On this day, Lynn stood in front of the billboard.

There were a lot of missions on it, and he had been in the guild for a while and hadn’t performed them until now, so he was interested.

Elusa and Mira stood on either side of Lynn.

The two men had no intention of finding a mission at all, and were just watching Lynn and waiting for Lynn to make a decision.

Lynn also knew what the two men were thinking, but didn’t say it, just watched silently.

These tasks are really complicated, but they are okay, and it is difficult to pass the time, and it is estimated that there is no danger.

After watching it for a while, Lynn quickly made a decision.

“I decided, I chose this task.”

The others immediately came together.

“Lynn, this mission is too … It’s too simple. ”

“Yeah, shouldn’t someone as powerful as you find a particularly difficult task?”

A group of people were looking forward to it, and they didn’t expect that the task Lynn had chosen was actually a very simple one.

Lynn picked up the task list.

“Seriously, I don’t particularly care about this task, and I’m not short of money, mainly because the city where this mission is located is a recreational city that you can go to pass the time.”

The others remembered at this time that Lynn really didn’t need money.

Not only is there no shortage of money, but it is also particularly rich.

Once again, the crowd began to envy.

There are such rich, particularly handsome, and particularly powerful men in this world.

“Lynn, we’re on that mission too.”

“I’m going to do this too.”

Elusa and Mira immediately stepped forward.

Both men looked at Lynn silently, especially wanting to be with Lynn.

In the face of such a longing two, Lynn sighed, people are sometimes too handsome, it is not a benefit.

“No problem, I agreed.”

Lynn agreed without hesitation.

Don’t look at his behavior is very difficult, but there is a beautiful woman who takes the initiative to send it to the door, he will not refuse.

He even wanted these people to be more proactive.

It is better to rush up, then throw him down, and finally completely occupy him.

Lynn was especially excited just thinking about it.

“Well, you two clean up a bit, and we’ll leave tomorrow, but don’t waste too much time.”

“Got it.”

Both Elusa and Mira were thrilled.

In addition to the excitement, the two people stared at each other again, and this look was murderous, eager to eat each other.

But in the end, I restrained.

Early the next morning, Lynn had already packed up her things and arrived at the door of the guild.

Alyssa and Mira had been waiting for a long time.

None of the others except these two men went, including Mira’s brother and sister.

“Folks, it’s time to go.”

Lynn was the first to leave.

Elusa and the two immediately followed,

The others just watched silently and gradually left Lynn and the others, without saying a word.

Above, Lynn had just sat down, and Alyssa and Mira grabbed Lynn with joy in their eyes.

Lynn was also very touched, not expecting these two people to be so active.

Alas, it is still too handsome.

But fortunately, there is no one else nearby, and Lynn can do something without worrying about being seen by others.

Wait a minute.

Alyssa and Mira are still small children and have gone too far and seem a little inappropriate.

Yes, it should be a little more low-key.

Lynn didn’t say anything in the end.

The distance was not very far, and Lynn and a few of them soon arrived at the destination city.

When it came to her destination, Lynn took the lead in completing the task.

After all, you can only do something else if the mission is completed, such as playing nearby.

Inside an alley, Lynn and Elusa had just walked in when they were blocked by a group of people.

Lynn sighed.

He had long since discovered that some people were following him, but he had not said anything to give these people a chance.

As a result, these people are looking for their own deaths, and even take the initiative to come to the door, if he does not pay attention to something, it seems a little inappropriate.

Alyssa and Mira frowned slightly, and the two of them looked at a place one by one.

More than a dozen little bastards all walked over.

And it’s a bunch of underage bastards.

“Oh, little sister, do you want to go to school together?”

“Yeah, we’re from the Junior Academy of Magic.”

A small magic junior academy was still so good.

If these people knew that Elusa and Mira would soon die as a S-Class Magician, it is estimated that they would not be so calm.

“Hurry up and get me out of the way, or don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Mira snorted coldly.

As a little sister, she is not easy to mess with.

Elusa was also angry and ready to do it.

Only Lynn stood where she was, not saying a word, just watching silently.

These little bastards don’t need him to do it at all.

“Boy, don’t you hurry up and roll me, these two little sisters, just leave the two of them behind.”

A few of the thugs bypassed Elusa and Mira and walked straight to Lynn’s front.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth twitched.

There are always people in this world who are looking for death, there is no way, since this guy died so early, then don’t blame him for being rude.

“Don’t talk nonsense, you little devils, do it if you want, don’t waste everyone’s time.”

Lynn flicked her arm.

“Damn, teach this boy a lesson.”

More than a dozen little bastards immediately pounced on Lynn.

Unfortunately, there was no need for Lynn to do it herself, and Alyssa took the lead, wearing armor and holding a long sword in her hand.

Bang bang bang…

Three or two clicks solved a few people.

Mira also slapped down, and it was a bastard who was knocked to the ground.

Lynn just stood where she was, silently watching, before it was his turn to act, the battle was over.

Several of the little bastards were wailing in pain on the ground.

“Oh, why are you so arrogant when you talk about looking at you?” Now that I have been beaten so badly, will I dare to be so arrogant in the future? ”

Lynn sighed.

Seriously, these little are really arrogant, but it is a pity to offend people who should not be offended.

The little bastard also fell to the ground, constantly wailing, and his heart was also particularly regretful, and he knew not to offend Lynn and them.

No one expected these girls to be so fierce.

“Well, a few little, there’s no need to take care of these people.”

Lynn pulled Elusa and they left.

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