Kera was sleepy on a desert island.

I don’t know how long it took for Kirra to wake up.

As soon as she woke up, Kira saw Lynn, and her face changed instantly.

She didn’t know why Lynn had kidnapped her, but she knew full well that she wasn’t Lynn’s opponent at all.

If he was caught by Lynn, he might not be able to run away, after all, Lynn’s strength was so perverted.

“Lynn, why are you arresting me?”

The corners of Lynn’s mouth were slightly raised.

“Why did I arrest you, you ask? I’m sorry, I have a vendetta against Saab, so I’m going to kill you first and then Saab. ”

Kirla’s face changed again.


He can’t have a problem.

And she knew very well that if Lynn really wanted to kill Saab, no one could stop Lynn.

Not even the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchidron, could do it.

“Why did you kill him?”

Kirla only hoped that Lynn would spare Saab.

Lynn saw that Kira was so nervous, and knew that Kira had a plan.

It also means that Kirra is about to fall into his trap.

“Quite simply, I like you, so I have to kill him.”

“If you don’t want me to kill him, it’s not impossible, as long as you stay with me in the future, I promise, I will never do anything to him.”

Kirla was stunned and quickly understood what Lynn meant.

I already knew that Lynn coveted beauty, but I didn’t expect it to be true, and Lynn actually worried about her body.

Although it was quite helpless, considering Saab’s safety, Kira had no choice but to nod her head in grievance.

“I understand, as long as you are willing to release Saab, I can guarantee that I will be your person in the future and will never betray you.”

In order to protect her sweetheart, Kirla can only compromise.

Lynn couldn’t help but laugh too.

“Am I special like a bad guy?”

Really, he felt more and more like a bad guy.

At least in some ways, special scum.

Lynn couldn’t help but laugh too, and immediately approached Kira.

“Rest assured, follow me, you can enjoy the glory and wealth, and I will release Saab, I am only interested in you.”

Kirla didn’t speak, just closed her eyes.

Not to mention, Lynn is really good.

I have long heard that this feeling is very good, and today for the first time, this feeling is really good.

An hour later, Lynn let go of Kirla.

Kirla sorted out her clothes a little, just felt really good, she didn’t know what to say.

Thinking of Saab, Kira spoke quickly.

“By the way, Lynn, you promised to release Saab, and you must promise me this.”

“No problem, but let’s do it again.”

Lynn, of course, couldn’t have refused, and approached Kirla again.

Kirla couldn’t refuse Lynn either, so she could only be with Lynn.

The night went by.

The next morning, after Saab got up, he prepared to go to find Kirra.

Unfortunately, Kira was not found.

Saab was a little anxious and kept searching.

Where did he know that Kirla was already with Lynn and was having a great time.

Of course, Kira wasn’t actually happy, after all, she didn’t like Lynn.

Unfortunately, there is no way out.

While Saab is in a hurry to find him, Kira is also sent back by Lynn, and the two meet in a street.

“Kirla, where have you been?” It scared me to death today, I thought you were in trouble. ”

Saab was really worried.

Kirla was also very touched, but she didn’t have much to say at the thought that Lynn was not far away.

“I’m so sorry, Saab, I met my fiancé, so I was with him last night, and today is to come and say goodbye to you.”

She didn’t want to be separated from Saab, but Lynn had already demanded it, and there was nothing she could do.

Saab was stunned.

He felt that he hadn’t heard clearly that Kirla actually had a fiancé and had been with her fiancé last night.

What can these two people do together?

Saab was angry, but he soon calmed down, but he looked a little sad and had a hint of bitterness on his face.

“I understand, then I wish you happiness in the future, and if there are any difficulties in the future, you can come to me.”

After saying that, Saab left without looking back.

Kira looked at Saab’s back silently, wanting to be with Saab, but couldn’t speak, just watched Saab leave.

After Saab left, Lynn appeared next to Kira with a hand on Kirla’s shoulder.

“You can rest assured, you will be my person in the future, I will take good care of you, and I will never let you down.”

Lynn was particularly proud.

What a winner in life, rich and rich.

Not only has he become the overlord of the world, but he also has so many beautiful ladies, and how good it would be if his life would always be so beautiful.

Lynn had even begun to fantasize about the future.

Uh huh…

Kirla did not refuse Lynn either, gently leaning on Lynn, feeling the warmth of Lynn’s body.

Although Lynn is not a good person, but it is not particularly bad, he is actually with Lynn, and he can only be with Lynn in the future.

Life is still so good.

The two men quickly left the street.

Not long after the two left, Saab appeared again, looking at their backs without saying a word.

Originally, I thought Kira was threatened, but now it seems that Kirla should not be so sad.

I just didn’t know who Lynn was and didn’t see Lynn’s face.

Saab struggled for a moment and ultimately didn’t keep up.

Lynn also knew that Saab was behind, but he wasn’t worried at all.

On the street, Lynn walked for a moment when something suddenly came to mind.

“By the way, what about the revolutionary army?” What has happened to your revolutionary army lately? “He was still curious about the revolutionary army.

After all, the pirates have surrendered, the navy and the world government have completely surrendered, and now only the revolutionary army remains.

“Mr. Long has disbanded the revolutionary army.”

Kirla did not hide.

Anyway, it’s already disbanded, don’t worry about it.

“As it turns out, this guy is still quite clever and knows that he is not my opponent, so he disbands the revolutionary army.”

Lynn nodded slightly, admiring the head of the Monchi Dragon.

If Munch D-Dragon dies, don’t blame him for being rude, he can’t spare his men a second time.

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