It’s okay to release the Monchi Dragon, but Marciano has to pay some price.

For example, at night, Marciano needs to work a little harder.

“Alas, Marciano, you have already said so, I can only give you a face, but tonight you will have to repay me well.”

Lynn had a sly smile on her face.

Marcino’s cheeks were slightly flushed, slightly shy.

Of course she knew Lynn’s purpose and what Lynn thought.

Cap didn’t know that much, all he knew was that Lynn had agreed and stood up excitedly.

“Lynn, I agreed.”

Marciano turned black.

She hadn’t even said yes, and Cat actually agreed.

If he had not known Kapu’s character, it is estimated that Marcino would have disagreed long ago.

“Well, I’ll go find the Monchi Dragon now.”

Lynn turned and left.

Karp was ready to follow behind, but was stopped and eventually couldn’t do anything.

Inside the prison, Monchi Dlong was particularly helpless.

But he had no choice but to sit on the ground and rest leisurely.

There were other members of the revolutionary army nearby.

Lynn came from outside.

“Monchi D-Dragon, you can get out of prison.”

Monchi D-Long looked confused and did not react at all, and Lynn actually wanted him to leave.

This should not be possible.

Lynn never let anyone else go.

“You’re going to let me go, kidding, why did you let me go?”

Munch Dragon was curious.

“How can you be so mean? I want to let you go, you should be particularly happy, and then leave excitedly, how can you ask me why? ”

Lynn gave Monchidron a brain door.

Monchid’s face was also black, as if it was true, others were ready to let him go, and he actually asked so much.

It’s really cheap.

“Can you let go of my companion?”

After all, it is a revolutionary army and has a revolutionary righteousness, of course, it is impossible to abandon his companions like this.

Lynn thought about it too.

These people are useless, locked up here, and the Monchi Dragon may still find trouble for him in the future.

Anyway, it is the dregs of some relatively strong dishes.

“No problem, you take all these people with you.”

With a wave of her hand, Lynn let everyone go.

The people of the revolutionary army were also confused.

Did you just let them go?

No, they should have been killed.

Although quite curious, Monchi Dragon did not say too much, and left with his men.

Regardless of Lynn’s purpose, run first.

When the Munch Dragon left, Lynn suddenly came to the side of the Munch Dragon, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

“By the way, in fact, I’ve always been curious about your family, do you have a wife?”

Ivankov also suddenly came over.

“I’m actually curious.”

Monchid’s face instantly darkened.

This kind of thing must not be told to Lynn, who must have some conspiracy against his wife, and he had to be careful.

He couldn’t give his wife to Lynn.

Remembering Lynn’s brutality, Monchidron couldn’t help but shiver, his body trembling slightly.

“Captain Lynn, why did you let me go?”

Munchdron immediately changed the subject.

His things must not be said.

“Oh, you really want to thank you for having a good father, who came to my turf, squirmed and begged me desperately, and I could only agree.”

The face of the Monchi Dragon was strange.

He thought of many reasons, but he did not expect that Cat would come to his rescue.

And it was even sprinkling.

Monchi D-Dragon was still more moved.

Karp was able to come to Lynn’s turf alone for him, and still throw a whirlwind, what a good father.

It is a pity that he is a member of the revolutionary army.

“Don’t talk nonsense, you can go now, don’t mix in the new world in the future, this is my territory, and next time, don’t blame me for not being polite.” 」

The Monchi Dragon also made up his mind to leave the new world after leaving here.

How to say that this is also Lynn’s territory, he is not sure enough to defeat Lynn.

If you really fight, you will definitely be defeated.

Outside, Karp had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing the Monchi D dragon come out, Kapu immediately jumped in front of the Monchi d dragon, and it was immediately a punch.

The Monchi Dragon had long been used to it, and did not dodge at all, so it was hit on the head by Kapu.

The main thing is that Cat personally came to save him this time, and even if he sacrificed so much, he was a little embarrassed.

Soon, the Monchi Dragon was taught a lesson.

The people of the nearby revolutionary army looked at each other.

Nor did they expect that the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchidron, was actually the son of the naval hero Cap.

The gap is simply too big

“Okay, almost, it’s time for me to leave.”

Monchi D-Dragon was beaten for a while, felt that it was almost over, there was no need to continue to be beaten, turned around and ran.

If you get beaten again, you will have a headache.

The rest of the revolutionary army also began to run.

Lynn was looking at Karp silently.

Karp also noticed Lynn’s eyes, and his heart was suddenly a little nervous, and he subconsciously took a step back.

“Mr. Lynn, thank you for your help this time, but I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first, and I will definitely thank you later.”

The nervous Karp got excited and ran.

Lynn suddenly appeared beside Kapu and grabbed him by the shoulders.

“When you get to my turf, do you think you can run away if you want to?” I’m sorry, I decided to have a good time with you. ”

Karp’s face changed, and he understood that Lynn was definitely going to teach him a lesson today, and it was estimated that it would not be so easy to run.

But he was Karp, how could he surrender.

You have to rebel and let Lynn know his strength.

As soon as Kapu was about to say something, Lynn had already appeared next to Karp, and then naturally there was a sling.

“I let you come to my turf, not knowing that you are a navy and that I am a pirate?” I play…”

Although Kapu had the heart to resist, but unfortunately, the strength was not enough, and after a few minutes, Kapu was taught a lesson by Lynn.

And it was beaten particularly miserably.

But Lynn didn’t kill Karp in the end.

Because Marcino is next to him, how should he give Marcino a face.

“Lynn, you’re tough enough.”

Karp said a harsh word, turned around and left.

What can I do if I don’t go any further?

You can’t always fight with Lynn, and you will eventually be taught a lesson by Lynn.

He didn’t want to be beaten up any longer.

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