Mira quickly found Lynn’s mansion and pushed open the door.

The moment she pushed open the door, Mira saw Alyssa in an alternative costume, and the whole person looked stunned, and then her face turned slightly red.

Elusa also noticed Mira and was a little nervous, but soon calmed down.

Don’t panic at this time.

“How did you get here?”

Although Alyssa was quite nervous, she acted very calmly and without a trace of worry.

Mira just stared at Elusa.

“You… How can you wear clothes like this? It’s shameless. ”

Alyssa was full of indifference, not only was she not angry, but she was particularly proud.

“How’s it going? Are you angry? Forgot to tell you, Lynn liked me dressed like that. ”

Lynn’s face instantly turned black.

Although he does like this type, I will feel particularly ashamed if you say it.

Can’t we wait until he’s away?

But it should be said that he really likes Elusa’s type of clothes.

Mira sneaked a glance at Lynn, wondering if what Alyssa was saying was true.

Maybe Lynn really has a crush on clothing like Elusa.

Maybe he could use this method as well.

Mira thought in her heart, and then she had already made up her mind that she must find a way to take Lynn.

But before that, you should taunt Elusa.

“Elusa, it was so disappointing that I didn’t expect you to be such a person, and I looked down on you.”

Mira said loudly.

At this moment, Mira had a feeling of being swaggering.

Elusa did not care, but walked to the front of Mira, leaned forward slightly, and stared at Elusa with both eyes.

“Don’t think I don’t know, you’re so happy right now.”

“You’re even thinking in your heart now, I can use this method and then find a way to take Lynn.”

Alyssa had seen through Mira’s heart.

Even she was thinking in her heart whether she should stop Mira and not let Mira and Lynn get too close.

Mira was seen through by Elusa and felt quite embarrassed, but her face was thicker, so naturally it was impossible to get entangled so much.

All she wanted now was to take down Lynn and defeat Alyssa by the way.

Lynn was a little excited.

He just seemed to hear that Mira was going to use the same tactics as well, so that he would end up cheap.

He had even fantasized that Alyssa and Mira would compete with each other and then change into all sorts of costumes, and it would be him who was the last to be cheap.

“Lynn, this is the breakfast I prepared for you.”

Mira picked up a breakfast and placed it in front of Lynn.

“Wait, I’ve got one here.”

Alyssa picked up the breakfast she had prepared.

The two men placed in front of Lynn at the same time, and then looked at Lynn silently.

Although he didn’t say a word, the meaning of this look was already obvious.

Two of us, you can only choose one.

Lynn still felt pressured by the murderous look in these two men’s eyes.

But who is he?

How could it be afraid of these two little girls.

“What are you two watching me do?” If you want to eat, eat together, don’t eat if you don’t want to. ”

Lynn’s expression suddenly became stern.

Both Alyssa and Mira were a little frightened, immediately lowered their heads, picked up the chopsticks, and began to eat breakfast.

Sure enough, he was still relatively handsome.

Lynn quickly finished her breakfast.

After breakfast, Lynn takes Elusa and the two of them to the Fairy Tail Guild.

On the way, Mira suddenly stopped and looked at a clothing store on the side of the road, and her eyes revealed a golden light.

This clothing store is very good, the clothes inside are particularly novel, and the most important thing is that boys will like it.

If you can make Lynn like it, it couldn’t be better.

Lynn naturally noticed Mira’s eyes and felt particularly proud in her heart, but when did she sneak a smile.

I didn’t expect Mira to learn so quickly.

But this is also very good, and he can enjoy a good life in the future, and sometimes life is so wonderful.

He has begun to enjoy the good life.

When he reached the Fairy Tail Guild, Lynn found a place to sit down and start chatting with people nearby.

As for carrying out tasks, it goes without saying that it is impossible to carry out tasks in this lifetime.

If you have time to go on a mission, you might as well have a good chat with your friends, pass the time, or chat with a few beautiful women.

As for the other things, it doesn’t matter.

After a long time, Lynn left the union.

Lisana has been keeping an eye on Lynn, and seeing that Lynn is strong, Lisana also secretly follows behind.

The two men soon came to a place where there was no one.

Lynn was thinking in her heart about what was going on with Lisana and secretly following him.

After walking for a while, Lynn felt that it was almost over, and then stopped and turned to look at Lisana.

“You’re following me, what’s the matter?”

Lisana no longer hesitated and immediately walked over to Lynn.

“Brother Lynn, I want to ask, do you like my sister?”

Lynn looked confused, not understanding why Lisana was asking such a question.

Lisana seemed to see Lynn’s doubts as well and said directly.

“I think my sister likes you a lot, so I want to know if you really like my sister, and I hope you don’t live up to my sister in the future.” 」

What a good sister.

This should be the legendary sister to send.

“Well, you can rest assured, I will protect your sister, and as for whether your sister will like me, I don’t know very well.”

Lynn didn’t say it too clearly.

“I know, I just hope that if my sister really likes you, you must take good care of her.”

After saying that, Lisana cried and left.

Lynn looked at Lisana who was leaving, it was a look of confusion, there was nothing to cry about.

It was as if he were going to marry his daughter.

However, now both of them are obviously children.

Speechless, but in the end he didn’t say anything, just silently followed Lisana.

Mira watched from a distance, and she also accidentally saw Lynn and Lisana together, wondering what was going on with these two people.

Unfortunately, the voice that had just spoken was too small, so Mira didn’t hear it.

In this way, Mira followed Lynn and Lisana with doubts.

The three men entered the goblin’s tail one after the other.

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