1520 years in the sea calendar.

This year is a special year.

Because in this year, the protagonist of the original book, Munch D-Lu, flew out to sea and embarked on a journey to become One Piece.

Similarly, Lynn dominated the entire world and became the true king of the world.

From a small undercover, then to One Piece, then to the king of the new world, and finally to the king of the world.

Lynn’s progress was particularly evident.

Early that morning, Lynn was resting when a pirate ship arrived in the Chambord Islands.

Looking at the pirate ship that was gradually approaching, all the inhabitants of the entire Chambord Islands were stunned.

Since Lynn became the king of the world, there have only been three major forces in this world.

That is the new world government, the new navy, and the member states of the kingdoms.

Or the first time there were pirates.

Because the pirates before had already been hit hard, they couldn’t see a pirate at both ends for three days.

Even those Seven Martial Seas under the king gave up their status as pirates and could only survive for a long time.

Pirate ship above.

Usopp looked at the surrounding residents and couldn’t help but shiver.

“Luffy, or we’ll go back, I think you’re dying.”

Not only Usopp, but several other people were speechless.

Just a few months ago, when they first became pirates, the world was still the world of pirates.

But after a while, the pirates were frantically attacked by the navy and madly attacked by Lynn’s men.

Many pirates have given up, only Luffy is a dead brain, and if they have to be pirates, they don’t know what to say.

At the same time, they were also quite curious about why Luffy’s luck was so good that he had never met the Navy, and even if he encountered the Navy, he did not do anything.

Where do they know that Luffy is Cap’s grandson, and as long as it is not particularly excessive, he basically turns a blind eye.

Not to mention that Usopp’s identity is also special.

Son of the red-haired pirate group Jesus Bu.

“No, I must become One Piece.”

Luffy turned down the others.

He was absolutely going to be One Piece.

Everyone was quite speechless, but they couldn’t help Luffy, and they just hoped that their luck would be better.

As they walked, Usopp’s faces suddenly changed.

Because the direction of the road flight goes, something is wrong.

This direction seems to be the base camp of the world government.

This is now Lynn’s home base.

“Luffy, where are you going?”

“Of course I’m going to beat Lynn, and I’m going to defeat Lynn and become the real One Piece.”

Luffy shouted.

Many people in the neighborhood heard it and looked at Luffy with a strange face, as if they were looking at an idiot.

You know, now the king of the world is Lynn.

If nothing else, there are many people in the Chambord Islands who are loyal fans of Lynn and worship Lynn madly.

Now someone dared to offend Lynn.

These people are like looking at a dead man.

In fact, it is also true that if Luffy did not have some background, he would have died a long time ago and could not die again.

Sauron and Usop’s faces changed.

The two pressed Luffy’s mouth at the same time.

Yamaji jumped into the air and kicked Luffy’s head with one foot.

“Don’t hear me wrong, this guy is a loyal admirer of Lord Lynn, and we have come to admire Lord Lynn.”

Everyone present nodded.

Maybe they had heard it wrong, and no one in the world should dare to offend Lynn.

Those who dare to offend Lynn cannot die again.

Sauron let out a sigh of relief, and then immediately pulled Luffy up and glared at Luffy viciously.

“Remember, don’t talk nonsense here, do you really think you can beat Lynn?” In nonsense, it will throw you away. ”

Luffy finally compromised.

It was Sauron who was too cruel, plus several other people, they were also threatening Luffy, and Luffy was still instigated.

However, it was only superficially instigated, and in his heart, he still thought about how to defeat Lynn and become the real One Piece.

Looking at Luffy’s walking direction, the people present were quite speechless, because Luffy’s target was actually Lynn.

It’s really brave enough, but he can’t say anything.

A group of people just watched Luffy and came to Lynn’s territory.

“Lynn, I’m going to defeat you and become One Piece.”

Luffy’s shout instantly attracted the attention of many people.

All the soldiers looked at Luffy.

Sauron and several of them covered their foreheads, not knowing what to say.

I really haven’t seen such a stupid person.

Forget it, just see nothing.

Sauron thought so in their hearts, but considering a pirate group, they could only silently follow behind.

Luffy quickly rushed to the front.

“Luffy, how are you?”

The soldier was just about to make a move with Luffy when suddenly a surprised voice came from afar.

Turning his head, he saw Ace coming from a distance.

Luffy also saw Ace and was very excited.

“Ace, why are you here?”

Sauron was relieved to see someone he knew.

He was afraid that Luffy would have to fight, and when the time came, he would not be able to defeat Lynn’s men, and it would be finished.

Fortunately, there still seem to be people who know.

This means that this fight cannot be started.

“Luffy, I’ve always been here, are you here today, what’s the matter?”

Ace was a little excited and could be with his brother again.

“Ace, I’m here to defeat Lynn, I’m going to be One Piece.”

Luffy shouted excitedly, not only did he not control the sound, but he was heard by everyone nearby.

Ace’s face instantly darkened.

What did he hear?

Luffy actually wants to challenge Lynn.

After all these years, he was well aware of Lynn’s strength, so he had long since given up on unrealistic ideas.

Now that Luffy had come to challenge, he had even thought of Luffy’s tragic end.

Definitely will be a harsh lesson.

No, as Luffy’s big brother, he needs to protect Luffy and can’t let Luffy go to death.

“Luffy, I think you need to restrain yourself, you really don’t have to beat Lynn, you’re going to be beaten badly.”

Ace said solemnly.

“No, I must defeat Lynn, I must become One Piece.”

Luffy was particularly determined.

For the first time, Ace felt that Luffy should not be so determined and wanted to fight with Lynn.

This will definitely be beaten particularly badly.

Forget it, you should still save Luffy.

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