On the street, Alyssa and Mira walked left and right, pulling Lynn’s arm and walking around constantly.

Both men were jealous of Lynn.

Of course, Elusa is purely fond of Lynn, and Mira has a slight interest in Lynn, but is very bad with Elusa.

So Alyssa has a lot of feelings for Lynn, which also causes Mira to pursue Lynn as well, just to hit Elusa hard.

Seriously, Lynn really felt the pressure.

After all, it is the pursuit of two beautiful women, and the average person really can’t bear it.

Fortunately, Lynn survived.

Coupled with Lynn’s usual slightly domineering behavior, he finally got these two people done.

Although they will still fight for the wind and be jealous, at least they will not quarrel, and at most they will stare at each other.

“Big Brother Lynn, this ice cream is pretty good.”

“Big Brother Lynn, this sugar gourd is delicious too.”

In the face of the initiative of the two, Lynn of course will not refuse, and even happily agreed.

“Woohoo… I want Mom, Mom…”

Suddenly, there was a cry in the distance.

Others didn’t hear it very well, but Lynn did.

“Wait a minute.”

Lynn interrupted the two men who were fighting over the wind and jealousy, and then walked in the direction of crying.

From the sound you can hear, this crying must be a cute little Lori.

As a man of integrity and bravery, Lynn had to help others.

Of course, he didn’t have any bad intentions.

It’s purely about passing the time.

Alyssa and Mira were curious, but quickly followed Lynn.

A group of people quickly arrived in an uninhabited alley.

As soon as Lynn walked in, she saw a little blonde Lori who was crying, still shouting at her mother.

It seems that he should have been separated from his family.

Not to mention, Lynn saw this little Lori, always felt that where he had seen it, it was likely to be a character in the plot.

Lynn immediately walked over to the little blonde girl and reached out and gently patted the little girl’s head.

“What’s wrong? Did you get lost with your mother? ”

The little blonde girl only then raised her head.

“Well, I can’t find my dad anymore, and I can’t find my mom.”

Lynn glanced carefully.

It’s really familiar, and I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere.

“No problem, I’ll help you find your family, by the way, little girl, what’s your name?”

“Lucy, my name is Lucy, Hatfilia.”

The little blonde girl, that is, Lucy, looked at it with wide eyes, and there was a tear in the corner of her eye, looking very moving.

Sure enough.

Lynn knew where he had seen the little girl.

I didn’t expect it to be Lucy.

This luck is really good, you can actually see Lucy here.

“Don’t cry, I’ll find your parents, it won’t be long.”

“Go, I’ll take you to your parents now.”

Perhaps because Lynn was so handsome and didn’t look like a bad guy at all, Lucy didn’t hesitate and held out her white hand and placed it in Lynn’s palm.

Lynn was so good with Lucy.

Alyssa and Mira didn’t stop them either, just followed behind.

Along the way, Lynn and Lucy talked and laughed, and over time, Lucy didn’t cry, and even smiled.

Lucy had even forgotten her troubles.

After walking for a while, Lynn took Lucy with her, and finally found Lucy’s parents.

The two men were on the same street, and they were also desperately looking for Lucy, and they looked particularly worried.

“Lucy, are you all right?”

Lucy’s parents immediately came over and hugged her tightly, even about to cry.

A family of three just hugged each other.

Lynn just stood where she was, not bothering a few of them one after another.

At this time, it was the time for their family of three.

Elusa and Mira also stood by and watched.

After a while, Lucy’s parents stood up and looked at Lynn with a grateful face.

“Thank you very much, sir, if it weren’t for you, we might not have found Lucy.”

“No thanks, this is what I should do.”

Lynn was smiling.

Not to mention, he was interested in the future Lucy, after all, it was cattle level.

As for what cows, everyone knows it.

This is called angel investing.

“By the way, sir, we should have already left, but because of Lucy, there was a slight delay, and we are now leaving.”

“Yeah, I’m so sorry, we may need to leave.”

The two looked at Lynn slightly apologetically.

“It’s okay, I’m just ready to leave.”

Lynn smiled too.

Anyway, there was Alyssa and Mira next to them, plus Lucy was also a child, and it was impossible to do anything.

Only Lucy, somewhat reluctantly, looked at Lynn.

“Big brother, when I grow up, I must marry you as a bride.”

Lucy hesitated, then quickly ran to Lynn’s front, her big eyes flashing, looking particularly cute.

Her parents were speechless and didn’t know what to say.

I could only look at Lynn in embarrassment.

Both Elusa and Mira were staring at Lucy.

Both had murderous looks in their eyes at the same time.

It’s definitely a man grabbing a man with them, and if it weren’t for the fact that Lucy was a child, they would definitely have to teach Lucy a lesson.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Lynn, Lucy is talking nonsense again.”

Lucy’s parents were slightly apologetic.

“No, I didn’t talk nonsense, my mother has already said that if you like someone, you should be brave and work hard to pursue.” 」 Lucy said seriously.

The father, Jiude, looked at Layla.

This is the good daughter you taught.

Layla didn’t care at all, but instead gently touched Lucy’s little head.

“Lucy, I’ve never been wrong, if you like someone, you should be brave and pursue him hard.”

This is definitely the most reasonable quote.

It was necessary for Lynn to write this down and then teach all the pretty girls.

He wants all the beautiful girls to take the initiative and not let him down.

Alyssa nodded at the side, then peeked at Lynn again, and was right.

She decided that she should take the initiative and how she could lose to a little girl like Lucy.

Even Mira was thinking in her heart.

Maybe it is possible to take the initiative a little, and it is absolutely impossible to lose to Alyssa.

Jiu De didn’t know what to say, and could only accept it silently.

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