“Mr. Lynn, I don’t know where I have offended you, why I want to attack our revolutionary army.”

Ivankov didn’t dare to speak, he was really frightened by Lynn.

It’s really Lynn’s strength that is too perverted.

“You two, recruiting on my turf, now ask me why I’m coming to you for trouble?” Is it true that I am a stupid fork? ”

Lynn sneered, and slowly pulled out Chimoto Sakura, then flicked the blade gently.

“I think it’s necessary for us to talk.”

The face of the Monchi Dragon changed in an instant.

He kind of understood why Lynn was in trouble with himself, and it turned out to be because of this incident.

He also had no way, after all, the great channel had been completely occupied by the world government.

As for Baldigo, the stronghold of the revolutionary army, which they had long occupied, who would have thought that Lynn would rule the whole New World.

At that time, it was too late to retreat.

“Mr. Lynn, I need to say that this has always been my place, and you have not come, so I have occupied it.”

Monchi D-Dragon is going to cry without tears.

What should he do now?

Lynn walked over to Munchdron and Ivankov and gently flicked Chihonzakura.

“There is no need to say more about this kind of thing, now you can fight, after the fight, if you can still live, it is your luck.” 」

Munch Dragon quickly retreated backwards, he was not a fool, naturally it was impossible to fight with Lynn, if he really fought, he would definitely be killed by Lynn.

Sadly, did the Monchi Dragon rebel?

Lynn quickly came to the Monchi D-Dragon, grabbed the Monchd’s hand, and threw it out.

The Monchi Dragon didn’t have time to resist, so it was thrown away for a long time, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Ivankov next to him was just about to help when Lynn suddenly appeared in front of Ivankov.

Ivankov looked at Lynn who was close at hand, his body trembling, as if he could not beat Lynn.

If you have to talk to Lynn on the phone, the most you can do is to be lectured by Lynn.

No, absolutely no death.

Ivankov’s mind quickly made a decision.

“Dragon, the rest will be handed over to you, I still have things, so I will leave for the time being, and I will talk about anything later.”

Monchid’s face instantly darkened.

The good villain was also a companion, and Ivankov actually planned to give up on him.

Fortunately, Ivankov was just talking, but in the blink of an eye, Ivankov did something to Lynn.

Lynn slapped his backhand down, and Ivankov was knocked off.

“Forget it, there is not much time, I will not waste it with you, I think it is better to end this battle as soon as possible and go back early.”

The Munch Dragon was still ready to resist, but unfortunately it was a step slower, and Lynn quickly stepped forward and suddenly pressed the head of the Munch D. Dragon.

Lynn moved quickly as the Monchi D-Dragon moved, then dragged it so hard that it was beaten for a while, and the Monchdron finally fainted uncontrollably.

Even Ivankov was knocked unconscious by Lynn.

As for the rest of the revolutionary army, although they also wanted to rebel against Lynn, it was a pity that no one was Lynn’s opponent.

This is a profound interpretation.

What is called one person surround everyone.

He solved all the people of the revolutionary army alone.

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