The Chambord Islands are constantly emitting the sound of dragon groans.

The whole island was heard.

Even Mary Joa, the Holy Land, the Five Old Stars got the news, and subconsciously looked up in the direction where Lynn was.

Several people had serious expressions.

This battle is protracted.

They’re ready to fight hard.

At the bottom of the sea, Lynn’s expression was particularly vicious, and she constantly roared.

It was really too difficult for this time to awaken the fruit.

The body is very painful, like ants crawling on the body and constantly biting the body.

That is to say, he is more powerful, otherwise ordinary people may not be able to carry it.

Just as Lynn was crying and roaring, the huge black dragon body kept getting bigger and bigger.

It wasn’t long before Lynn’s body length became several times longer.

A mighty dragon, just deep in the sea, all the sea kings in the sea were frightened and fled.

The pain in Lynn’s body was also gone.

“Really fucking pain, I didn’t expect this time to strengthen, it actually hurts so much.”

It just felt like being pulled.

Fortunately, in the end he survived.

Seriously, Lynn sometimes wondered if she would be overwhelmed and even have a feeling of collapse.

Lynn immediately rushed upwards and quickly flew over the sea into the sky while looking at the sea below.

He seemed to have grown larger.

This body type.

Lynn roughly estimated that he was about 10 times the size of the previous one.

Before, it was already a hundred-foot body, and now this body is at least a thousand-year-old body.

“Sigh, now my strength, the world government is no longer my opponent.”

Lynn was particularly proud.

He had been very powerful before, and now his physique had strengthened once, and the Demon Fruit had awakened again.

If the world government can’t be eliminated, Lynn might as well go back to sleep and find a place to retire.

Fortunately, his strength is still strong enough.

Lynn didn’t think much of it, and turned his head to look to the other side, which was the direction in which the world government was located.

He had the idea of challenging the world government alone.

As for the others, they have no ability to do so at all.

Lynn didn’t think much of it, looked at the sky in the distance, and immediately flew over, aiming exactly in the direction of the world government.

Holy Land Mary Joa.

The five old stars also felt a very powerful force approaching rapidly.

This terrifying breath was like a beast in the wilderness, making them feel trepidation.

“No, Lynn has become stronger than before, let’s retreat quickly and find a way to eliminate Lynn later.”

The Five Old Stars turned around and prepared to retreat.

Unfortunately, their speed was still a little slower, and Lynn was soon flying directly above Mary Joa in the Holy Land.

The thousand-foot-long body was even more obscured, and the whole of Mary Joa was shrouded in black light.

Seeing such a huge dragon, the face of the Five Elder Stars became very ugly, and there was even panic in his eyes.

It was really Lynn who was too big now, even bigger than before, and the terrifying aura was like a beast in the wilderness.

Anyway they were frightened.

Lynn lowered her head and looked at the five old stars with a cold glint on her face.

“Five old stars, long gone.”

A rough voice spread throughout the island.

Countless people looked up at the dragon in the sky, their hearts were full of trepidation, and a chill surged into their hearts.

These people were scared.

“It’s Lynn, the strongest pirate in the New World.”

Almost everyone, very scared of Lynn.

Not only because of Lynn’s great strength, but also because of Lynn’s terrifying momentum.

Lynn fell slowly.

Many people nearby looked at Lynn who was close at hand, and was even more frightened, quickly retreating, far away.

They were afraid that Lynn would do something to them.

The five old stars were also quite afraid, and they also took a step back, not daring to fight with Lynn at all, they had already been frightened by Lynn.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth rose slightly.

“Looking at you, it seems that you are very afraid of me, and if you are afraid of me, you can surrender, and I will never do anything to you.”

The corners of Lynn’s mouth rose slightly.

“Lynn, don’t be kidding, you’re great, but I’m not afraid of you.”

The five old stars plucked up enough courage.

Not afraid.

We are not afraid.

Lynn looked at the five old stars in front of her, ostensibly saying that she was not afraid, but in fact, she was particularly afraid in her heart, and it was estimated that her body was trembling.

For such duplicitous people, it is true that they should still be taught a lesson.

“Since you all said so, then I won’t say anything more, but can only accompany you to a good fight.”

Lynn stretched out her huge dragon claws, ready to strike at any moment.

The face of the five old stars changed slightly.

Don’t look at his particularly arrogant tone, but the strength is still quite poor, and there is no certainty of confronting Lynn.

If you really fight, it is definitely not an opponent.

But if you don’t fight, you can only surrender.

The five old stars were entangled in their minds for a while.

Just when the five old stars were entangled, Lynn had already stretched out a huge dragon claw and slapped it hard at the five old stars.


A cracking sound came out.

Lynn’s huge dragon claws slapped down hard at the five old stars.

The bald five old stars’ faces were all green.

With so many five-year-old stars, Lynn’s target was actually him, which was too hateful.

Although he wanted to dodge, the speed of the Bald Five was much slower, and it was not as fast as Lynn.

Just in the blink of an eye, Lynn slapped on the body of the five old stars.

The bald five old stars had no time to resist, and were quickly beaten by Lynn, and then fell heavily to the ground, almost not being killed.

Even if he was not thrown to death, the five old stars also choked, spat out a mouthful of blood in their mouths, and their faces were even more pale.

As for the other five old stars, they quickly flashed to the side and prepared to dodge.

Unfortunately, how could they possibly be as strong as Lynn, even though Lynn was particularly large, but very strong.

With each slap down, a five-year-old star would be knocked out.

Many people in the neighborhood are stunned.

The five old star lords who were high above them were actually beaten by Lynn, and the whole person flew around, without any strength to fight back.

The five old stars also had a headache.

Although he knows that Lynn is very powerful, but now Lynn is more perverted.

There is no power to fight back at all.

They couldn’t catch Lynn’s movements at all, let alone rebel against Lynn.

(Man in Navigation: The Laziest Navy.) )

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