In the end, Munchdron, as well as the rest of the revolutionary army, were all captured.

These people are indeed quite brave.

But alas, in the face of Lynn and the Golden Lion, almost the entire revolutionary army threw themselves into the streets.

Lynn had no intention of letting these people go, and although they were said to be revolutionary troops, they had nothing to do with her.

Although he has no ambition to dominate the world, the future king of the world is ultimately his.

The world still has to listen to Him.

A few days later, the news of the arrest of the entire revolutionary army spread throughout the world in an instant.

The world government was happy at first.

But when he thought about Lynn’s identity, the five old stars were not so happy.

After all, Lynn is the greatest enemy of the world government.

Relatively speaking, the revolutionary army is no threat.

New world, above a certain sea.

Karp read the newspaper and was particularly worried.

The entire revolutionary army was captured, which meant that no one could save the Monchidron.

Although he was a navy, he was also a father.

So Karp wants to save the Monchi Dragon.

Of course, it was he who came to save the Monchi Dragon as a father.

Dressrosa, after Cap arrived, quietly came around, alone, ready to save the Monchi Dragon.

But just as Kapu was about to move, he suddenly saw several people on the street, one of them, who caught Cap’s attention.

This man is Marcino of Windmill Village.

Looking at Marciano’s current situation, the mixture is quite good, and there are soldiers around to protect him.

This group of people was, of course, Lynn’s wife, and was shopping every day.

Karp suddenly had a better way.

Instead of trying to save people and failing, it is better to find a way to ask Marcino for help.


Karp immediately ran out.

The soldiers around recognized Kapu at a glance.

“No, it’s the Navy.”

The pirates immediately rushed forward and surrounded Karp.

Karp was quite calm.

“Don’t worry, we know.”

“Mr. Karp.”

Marciano didn’t expect Cap to come.

“Wait, I know this guy.”

The pirates heard that Marciano knew, and although they were still worried about Kapu’s identity, they did not do anything.

Some other ladies nearby also watched silently.

So many ladies, the sky is the limit, there will certainly be some people who know each other, there is no need to worry at all.

“Mr. Karp, are you in trouble?”

Marciano was curious, she didn’t expect Kapu to come to her, so there must be something important.

“Marciano, you know, Dragon he’s been caught, so I came here to ask Lynn to let him go.”

“Has Mr. Long been arrested?”

Marciano was surprised that she hadn’t followed the newspaper all this time, so she didn’t know the news of Monchidron’s arrest.

Kapu was relieved, and since Marcino didn’t know, it meant there was still a chance.

He was afraid that Marcino already knew, but Lynn refused to release the Monchid Dragon.

“Marcino, I am such a relative, the second half of my life is still counting on him to give me a pension, you must help me, let Lynn let him go, I can accept any price.”

Karp suddenly began to cry.

As for the title of naval hero, he didn’t care at all.

As long as he can save the Monchi Dragon, even if he kneels in front of Lynn, he will not hesitate.

Who let him beat Lynn.

“How? Is Luffy gone? ”

Marciano didn’t get the point.

She also thought Luffy was gone, so Cat had only one relative left.

Karp’s face turned black.

That doesn’t seem to be the point, does it?

The point is, the Monchi Dragon was captured.

Although Karp was speechless, he could only continue to speak.

“Luffy is still here, I mean, I’m such a son, if he dies, I won’t live.”

In the distance, Lynn heard that Kapu was coming, and was afraid that Kapu would cause trouble, so she rushed over immediately.

But as soon as I came over, I saw Kapu crying, as if the whole family was gone.

Lynn was speechless, not expecting Karp to be such a person.

It would actually be a bunch of tricks.

Kapu saw Lynn coming, and didn’t care, if Lynn really wanted to do it, no one could really stop Lynn.

All he wanted now was to rescue the Monchid Dragon.

“Ah, my son, you are so miserable, Marcino, you must help me, I am such a son.”

Marciano was also helpless.

Although I know that Kapu’s personality is more jumpy, I have never seen Kapu jump like this.

Do you need to roll all over the floor?

The golden lion looked at Karp silently, very unbalanced inside.

He had actually been sent to Advance City by such a bastard.

Even Kaido, the mood is quite unhappy.

He had actually been defeated several times by this fool.

Whitebeard and Big Mama were also speechless inside.

Just such a stupid fork, often hunting them down.

Lynn stood helplessly next to Karp.

“Karp, you’re a navy, and it doesn’t seem appropriate to just throw yourself around in front of me.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m here today as a father, and what’s wrong with the Navy?” The navy is also a father, so naturally he has to protect his son. ”

Karp grabbed Lynn’s thigh.

“Please, let my son go, and I will let him never offend you again, or you will be a brother to him and let him be your little brother.”

In order to save the life of the Monchi Dragon, Kapu could only plead with his life.

Lynn turned black and tapped Karp lightly on the head.

“What do you mean?” Want me to your son? ”

Kapu also reacted, he is the father of the Monchi Dron, let Lynn and the Monch Dron, not let Lynn be his son.

“This… I’m kidding, don’t be too nervous. ”

“By the way, about my son.”

Karp watched with blank eyes, particularly nervous.

Nearby, Marcino is also quite helpless, but there is no way, how to say that the Monchi D-dragon is also her good big brother.

Since childhood, he has been taken care of by the Monchi Dragon.

“Lynn, Brother Dragon and I have a pretty good relationship, or let him go.”

Lynn was helpless.

Marciano has already said so, and can only give Marciano a face.

And seriously, it didn’t matter if the Monchi Dragon killed or not, he didn’t take it to heart.

If you can, you can completely release the Monchi D-Dragon and let the Monchid D-Dragon go to the trouble of the World Government, which can also be regarded as giving Margino face.

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