In the evening, Mira sneaks out of the dormitory, making sure there is no one left, before entering a clothing store.

The clothes sold here, of course, are special clothes, that is, clothes similar to those that Elusa bought before.

Mira had deliberately bought it and put it on for Lynn to see.

Just afraid of being seen by others, Mira also deliberately changed her clothes and wrapped herself tightly.

When everything was ready, Mira went outside Lynn’s house to be with Lynn, and let Lynn see her new clothes.

Knock on the knock…

Alyssa was taking a shower and Lynn was sitting at the table, preparing for dinner, when she suddenly heard a knock at the door.

Lynn already knew it was Mira’s arrival, but didn’t think much of it and opened the door.

“Lynn, wait for me.”

Mira immediately walked over to Lynn’s room.

Lynn saw what was in Mira’s hand, but she didn’t see what was inside, so she was still curious.

I don’t know what Mira has in mind.

When Mira entered the room, she quickly changed her clothes and walked over to Lynn.

Lynn’s eyes lit up.

Although I knew that Mira had such an idea, I didn’t expect Mira to be so proactive and make a decision so quickly.

That’s pretty good, and Lynn couldn’t help but take one more look anyway.

Mira seemed to notice Lynn’s expression and walked happily to Lynn’s front with both hands on Lynn’s shoulders.

“Brother Lynn, what do you think of my dress?” Isn’t that nice? ”

Lynn nodded solemnly.

That’s right, this kind of dress is pretty good.

“Mira, you’re still young, you should pay attention to yourself.”

“I see.”

Mira didn’t care, she couldn’t lose to Elusa anyway, she wanted to take Lynn down completely, and hit Elusa by the way.

Not long after, Alyssa suddenly came out from the side, and as soon as she came out, she saw Mira and Mira’s brand new clothes.

The atmosphere of the scene became stiff for a while.

Lynn felt something was wrong, but he didn’t take it to heart.

Elusa immediately walked over to Mira’s meeting, her eyes filled with displeasure.

“Why are you here?” This is my home, I don’t welcome you, hurry up and let me go. ”

Naturally, Mira would not admit it, but instead grabbed Lynn’s arm.

“No, Big Brother Lynn likes me, definitely not you, and you leave me.”

“Nonsense, Big Brother Lynn will never like you.”

The two men quarreled and seemed to be about to fight.

“Well, don’t argue, eat quickly, and rest early after eating.”

Lynn suddenly let out a loud roar.

Both Alyssa and Mira were frightened, and without saying a word, they stood silently in place, looking particularly afraid that Lynn would be angry.

Lynn is still very good at this.

At dinner, neither Elusa nor Mira dared to speak, only dared to stare at each other, and then secretly looked at Lynn.

The night passed quickly.

On this night, Mira did not go back, but stayed in Lynn’s house and had a very good life.

In the morning, after breakfast, Lynn went to the Fairy Tail Guild.

No sooner had he arrived than Makarov jumped from the second floor.

“Lynn, I think your strength is quite strong, do you want to participate in the S-level magic master’s examination?”

The others looked at Lynn at the same time, with a special envy in their hearts.

Many of them wanted to take the S-Class Magus exam, but unfortunately not everyone had the chance.

So they could only look at Lynn enviously.

Even Mila and Alyssa were particularly envious.

After all, this is the assessment of the S-class magician.

“I really envy Lynn, and I also want to take the S-Class Sorcerer’s test.” Makao said enviously.

“Don’t think about it, it’s impossible for you in this life.”

“That’s right, Makao, you can’t do it.”

In the face of the ridicule of everyone, Makao’s face turned black, and he was actually looked down upon by these people.

“S-Class Sorcerer’s Assessment?” It seems like it’s a lot of trouble, forget it, I don’t want to take the exam. ”

Lynn refused without even thinking about it.

If you have this time to participate in the assessment, it is better to find a place to take a good rest, and the assessment is not interesting at all.

“You refused?”

Makarov looked confused, not expecting Lynn to refuse.

This is the examination of the S-level magic master, many people are very eager to participate, the result is not a chance at all, gave Lynn a chance, Lynn actually refused.

Not only Makarov, but others were shocked.

“Lynn, are you kidding?” Such a good opportunity, you actually want to refuse. ”

“Yeah, how did you come up with the idea of refusing?” If you don’t want to participate, you can totally let me participate. ”

Maka’o they were all envious.

Needless to say, Naz and Gray were eager to replace Lynn in this exam.

“Yes, I don’t want to take the test, it’s too much trouble, as long as the strength is enough, it doesn’t matter if you have this title or not.”

Lynn really didn’t want to waste time.

Makarov saw that Lynn was so determined, and did not continue to persuade.

“Since you have decided like this, then I won’t say anything more, anyway, that is, the S-level magic master, it is really not particularly important.”

“President, since Lynn doesn’t want to take the exam, you might as well give me this opportunity, and I also want to take part in the S-Class Sorcerer’s exam.”

Naz excitedly took a step forward.

Gray was also particularly excited and immediately walked up.

“I’m going to have a show too, and I’d better give it to me this time.”

“What? Do you want to rob me? Believe it or not I taught you a lesson? ”

“Who is afraid of whom? There’s a kind of fight we have. ”

Naz and Gray almost got into a fight.

But just as the two were about to fight, Makarov suddenly turned into a giant, and one of them slapped it, instantly knocking the two people unconscious.

“Don’t think about it for the two of you, just the two of you, you are not qualified to participate in the S-Class Sorcerer’s examination.”

In the face of Makarov’s refusal, both Naz and Gray felt sad, but in the end they did not say anything.

“Alas, you should not compare with me, after all, I am such an excellent person, even if I do not participate in the examination, but the strength is also very strong.”

Lynn’s words were defiant.

The faces of everyone in the neighborhood turned black.

“Lynn, your face is thick enough.”

A bunch of people almost broke out.

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