Lynn didn’t do anything to the people of the Tower of Paradise, and these people weren’t qualified to let him do it.

And he’s not a killer either.

Most of the people were let go by Lynn.

There was only Elusa and a few of them following Lynn, who was very clever and fearing that someone would do something to them, so they followed Lynn.

At least it’s safer to follow Lynn.

A group of people quickly left the sea and came to a nearby piece of land.

“You can leave.”

In the crowd, Rob hesitated, but still stepped forward.

“Sir, do you have any places to go?”

He knew very well that none of them had any strength, and it was too dangerous to walk alone, only to follow Lynn.

And he felt that Lynn was so young, but he could make people feel dangerous, and the future was unlimited.

So he was a little trying to woo Lynn.

“I don’t have anywhere I want to go yet, mainly because I’ve just left home and don’t know much about the world.”

The place where Lynn wanted to go the most, of course, was the goblin’s tail.

After all, this is the protagonist’s guild.

“Do you want to join the goblin’s tail?”

Rob began to invite.

“Well, it is indeed possible to join the Fairy Tail, but I haven’t joined the guild yet.”

Lynn naturally wouldn’t refuse.

Rob’s eyes lit up, and not joining the guild meant that he could win Lynn over.

Finally, in addition to Lynn, there is Elusa who is willing to join the Fairy Tail Guild.

As for the others, they all left.

Half a month later, Lynn and Rob finally arrived at the Fairy Tail Guild.

“Rob, it turns out you’re not dead yet.”

Makarov looked at Robb, who walked in, was particularly excited, and quickly jumped over.

Members of other guilds also gathered around.

Lynn looked at the crowd of people present, didn’t say much, and stood where she was.

As for Elusa, she was also standing next to Lynn.

She didn’t have anyone she knew here, on the contrary, she had a good relationship with Lynn and was naturally willing to be with Lynn.

Rob and Makarov talked for a while.

Makarov only noticed Lynn.

“By the way, Rob, who are these two people?”

Others also set their sights on Lynn.

“Very handsome.”

“Why is it so handsome?”

This is the idea in the minds of all boys and girls.

Boys are particularly envious of Lynn’s appearance, and as for girls, they naturally secretly have a crush on Lynn.

Because Lynn is really so handsome, they have a feeling of spring in their hearts.

Rob thought of Lynn again.

“I forgot to introduce you to this girl, she was arrested with me, she was homeless, and I brought her back.”

“As for this gentleman, he is the one who saved me, and you don’t look at him as young, but his strength is particularly strong, so I invite him to join the Fairy Tail.”

“That’s the way it is, sir, thank you so much for saving Rob.”

Makarov really appreciated it.

When he heard that Rob had been captured and had been a slave, he was still very nervous in his heart, and even a little angry.

But hearing that he had been saved by Lynn, Makarov was also filled with thanks.

How to say it also saved his old friend.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a show of hands.”

Lynn was particularly calm.

That’s really nothing.

A bunch of crap is just that, and it’s easy to solve.

“No, I should still thank you, by the way, you’re going to join the Fairy Tail, I agreed.”

Makarov agreed to the two men joining.

Because he felt that the two people were not simple, the strength should be quite strong, it should not be ordinary people, with the addition of these two people, the Fairy Tail Guild would become very powerful.

And how to say that Rob agreed, he was not embarrassed to refuse Rob, so he could only agree.

After that, the two men naturally joined the goblin’s tail.

“Folks, to celebrate Rob’s return, and because we have one more friend, we’re going to have a banquet today.”

Makarov shouted with great cheers, and almost everyone agreed, even with a very excited smile on his face.

Lynn didn’t refuse, it just so happened that he was hungry and could eat a good meal.

At the banquet, everyone was very happy.

Only Elusa, who seemed to be out of place, sat next to Lynn, not saying a word, just eating.

Rob noticed the two men’s situation and came from a distance.

“How’s it going? Still used to it here, right? ”

“It was ok, it was good.”

Lynn nodded, although he was not very familiar with the people here, but he knew the people here, so he was not worried.

Only Elusa has not yet adapted.

“Elusa, you don’t have to worry, the people here are all nice people, and they are about the same age as you, and they will be your good friends in the future.”

Rob also noticed Elusa’s expression and carefully comforted her.

Perhaps because Rob is not dead, or for other reasons, Alyssa, although somewhat uncomfortable, is at least much better than in the original book.

The people of the Goblin’s Tail Guild may have seen Elusa’s nervousness as well, and they gathered around with a smile on their faces.

“Elusa, do you want to drink more?”

“Would you like some dessert?”

Alyssa certainly wouldn’t refuse.

It didn’t take long for the relationship between several people to be particularly harmonious, like friends who hadn’t seen each other in years.

Even Lynn had a particularly good relationship with these people.

“Lynn, I heard you’re very good, do you want us to fight?” Let me see your strength. ”

In the crowd, Naz suddenly came out, with a strong sense of war in his eyes.

“Naz, it’s me who challenged Lynn, and you flashed to the side.”

Nearby, Gray also ran out.

Both men wanted to challenge Lynn.

Before Lynn could speak, Naz and Gray quarreled.

“Gray, obviously I challenged him first, I should fight him first.”

“So what? Your strength is not good, so it should be up to me, lest you lose the face of our goblin’s tail. ”

“How? Want to have a fight? Don’t think I’m afraid of you, I’m not afraid of you. ”

“Fight and fight, that is, fight, do you think I’m afraid of you?”

Lynn was speechless.

Didn’t you say you wanted to fight with him?

He didn’t have time to speak now, and these people were actually about to fight.

But this is also good, so as not to waste his time, there is this time wasted, it is better to take a good rest, eat some food by the way, and pass the time.

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