Tower of Paradise.

An island in the sea whose purpose is to resurrect the legendary Dark Magician Jeralf.

To this end, many ordinary civilians were arrested in order to build the Tower of Paradise.

In the crowd, a group of teenagers are building the Tower of Paradise.

Among them was a red-haired maiden, wearing an eye patch, silently moving stones, and there were many teenagers next to her.

These were all captured and built the Tower of Paradise.

This red-haired girl is also one of the heroines in the original book, Alyssa.

Suddenly, Elusa accidentally fell to the ground.

Immediately next to him came a soldier, holding a whip in his hand, ready to smoke at Alyssa.


Several teenagers immediately ran over, ready to stop the black-clad soldier.

“Little devil, hurry up and let me go, or don’t blame me for not being polite.”

The black soldier pumped hard, and one of the blue-haired teenagers was in front of him, just in the middle of the shot.

This blue-haired teenager is Jalal.

A whip was drawn, and a huge blood stain appeared on Jalal’s body.

Jalal’s expression was a little painful, but he didn’t shout out.

“Damn, you stinky little devils, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

The soldier raised his whip again and was ready to move.

But just as they were about to move, several other soldiers suddenly made a noise.

Everyone looked up at the sky together, only to see that a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the sky.

Everyone tensed up.

Such a large black hole is likely to be a magician.


Just when everyone was nervous, suddenly a huge black shadow emerged from the black hole and landed smoothly on the ground.

With such a gorgeous way of appearing, naturally only Lynn is there.

After Lynn landed smoothly, she gently patted her clothes and then looked around again.

Eventually, Lynn set her sights on Elusa.

Because he felt that Alyssa was particularly familiar, and coupled with the addition of Jalal next to him, several of them Lynn recognized the identities of these people at a glance.

He also knew what kind of world it was.

Fairy Tail World.

The world is very good, there are many beautiful women.

Lynn felt that he could be a bad guy again.

How do you be a bad guy?

Or set up a dark union, and then arrest all those beautiful women, one by one.

In the end, all of them were taught…

No, couldn’t go on thinking about it any longer, Lynn felt more and more evil.

He could no longer love that fire of inner desire.

The soldiers next to them were hesitating, not knowing whether to do anything to Lynn.

After all, Lynn looked pretty good.

Just as the soldiers hesitated, many magicians came from afar.

“What are you?” Is this the place where you can stay? ”

While speaking, the magician was ready to move.

After all, the Tower of Paradise needs to be hidden and must not be discovered by others.

Once found, it’s over.

Lynn looked back, looked at the people present, and sneered.

A bunch of garbage, still want to do something to him.


Suddenly there was a loud bang on the ground, and then a huge stone flew out and hit Lynn head-on.

“Rock magic.”

“The Magic of Fire.”

A group of magicians are all using magic, and the power is quite strong, but unfortunately, the strength is too poor.

Lynn didn’t know if she should do it.

Dealing with these people is really a loss of face.

However, since he had done it, he had absolutely not let go of these people’s reasoning.

Lynn held out a hand, and with a slap in the hand, the huge stone was smashed by Lynn.


A chill suddenly appeared on the ground.

Several magicians did not react, and they were completely frozen by Lynn, like an ice sculpture, lifelike.

Lynn walked over to the ice sculpture and nodded slightly, and the ice sculpture completely turned into ice slag and disappeared without a trace.

“Tell me about you, why are you so rampant?”

Unfortunately, these people are no longer able to speak.

Lynn turned to look at the other magicians again.

These magicians were all shocked, even the previous few people had been solved, where they had beaten Lynn.

Behind, several teenage girls were also looking at Lynn.

For example, Alyssa’s big eyes flickered, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

If Lynn is strong enough, she may be able to save them from the sea of suffering.

“Hey, don’t you want to kill people?” Now you can do it, I will give you a chance to kill me at once. ”

Lynn flicked her arm.

He wanted to fight right now and relax his body.

I just don’t know if these wastes are terrible.

“Let’s go together.”

One of the mages shouted, and then the others rushed out together, ready to gather everyone’s strength and completely destroy Lynn.


But as soon as he rushed out, Lynn threw out a cold breath, instantly forming a huge ice bird.

Everywhere the ice bird passed, even the space was frozen, and a layer of ice slag appeared on the ground.

As for the magicians and soldiers, not to mention.

All turned into statues, motionless.

Those who were arrested suddenly had some anticipation in their hearts.

If Lynn had been a good man, he might have been able to save them, and they wouldn’t have needed to stay here again.

“Well, it’s useless, it’s so laborious.”

Lynn shook her head, then looked at the few remaining people and grabbed at the void, which was a huge ice spear.

Then, with Lynn’s throw, the Ice Spear flew out in an instant, penetrating the bodies of several soldiers.

“Let’s run.”

The rest of the soldiers were so frightened that they didn’t dare to continue to fight Lynn, so they turned and ran.

They want to have a few more feet.

“Let’s go up together, don’t let these people run.”

Jalal rushed out first.

Elusa and the others followed, a group of people fighting against the soldiers.

Lynn did not hesitate, and everywhere he went, all the soldiers were defeated by Lynn, and there was no counterattack at all.

After getting these people done, everyone, including Alyssa, looked at Lynn silently.

Their next fate is decided by Lynn.

They were worried that Lynn would kill them.

But they thought too much, and Lynn didn’t take these people seriously at all, he was only interested in Elusa.

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