
When Lynn returned, she brought back many cadres of the Revolutionary Army.

These were all prepared to rebel against him, but it was a pity, some of the strength was not enough, and finally was hanged by Lynn.

In addition to Monchidron, there were also cadres of the Revolutionary Army.

When Lynn came back, a lot of people were coming.

After all, this was Lynn’s first expedition, so they were curious about Lynn.

“Who are these people?”

“It is said that it seems to be a revolutionary army, working on our territory, so it was arrested by the captain.”

“These guys really have the guts to provoke our captain, and I admire them anyway.”

In the face of everyone’s admiration, Lynn did not say a word, striding forward with her head held high, silently walking forward.

Inside a certain cell.

Monchi D-Long was quite disappointed, and he had not yet begun the great cause of overthrowing the world government, so he was arrested by Lynn.

He also didn’t know what to say.

After Lynn arrived, Munchdron looked up, just glanced at Lynn, then lowered his head and didn’t say a word.

Maybe Munch D-Long was already desperate in his heart, so he didn’t want to say too much.

As for escaping, it was very difficult to escape in Lynn’s territory.

Not to mention that there were a lot of people in Lynn’s turf.

Lynn didn’t care too much when she saw that the Monchi D Dragon was so lost, but just sat in front of the Monchi D Dragon.

“What’s wrong? It looks very low, but don’t care, it’s a great honor for you to be captured by me. ”

Munchdon blackened his face and wanted to kill Lynn.

Being captured by someone else actually called it an honor.

He didn’t even know what to say.

Monchi D-Long simply did not say a word, was silent, and at the same time thought in his heart, he could not just fall like this.

Maybe we should try it, maybe we can escape here, as long as we can get out of here, their revolutionary army will still do a lot.

Lynn seemed to read the mind of the Monchi Dragon.

“How? Want to escape from me? Do you think you have this opportunity? Today is your day to die. ”

Monchi D-Dragon’s heart was filled with despair.

Unexpectedly, Lynn suddenly wanted to kill someone.

If Lynn hadn’t killed him, maybe he would still have hope, but if Lynn wanted to kill him, he wouldn’t necessarily have hope.

After all, it is not necessarily possible to beat Lynn.

No, he certainly couldn’t beat Lynn.

“By the way, before killing you, I was actually quite curious, who is your wife?” Can I find out? ”

Monchid’s face instantly darkened.

He remembered that Lynn was not a good man, and that asking him that question must have been an idea for his wife.

No, he must not tell Lynn about his wife, or he will bring a big green hat in the future.

He could already imagine the scene when Lynn snatched his wife.

There are even things that go too far.

No, absolutely not.

Munchon turned around with determination in his eyes.

Lynn was more interested, and Monchidron must have a lady, and he was alive and well.

It’s just that the Monchi D-Dragon probably doesn’t want him to know.

Wait, Lynn reacted suddenly, Monchi D-Dragon was so vigilant, but why so vigilant?

This bastard actually doubted his character.

Is he that kind of person?

He would never have done such an outrageous thing in his life.

But on closer reflection, it seems that he is really not a good person yet, and it is only natural that Monchi Dragon suspects him.

If it was really beautiful, he would certainly not refuse, and perhaps he would not hesitate to take down the wife of the Monchi Dragon.

“You’re right to suspect that if your wife is really beautiful, then I certainly won’t let her go, but if she looks average, I can’t look up to her.”

Monchi D-Dragon was visibly relieved.

Lynn noticed the expression on the Munchy Dragon’s face, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

“Isn’t it, your lady doesn’t look good?” So don’t worry about me at all. ”

Monchi D-Dragon nodded subconsciously.

But soon, Meng Qi Dragon reacted again, how can he say that his wife is not beautiful.

Anyway, his wife was the prettiest of all.

Lynn laughed.

“It turns out that it is, now that I understand it, it seems that your wife is really not beautiful, but it doesn’t matter, and I won’t care too much.”

“I’m grabbing you anyway, it’s pure fun, and I don’t want anyone else on my turf, so you have to be careful.”

Monchi D-Dragon didn’t say much, just closed his eyes.

Anyway, he was already thinking in his heart, if there was a chance, then he could escape from here, and then he could still overthrow the Buddhas of the world.

“Well, we don’t have anything to talk about, I still have something to do, I’ll leave for the time being.”

Lynn turned and left.

Stepping out of the cell, Lynn looked at the embers of the fire around him.

“If you go to publicize it, you will say that the people of the revolutionary army have been caught by me, and in addition, give the revolutionary army a chance to come and save people, otherwise it will be too boring.”


Fire Ember also understood Lynn’s bad taste, didn’t say much, turned and left.

A few days later, the news of the arrest of the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchidron, soon spread throughout the world, and almost everyone knew about it.

The people of the revolutionary army were even wondering whether they should find a way to save the Monchidron, and by the way, to save the cadres.

For a moment, the whole world was excited.

At the naval headquarters, Karp also saw the news, and saw the photos of the Monchi Dragon in the newspaper, and his heart was particularly nervous.

After all, this was his son, and now that he was suddenly caught by Lynn, of course he was worried, but there was nothing he could do.

Caught by Lynn, their navy certainly couldn’t be touched, and he couldn’t do anything unless he secretly helped.

However, he couldn’t beat Lynn.

Anyway, Karp was particularly irritable.

Somewhere in the New World, all the remaining cadres of the revolutionary army gathered here.

“Folks, the chief is caught, and we must find a way to save the chief.”

“Yes, even if we are not Lynn’s opponents, we must not admit it, and we must save the leader.”

The people of the revolutionary army quickly made a decision.

Find a chance to rescue the Monchi Dragon.

As for what opportunities, there will always be time later.

Lynn also decided to give the Revolutionary Army a chance.

If there is no opportunity, we cannot pay the revolutionary army for a play, let alone accompany the revolutionary army to pass the time.

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