The battle between Lynn and Lord Im was getting fiercer.

It’s just that Lord Im is serious, but Lynn has no serious plans.

He had already forced himself twice to the limit, and the average person was definitely not his opponent, let alone him.

Lord Im finds himself no match and does not want to continue fighting with Lynn.

After all, Lynn is so powerful, there are so many people nearby, even if the strength is not strong, it is still a trouble.

There is also a very main reason.

That is, she slashed at Lynn’s body with a knife, and she couldn’t kill Lynn at all.

Not even a single scar.

If you continue to fight like this, you will not be able to kill Lynn, and if this is the case, there is no need to fight with Lynn.

Just when Lord Im wanted to retreat, Lynn was ready to get serious.

He wanted to take Lord Im down once and for all.

Lynn slowly lifted Chimoto Sakura.

“Bloom! Senmoto Sakura. ”

Chimoto’s blade instantly turned into countless cherry blossoms, floating in the air and filling Lord Im’s surroundings.

“Everybody retreat.”

The red-haired Shanks, who had suffered losses, was well aware of Lynn’s perversion and quickly retreated backwards.

The others also ran fast, far away.

Lord Im also sensed the danger and immediately prepared to retreat, but unfortunately he was still one step slower.

Just as Lord Im was preparing to retreat, all the cherry blossom petals suddenly swelled and formed a tornado.

The tornado wrapped Lord Im in the middle.

Lord Im’s face also changed, and he immediately used his domineering power, ready to cover his body.

Unfortunately, although Lord Im’s domineering spirit is very powerful, under Senbon Sakura, it is nothing at all.

The Sakura blade instantly penetrated Lord Im’s domineering spirit, leaving a trail of blood.

Lord Im’s face was ugly and particularly painful, but at this time, he couldn’t take care of so much, so he could only rush out.

After rushing out of Chimoto’s blade, Lord Im ran fast, pulling away from the distance, just not wanting to be so close to Lynn.

Lynn was also very impressed, this can all run, if anyone else, it will be finished.

Although surprised, Lynn did not let go of Lord Im’s plan, slammed into the ground, and the whole person leaped out of the air.

But in a blink of an eye, Lynn came to Lord Im and grabbed Lord Im’s shoulder.

“It’s so fast.”

Lord Im’s heart was particularly shaken.

Although he knew how powerful Lynn was, he didn’t expect Lynn to be so powerful and caught her at once.

Lynn sneered, grabbed Lord Im tightly, and then threw Lord Im aside with a hard throw.

Lord Im slammed into the wall on one side, and the wall collapsed in an instant.

The earth trembled as well, and then a huge pit appeared.

Lynn quickly approached again, came to Lord Im, put a hand on Lord Im’s shoulder, and pressed Lord Im to the ground.

“The battle is over.”

Lord Im especially regretted that he knew that Lynn was so perverted, so he didn’t come over and sneak up on Lynn.

As a result, not only did he not succeed in killing Lynn, but he was caught by Lynn, and he did not know if he could run away this time.

The five old stars are particularly happy in their hearts.

Fortunately, they had turned to Lynn, and now that even Lord Im had been defeated, how could they rebel against Lynn?

After that, he would have to obey Lynn’s orders.

Everyone else gathered around.

“Lynn, let’s see what the supreme authority in this world government looks like.”

The red-haired Shanks jumped the most and walked directly to Lynn’s front, his eyes full of curiosity.

“Seriously, I’m also very curious about this person.”

Whitebeard was equally curious, and immediately walked over to Lynn and looked at him carefully.

Not to mention everyone else.

After all, this is the supreme power of the world government, and they all want to know what kind of person the real ruler of the world government is.

Even Lynn herself was curious.

He hadn’t paid much attention just now, but he thought it should be different.

Lynn bent down slowly, and held out a hand, ready to grab Lord Im.

Lord Im was a little nervous, but more angry, feeling like a monkey, being watched by these people.

But she didn’t have any strength to resist.

Lynn pulled hard, revealing a blonde hair and a delicate face.

It was a beautiful beauty.

Almost everyone was amazed by Lord Im’s countenance.

“I didn’t expect that the legendary Lord Im was such a beautiful person.”

“Yeah, it’s shocking, but it’s nothing, and I’ve never seen a beautiful woman in my life.”

Even the five old stars saw the true face of Lord Im for the first time, and they were also attracted by Lord Im’s face.

They have been surrendering to a woman.

But it has not been said that Lord Im’s strength is really strong.

Mitsuki Oda suddenly appeared next to Lynn.

“Lynn, I feel the need to interrogate me, so I can let her explain everything.”

Lynn just looked at Mitsuki Ota.

Whitebeard and the others also looked at Mitsuki Mita.

They didn’t think that Mitsuki Oda was trying to interrogate Lord Im, and that the others didn’t know Mitsuki Mita, they knew it clearly.

This is a man who is even more than Lynn.

Lynn is only interested in some people, as for Mitsuki Mita, as long as there is a slight posture, he can’t hide from Mitsuki Mita’s hook-up.

Mitsuki Mita was kind enough to interrogate others.

It is clear that he has taken a fancy to the beauty of Lord Im.

Mitsuki Mita was a little embarrassed by Lynn’s look.

“Lynn, believe me, I’m really trying to interrogate this man, and I’m here for the good of our pirates.”


Lynn clapped her hands gently.

“Your image is really great and brilliant, I didn’t expect you to make such a big contribution to our pirate group.”

“Actually, it’s not so good, everything I do is for our pirate group.”

Mitsuki Oda touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

Do you really think Lynn is thanking him?

I don’t know how Mitsuki Mita meant it.

Lynn also punched Mitsuki Mitsuki the head.

“Are you really when I’m an idiot?” When did you become such a good person and still dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not I will teach you a lesson. ”

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