“I don’t, I must defeat Lynn, I must become One Piece.”
The junction of the Chambord Islands and the Holy Land of Marijoya.
Ace and others persuaded bitterly, just not wanting Luffy to challenge Lynn.
Because there is no chance of winning at all.
Luffy must challenge Lynn, which is clearly looking for death.
In the distance, Lynn walked slowly over.
In addition to Lynn, there were many of his wives.
Marcino saw Luffy, and his face was also strange.
What did she hear?
Luffy wants to challenge Lynn.
She was well aware of Lynn’s strength, the most powerful force in the world, and no one was Lynn.
As far as Luffy was concerned, Karp couldn’t beat it, let alone challenge Lynn.
Remembering Ace, who had been hanged, Marciano immediately stepped forward.
“Luffy, I think you need to restrain yourself, really don’t mess around, you can’t beat Lynn.”
Marciano also joined the persuasion.
Unfortunately, although Luffy was very happy, after all, he saw Marcino, but he had an iron heart to challenge Lynn.
Lynn looked at Marciano who was a little helpless, walked over to her, and gently tapped Marciano on the shoulder.
“Well, Marciano, you don’t care, the big deal is to be beaten, you can rest assured, I will absolutely spare my men.”
Both Ace and Marciano didn’t believe Lynn.
What Lynn said about his men being merciful will still be fierce, and ordinary people can’t hold on to it at all.
However, seeing that Luffy was so determined, Marciano did not have much to say, and could only look at it with his eyes, only hoping that Lynn could be merciful to his men.
Luffy also walked up to Lynn.
“I’m going to beat you, and I’m going to be One Piece.”
Lynn raised her hand and slapped it.
Luffy didn’t even react, he was slapped hard by Lynn, and then flew out, falling heavily to the ground.
Sauron and Yamaji reacted and immediately ran to Lynn’s side.
Although some are afraid of Lynn, Luffy has already moved, and they are not good enough not to do it, so they can only fight with Lynn.
“Lynn, you actually sneaked in, it’s really not about martial arts.”
“That’s right, you’re also a famous One Piece, how can you be so ignorant of martial arts?”
Almost everyone was speechless and didn’t know what to say.
Lynn smiled happily.
“What, you talk to pirates about morality, are you sure you’re not joking?”
Sauron was speechless.
It seemed like it really was, anyway, Lynn was a pirate.
Talking to pirates about morality is a joke.
Luffy jumped up immediately.
“I’m not going to lose to you.”
Just as Luffy was about to explode, Lynn suddenly grew larger and soon transformed into a huge black dragon form.
Usopp looked at the huge black dragon in front of him and couldn’t help but shiver, and a trace of fear surged in his heart.
“It’s terrible, are we going to fight such a monster here?”
Sauron and Yamaji were also frightened, their bodies trembling slightly, and they were also a little frightened.
Don’t look at the two people are usually very steely, but the gap is really large, and it is not generally large.
“I suddenly felt that I shouldn’t do it.”
Sauron said suddenly.
Everyone next to him nodded in agreement.
If you continue to fight like this, you are really not an opponent.
Brooke had withdrawn his weapon, and French had given up fighting.
The gap is really obvious.
Coupled with Luffy’s obvious acquaintance with Lynn’s people, it is certainly impossible to be killed, at most, it will not be able to get out of bed for several months.
Luffy also paused.
“I’m going to beat you up.”
Everyone present was full of shame.
I don’t know where Luffy’s courage came from, and he actually wanted to beat Lynn away, which was clearly to die.
But everyone just watched.
There was absolutely no one to stop Luffy.
Luffy’s arm suddenly grew longer and hit Lynn’s body.
Because he had not gone through the war on the top, and Luffy had not undergone special training, his strength was really not very strong.
A fist hit Lynn on the body, and Lynn didn’t feel anything at all.
“Boy, you’re done.”
Lynn raised her huge dragon claw and slapped it Luffy.
Luffy didn’t have time to dodge, so he was slapped by Lynn, and then he grabbed Luffy tightly and held it firmly in the palm of his hand.
“Did you say you wanted to fight me?”
Ace covered his forehead helplessly.
There was no need to fight, and of all the people who had been caught in the palm of Lynn’s hand, there was not a single one who could resist.
Even his father, Whitebeard, couldn’t get rid of Lynn’s dragon claws.
“Well, guys, don’t look, the battle is over.”
Sauron they also took a look.
As if it were, the battle was indeed over.
Luffy was still ready to resist a stroke or two, but unfortunately, no matter how much his body swelled, it was held in the palm of Lynn’s hand.
Lynn even squeezed hard, and the swollen rubber flattened again.
“Boy, are you sure you still want to fight?”
As she spoke, a cloud of black flames rose from Lynn’s mouth.
The flame was constantly burning, and it emitted a thick hot gas, and the temperature in the air rose by more than ten degrees in an instant.
It was as if it had become a crater.
Luffy paused.
Such a hot flame, once it is burned, will definitely finish playing.
So in just a split second, Luffy had already made a decision.
Admit it.
“Wait, I surrendered.”
He wasn’t a fool either, he felt the danger, the smell of death.
Moreover, there was no life-and-death enemy with Lynn, and Lynn did not catch his companions, and he had no reason to fight hard.
“Boy, do you think you can surrender?” Today you are dead. ”
Lynn grabbed Luffy and beat him so hard that he had no intention of sparing his men.
It’s like killing Luffy.
Sauron and several of them were a little nervous.
“Are we really not stopping? Will Luffy be killed? ”
Ace glanced up at Luffy.
“Don’t worry, this is the end of the challenger, Luffy is disabled for a month or two at most, and it will be fine soon.”
Everyone was a little embarrassed.
At most, it is disabled for one or two months, is this not tragic?
However, considering that Ace was so calm and could not beat Lynn, they could only give up resistance.
That is, a little bit poor Luffy.
But it was all Luffy’s own fault, who let him be okay and had to provoke Lynn.

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