In the marshal’s office, everyone was silent.

These navies have not yet woken up from the fact that Sakarsky is a pirate.

Lynn looked at the navy, still in a daze, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and her right hand gently tapped the table.

“Folks, it’s almost time to deal with my business, and you now have two choices, one is to join me, and the other is to fight with me.”

Sengoku and Kapu looked at each other, their eyes full of determination, as a navy, they were absolutely impossible to surrender.

“Lynn, we’re pirates, there’s absolutely no way we can surrender, so don’t be delusional.”

“Yes, it is impossible in this lifetime.”

Both men had a resolute look in their eyes.

Even if they know that they can’t fight, they still have to fight, after all, they are the navy.

Other navies were also encouraged.

“Okay, then keep fighting.”

Lynn leaned back, her feet on the table, and had no intention of doing anything.

The Warring States was still ready to move, but his face suddenly changed, and his body trembled slightly.

He suddenly felt as if he had no strength, as if he had not eaten for days and nights, and his body was weak and weak.

Kapu next to him also sensed the abnormality, his body trembling slightly, somewhat weak, let alone moving.

It’s over, like something went wrong.

As for the other admirals, they naturally sensed the abnormality, and their bodies were weak and weak, let alone hands-on.

All eyes were on Sakarsky.

“Sakarsky, did you do this?”

“That’s right, I added some special dishes to what you eat, so you don’t have the strength at all.”

“I urge you to surrender, because now the world government is no longer the world government it used to be, and it will be wiped out at any time.

Sakarsky felt the need to persuade these people.

How to say that it is also his colleagues, if you can end this boring battle, there is no need to fight.

“Yes, I urge you to surrender, so as not to waste everyone’s time, and we can talk about something.”

Lynn said meaningfully.

“I see, if that’s the case, then let me join the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment.”

Karp spoke first.

Sengoku almost fell to the ground, and the other navies were quite speechless.

Never seen such a brazen person.

The righteous indignation that was just said now actually turned around and agreed.

Can you not be so cheeky.

Lynn was also speechless.

Only Kapu did not care about the eyes of others, but said very calmly.

“Do we have any other options? I couldn’t beat Lynn in the first place, and now I can’t beat her, so I might as well surrender, at least I can be with my family later. ”

There was one more sentence that Karp didn’t say.

He knew very well that the world government really could not beat Lynn, and it was better to turn to Lynn and think about his family in the future.

The others heard Kapu say this and thought about it carefully, maybe they could really join the Black Dragon Pirates.

There is only one choice.

“Lynn, I think Karp is right, instead of colluding with the world government and colluding with the world, it is better to do something for the world.”

The Warring States also took the initiative to stand up and strengthen their determination.

There was another reason he agreed, and that was because Lynn wasn’t actually a bad person.

Although he was also a pirate, over the years, Lynn’s men basically rarely robbed, nor did they do anything harmful.

Relatively speaking, the world government is much worse.

Those Dracos can be said to have done nothing evil.

So he can still accept Lynn.

Everyone else looked at each other, and the Warring States were really enough, and the former admiral actually agreed to it for the second time.

But they don’t seem to have a reason to refuse.

“I agreed.”

“Yes, I have long seen that the world government is not happy, and it is time to take the world government.”

All the navies agreed.

They were well aware of Lynn’s strength, and they were not qualified to refuse at this time.

Instead of completely turning the other cheek with Lynn and then being killed by Lynn, it is better to turn to Lynn and at least live well.

Lynn was happy too, tapping lightly on the table.

“Since you have all turned to me, then I will not say anything more, you find a place to sit down, and you will be my people from now on.”

The golden lion also walked over to Lynn’s side, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

“Unexpectedly, you think you arranged undercover and became a field marshal, and I really admire you.”

“Of course, if you want to mix better, you need to be strong enough, you need to be smart, and I am not only a strong person, but also a smart mind.”

Lynn was confident.

The others were somewhat speechless, but didn’t say anything.

The boss pretends to be forced, and they can never expose it.

“By the way, you have to deal with it first, you must conquer the other navies, I don’t want anyone to get into trouble behind their backs.”

Lynn deliberately emphasized it again.

Sakarsky nodded, then looked at the crowd present.

“Please go and get the other admirals back, and tell them that the world government is in its infancy and that I am ready to overthrow the world government.”

The navies, of course, could not have refused.

After all, now they were all taken over by Lynn.

And seriously, there are many navies who have long been unhappy with the world government, and even want to overthrow the world government, but the world government is too strong.

Now that Lynn is standing in front, they can make Lynn charge.

That afternoon, Sakarsky and the Warring States completely controlled the navy by their small means, and the vast majority of them did not refuse.

The world government, of course, also installed undercover in the Navy, also quickly learned that the Navy had been taken down by Lynn.

Although he was quite angry, the five old stars had no choice but to abandon the navy.

Who made them incapable of destroying Lynn.

Although the Five Old Stars had given up, they were also ready, and he guessed that Lynn must have wanted to do something to their world government.

That being the case, be prepared to fight at any time.

World governments began to mobilize on a large scale.

The secret weapon is also ready, as soon as Lynn’s team approaches, they completely destroy Lynn.

This time, we can’t get tangled up in the energy problem, we must completely eliminate Lynn.

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