
Holy Land Mary Joa, the battle continues.

The strength of the Five Old Stars is really strong, but compared to Lynn, the Five Old Stars are much worse.

This also leads to the five old stars being constantly hanged.

No five-year-old star can escape.

The five old stars wanted to run, but they couldn’t run away.

The people in the neighborhood were dumbfounded.

After playing like this for a long time, the face of the five old stars was particularly ugly.

They had been beaten so badly that they couldn’t resist Lynn.

Lynn’s strength is too strong.

Even if they had secret weapons, they wouldn’t dare to use them.

After all, they were so close to Lynn, so huge weapons, even if they destroyed Lynn, they would destroy them.

No, they can’t continue to fight, they have to come up with the last secret weapon.


The bald five old stars suddenly shouted.

Lynn was about to slap it, but he was still interested to hear the words of the bald five.

“How? Do you have anything you want to say? ”

The other five old stars all gasped for breath, and did not dare to resist Lynn, and did not even dare to have a trace of complaint in their eyes.

“Mr. Lynn, we…”

“How? Are you going to show your secret weapon? ”

Lynn was still interested in the secret weapons of the world government.

Last time even he was almost killed.

“Yes, we’re going to come up with a secret weapon.”

The five old stars nodded subconsciously.

“No, we want to surrender.”

Another five-year-old star interrupted hurriedly.

What secret weapons, maybe kill themselves, how can they use secret weapons.

“You’re going to surrender?”

Lynn looked confused, and he didn’t expect that the Five Old Stars were actually planning to surrender.

Shouldn’t there be fierce battles for dozens of rounds?

Oh, yes.

The Five Old Stars had already been beaten by him for dozens of rounds, and it was only natural that she couldn’t hold back, and it just so happened that she wasn’t going to do anything to the Five Old Stars.

If you continue to fight, the five old stars will also be finished.

“Well, since you surrendered, then I won’t say anything more, and you will follow me from now on.”

Lynn didn’t keep moving.

Seriously, he never put the Five Old Stars in his eyes, even if he was the ruler of the world government who was high above, in his eyes, he was just an ordinary person.

The only thing is that secret weapon, which looks quite powerful, and I don’t know what the real strength is, but it should not be so powerful.

The five old stars were also relieved.

They really didn’t want to fight with Lynn, it was really Lynn who was too strong, they really couldn’t beat Lynn.

If you continue to fight, you will only be repaired by Lynn, and it is better to calm down a little.

Lynn also changed back into human form.

“Well, go and prepare me a very good dinner, and I’m going to celebrate here, and besides, you guys can’t leave my sight.”

“Got it.”

The five old stars were particularly disappointed.

But they also knew that Lynn wouldn’t let them go, purely to prevent them from using secret weapons.

That kind of weapon, the average person really can’t carry it.

Next, of course, is to hold a banquet.

The other members of the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment, hearing that Lynn had conquered Mary Joa, the Holy Land, immediately rushed over.

All the co-captains came.

It was time for them to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Lynn sat in the office, and the five old stars sat opposite.

They were helpless, and they had met with Lynn a few times, and at that time, they still had the initiative.

But now, they can only be little brothers.

“Captain Lynn, hungry or not?” There is Neptune meat, which is particularly delicious. ”

“There’s also the dessert of Fishman Island, the most delicious food in the world.”

A few of the five old stars were patting themselves on the back.

They have completely forgotten their previous identities.

What is the supreme power of the world government.

Is it still important when Lynn’s little brother is there?

Is it still important to pat yourself on the back?

No one should stop them from slapping their ass.

It felt so good to kneel and lick Lynn.

Seriously, Lynn was speechless, and had never seen such a brazen five.

“Five old stars, you can rest assured, follow me, there will be your benefits in the future, after all, you have so many years of work experience, you can still handle the world government well.”

Seriously, Lynn really didn’t care about killing the Five Old Stars, and didn’t have much of a deep hatred.

Even the ambitious Aunt Kaido in the original book was also conquered by Lynn, not to mention the five old stars.

The main thing is that these people are very good at handling government affairs.

All he had to do was become the new Draco.

The faces of the five old stars were ecstatic.

If you can get Lynn’s support, then it seems impossible to turn to Lynn.

Anyway, Lynn may be more powerful than Lord Im, and they can turn to Lynn and become Lynn’s subordinate.

Anyway, whoever has his men is a subordinate.

“Well, you can also go back to rest, I have been beaten for so long, I guess I am tired, take a good care of it.”

Lynn saw that these people really wanted to turn to him.

Also, if you can’t fight, you can only surrender.

Not to mention that Lynn gave them back glory and wealth.

“Thank you, Lord Lynn.”

The five old stars shouted, showed special respect, and then turned and left.

After leaving the living room, the five old stars were particularly happy.

“Did you hear that? Lynn wants to hand over the world government to us again. A certain five-year-old star said.

“That’s really good, as long as he can hand over the world government to us, we don’t have to think about it so much.”

The five old stars are talking about it.

They’re all good to think about.

As for Lynn, sitting in the mansion that originally belonged to the Five Old Stars, holding a piece of food in his hand, leisurely enjoying.

He was now waiting for the Golden Lions to arrive.

Actually, the golden lions are quite fast.

After all, Lynn had defeated the world government, and of course they were going to come and enjoy the fruits of victory.

In the blink of an eye, many days have passed.

Many boats appeared on the coast.

These ships were Lynn’s men.

All cadres, including Golden Lion and Kaido.

Even the pirates of the New World have come.

After all, Lynn ruled most of the world, and as members of the Black Dragon Pirates, they naturally enjoyed the fruits of joy.

Lynn stood by the window, looking into the distance, already sensing the arrival of his companion.

The Victory Conference is about to take place.

He will be the king of this world.

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