At the Naval Headquarters, Lynn gathered all the Navy officers and prepared for a meeting.

The Navy officers were embarrassed to face Lynn, who was a pirate but now ruled over them.

What left them speechless was that their Admiral, Sakarski, was actually Lynn’s crew.

An undercover agent who went all the way to the admiral.

“Everyone, thank you very much for being able to abandon the dark and turn to the light, and join me in overthrowing this rotten world government and building a new world.”

Lynn doesn’t mind saying a nice word either.

How to say that these people are his current subordinates.

All the navies present were embarrassed.

It seems that Lynn is a pirate who wants to overthrow the world government and save the world.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lynn is really very good, at least much better than the world government.

The world government is not a good person.

“Mr. Lynn, we will definitely overthrow the world government.”

Sakarski said solemnly.

Others chimed in.

“Well, then, I won’t say more, but now you will lead your troops to the great waterways and the four seas, and make all the kingdoms submit to me.”


That afternoon, the Navy set off.

In addition to the navy, Lynn’s pirate regiment, which also took a lot of his men, set out together to conquer the whole world.

Only Lynn, left alone in the Chambord Islands, stood not far from the holy land of Mary Joa.

He stayed here to prevent the world government from doing anything to others.

If the secret weapon of the World Government is transferred, Lynn can completely defeat the people here in a short time.

Sun Wukong naturally knew that Lynn was here, and he was particularly angry in his heart, but he couldn’t help Lynn, and could only hide his anger in the depths of his heart.

But they have already begun to prepare, secretly mobilizing troops, and even abandoning other places.

They thought well, Lynn was now very powerful, not only had a navy, but also commanded so many troops.

Since this is the case, it is better to give up a part and find a way to eliminate Lynn first.

As long as Lynn is killed, the others will not pay attention to them, and they can prepare secret weapons to destroy them in minutes.

Time flies fast.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

In the past month or so, Lynn’s team has been slaughtering in all directions, and everyone has surrendered wherever they have passed.

After all, the world government has no decent resistance, and in the face of such a huge army, how many people can dare to resist.

On this day, Lynn sat in the hotel, listening to the reports of others, and her heart was particularly satisfied.

His pirate regiment was getting stronger and stronger, and if it went on like this, in a little while, all but Mary Joya of the Holy Land would be his territory.

After hanging up the phone, Lynn had a triumphant smile on her lips.

“Hahaha… World government, you are finished, in a few days, I will go to the Holy Land of Mary Joya and talk to you well, you don’t want to be scared to death by me. ”

Outside, a lot of people got together.

“Have you heard?” The Black Dragon Pirates had conquered the Navy. ”

“Did you know?” Word of this had already spread, and Lynn was almost on the verge of conquering the world. ”

Countless people know that the world government is about to die.

After all, Lynn had occupied so many places, and the world government did not say anything at all, so naturally it would doubt the world government.

Upstairs, Lynn was even more proud of the conversation when she heard these people talking, and was even thinking about whether she should take down the world government in one fell swoop.

Always waiting like this, he was a little impatient.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, complete the goal of unifying the world, get a copy of the global gift package, will the host open immediately?”

In Lynn’s head, the sound of the system suddenly came, which made Lynn particularly excited.

“The global gift package, finally there is another gift package, so that before defeating the world government, you can open another gift package, maybe the strength can become more powerful.”

“System, open the package for me now.”

Lynn was a little excited to try.

I just don’t know what good things to get.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, successfully obtained a copy of the Demon Fruit Enhanced Awakening, which can make the Demon Fruit awaken again without limit.”

Lynn was disappointed at first.

The Demon Fruit Awakening Potion, which was useless to him.

He had already woken up, but when he heard clearly, Lynn suddenly became more excited.

It seems to be unlimited, and it is to awaken again, which means that he can awaken again.

Originally, he was already very perverted, and when he woke up again, it was estimated that he was even more perverted.

“System, use it now.”

As soon as Lynn finished speaking, a crystal bottle with a faint blue liquid appeared in front of the table.

This should be the Demon Fruit Awakening Potion.

“World government, wait, when my demon fruit awakens again, and it is time for me to destroy you.”

Lynn didn’t think much of it and drank it all in one gulp.

The moment he drank it, Lynn’s body glowed blue, and this was the blue potion he had just drunk, which penetrated the skin and illuminated Lynn’s body.

Suddenly, Lynn’s body trembled a little, and a strong stream of heat came out of her body, constantly tearing Lynn’s body apart.

This sharp pain, even Lynn could not hold back.

I always feel that I have to roar out, and I feel more comfortable in my heart.

Lynn immediately jumped to the side, ran fast, and it didn’t take long to cross the street, to the sea, and then jumped, and the whole person jumped into the sea.

The moment he entered the sea, Lynn transformed into a black dragon form, a huge figure swimming rapidly in the sea.


Lynn finally couldn’t restrain herself and let out an angry roar that resounded through the air, even the Chambord Islands heard it.

Not far from the Chambord Islands, Pluto Reilly suddenly stopped and turned his head to look into the distance.

“This voice, it seems to be Lynn, really, there will be another war soon, and I don’t know when the war will stop.”

Reilly shook his head, he had no intention of interfering in the matter, he had retired, and the rest of the matter was left to Lynn to solve by himself.

Although this is already a decisive battle.

But he believed that Lynn should be able to solve it, and there was no need for him as an old man at all.

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