“Needless to say, I’ll teach you a lesson anyway.”

Of course, Lynn had to teach Mitsuki Ota a lesson.

Otherwise, Mitsuki Mita would be too arrogant, and he would be so arrogant in the future that he would not teach a lesson, and his heart would be particularly unhappy.

Mitsuki’s face changed instantly, and he quickly took a step back, then turned around and prepared to leave here.

Unfortunately, he was still one step slower.

Lynn approached faster and grabbed Mitsuki Oda and pulled Mitsuki Oda to his side.

This speed was so fast that Mitsuki Oda didn’t react.

It’s just that Mitsuki Mita secretly said something bad in his heart.

It was over, and he was caught by Mitsuki Oda again.

He understood now that Lynn was really going to teach him a lesson.

And presumably it was a harsh lesson to him.

Mitsuki Oda suddenly had a smile on his face.

“Captain, it’s all my fault, I won’t dare again, please let me go.”

Unfortunately, Mitsuki Oda was still one step slower.

Lynn grabbed Mitsuki Mitsuki and gently picked it up, then threw it into the sky.

“You give me enlightenment.”

It’s such an asshole to try to tease him.

A lesson must be taught to Mitsuki Oda.

Lynn repaired it fiercely, and Mitsuki Oda kept screaming.

The five old stars even snorted.

He kind of understood Lynn’s brutality.

Fair and upright use of various criminal laws, but others will certainly not care.

They didn’t want to be taught a lesson by Lynn one day.

After teaching a lesson like this, Lynn threw Mitsuki Onta on the ground.

“Well, that’s it, if you are so arrogant in the future, then don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Mitsuki Mita’s body trembled slightly.

What a stroke of luck.

I was actually taught a lesson by Lynn again.

“Okay, it’s over, let’s continue to take a good look around here.”

Throughout the day, Lynn was in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, occasionally going to the Chambord Islands.

As for other places, he really wasn’t going to go.

And there is nothing good to go to.

At night, Lynn quietly came to Princess Vivi’s room.

No, it should be coming to your room.

Princess Vivi had been waiting in the room for a long time.

Seeing Lynn come in, Princess Vivi took the initiative to find Lynn’s front and gently pulled on Lynn’s clothes.

“Why did you come back so late tonight?”

Lynn grabbed Princess Vivi as soon as she could, and the two fell to the side.

“Tonight, I had a banquet with them.”

Princess Vivi didn’t say much, but her heart was still quite at ease.

At least Lynn still had her in mind.

Lynn didn’t say much, so she got close to Princess Vivi and grabbed Princess Vivi tightly.

As for the next thing, of course, it is a very important thing, and it is time to be with Princess Vivi.

Princess Vivi did not refuse, closed her eyes, and waited silently for Lynn.

Life is so good.

After the two of them have finished enjoying themselves, they are ready to rest.

But Lynn had just closed her eyes, and before she could fall asleep, someone approached.

Lynn slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to look to the other side, with a smile on her lips.

It looks like someone is coming, but I don’t know who it is.

It didn’t matter, anyway, whoever came, he was confident enough to solve that person.

Lynn sat up slowly.

Princess Vivi saw Lynn get up, and thought Lynn was going to be up again, and her heart was a little nervous.

“Mr. Lynn, I’m tired.”

Lynn also knew that Princess Vivi had misunderstood, and her heart was still quite speechless.

“You don’t have to worry, this time it’s fast, not that long.”

Lynn secretly winked at Princess Vivi and put a hand on top of Senbon Sakura.

Princess Vivi is also a smart person, naturally understands Lynn’s meaning, and deliberately shows a very aggrieved expression.

“Then Mr. Lynn, you lighten up.”

“Rest assured, I will treat you very gently.”

Lynn pretended to be close to Princess Vivi, but had already lifted Chimoto Sakura.

It doesn’t matter who the person outside is, but since you’re in trouble with him, don’t blame him for being rude.

Outside, a figure approached silently.

As the man approached, he raised his weapon in his hand, then slammed the wall, and in an instant approached Lynn and slashed down with a sword.

The sharp sword qi instantly cut through the space.

Lynn also felt a strong sword intention, a sword intent that was stronger than the original Locks.

This is definitely a very person.

It is estimated that even Whitebeard is not his opponent.

Seriously, Lynn was still quite curious about who this sneak attacker was, and he still had such a strong strength.

Although Lynn was quite curious, he still quickly pulled out his sword, and with a knife in his hand, he jumped the sword qi away.

The sword qi instantly penetrated the roof, and a large number of brick fragments fell.

In the distance, many people were sleeping, and suddenly they heard this voice and quickly looked into the distance.

A group of people immediately ran out.

As soon as he ran out, he saw a man besieging Lynn, and his sword move was very fierce.

“Great, who is this guy?” Why so powerful. ”

“I haven’t met this person either, but she’s really strong, she’s fast, I can’t do it at all.”

Whether it was Whitebeard or Mitsuki Mita, or someone else, when they saw the person in front of them, they all felt that they were not opponents.

It’s really this person who is too fast.

And this speed is not generally fast.

If it were them, there would be no absolute certainty, let alone participate in this battle.

“Never mind who this guy is, it’s not something we can do anyway, and I don’t think she’ll be able to beat Lynn either.”

Almost everyone agrees with Lynn’s strength.

After all, Lynn is really too powerful, spanning the new world for so many years, defeating the invincible hand in the world, who can be Lynn’s opponent.

Even the person in front of him has no ability.

“Lord Im.”

The Five Old Stars obviously recognized this person, his face changed slightly, and his expression was also a little strange.

Lynn just heard the voice of the five old stars, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

“It turned out to be you, Lord Im, the true ruler of the world government, who didn’t expect you to do such a sneak attack.”

He really didn’t think it was Lord Im, and subconsciously forgot that there was still this person.

Others were also a little surprised to hear the name.

They didn’t know Lord Im.

But for the real ruler of the world government, he has heard of this man.

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