Time flies, and the years fly by.

Over the years, many people have grown up.

Both Alyssa and Mira have grown into mature beauties.

Lynn sat on the couch, leaning back slightly, holding a magazine in her hand.

Mira stood next to her, holding a dessert in her left hand and a drink in her right, feeding Lynn something from time to time.

Many people nearby are envious and jealous.

“Really fucking envious of Lynn, there is such a cute girl as Mira to send Lynn food and drink.”

“Yeah, don’t say it, my heart is sour, why is there such a perfect person in this world.”

A group of men are particularly envious of envy and hatred.

They were so envious of Lynn, why could Lynn have such a good life.

Left hug right, wives and concubines in groups.

Lynn overheard the conversation of the people nearby, held out a hand, and pulled Mira into his arms.

“You’re tired standing up, take a break.”

Mira didn’t refuse, just nodded, and then happily relied on Lynn.

Lynn also looked at Mira carefully.

Over the years, Mira, like the original, her sister Lisana has been sucked into another world.

This also caused Mira to change her appearance, no longer the little sister at the beginning, but a very weak girl.

He liked girls like this, gentle and kind.

It is completely possible to live a life of left and right embrace.

Speaking of left hugging right hugging, Lynn had to mention Elusa.

Since the great changes in Mira’s house, Elusa has not fought against Mira, and the two of them have accompanied Lynn together.

Live a very good life.

On the other side, Maka’o suddenly walked over.

“Lynn, please pay attention to your own image, there are so many people here, you hug and cuddle with others.”

“That’s right, Lynn, you’re going too far.”

“I feel the same way, we must pay attention to our own image.”

All the men were indignant.

They were really upset, how could Lynn enjoy such treatment.

Lynn turned her head calmly and looked at the people in front of her.

These men are nothing more than envy and jealousy.

He was a thick-skinned man who never cared about how these people felt.

“Alas, if you talk about looking at a few of you, can you not be envious and jealous all day long, I am not envious of you.”

“Day by day, you don’t know how to get stronger, you don’t know how to make money, you don’t know how to make a girl, you know envy, jealousy and hate.” 」

“If you look at you, can’t you try a little harder?” As a colleague of yours, I really feel a special sense of shame. ”

For the next while, Lynn started nagging.

To deal with these people, you should nag a little.

Everyone was ashamed of what Lynn said, and they were also particularly ashamed of what Lynn said, and they bowed their heads shyly, and did not even dare to face Lynn.

But after a while, these people suddenly reacted, and they seemed to be fooled by Lynn.

“Lynn, you…”

Just as the crowd was talking, the door suddenly opened and Naz rushed in from outside.

“Guys, great, I have news of the dragon.”

For so many years, Naz has been looking for dragons.

This is the legendary Fire Dragon King Igunilu.

Lynn didn’t even look at Naz and immediately reached out and put her arms around Mira.

Nothing matters.

But wait, Lynn remembered one more thing.

It seems that in the original book, Naz did go out to find the dragon, and it was at the beginning of the plot.

Lynn listened carefully, and in some port city, there seemed to be a fire dragon.

Obviously, this should be the plot of the original book.

Well, he’s been bored lately, and he can go find Lucy.

I hadn’t seen Lucy in years.

Lucy wanted to marry him when she was a child, but she was too young then, and now that she is older, it is time to fulfill her promise.

And over the years, in order to get Lucy, Lynn often wrote letters and gave some gifts.

Now it’s harvest season.

“Naz, are you going to find the Fire Dragon?” I happen to be bored, go with you and pass the time. ”

“Well, I agreed.”

Naz didn’t think much of it, the most he could do was to have someone accompany him, just two people to go, what danger, you can also take care of each other.

“Lynn, be careful yourself, but don’t be in danger.”

Mira looked at Lynn with concern, her eyes filled with love.

Lynn didn’t say much and took a bite.

Not to mention, sweet and fragrant.

There was even some milk flavor.

Mira was suddenly shy, so she curled up in Lynn’s arms, embarrassed to face the others.

Others cheered up.

“Lynn, your life is pretty good, and you look good.”

“Yeah, I wish I had a life like yours.”

In the face of everyone’s envy and jealousy, Lynn did not say a word, grabbed Mira, and took a few bites.

Mira was finally embarrassed.

“I still have something to do, so I’ll go first.”

The shy Mira quickly ran away.

After all, it is still a little girl, where has experienced such a big scene.

Everyone else roared.

It also made Mira even more shy, and returned to the counter, bowing her head, not saying a word, not even daring to face anyone else.

“Alas, sometimes people are too handsome, and that is also a sin.”

Everyone’s face turned black.

What is called a person who is too handsome?

Although Lynn is indeed quite handsome, there is no need to say it.

Forget it, not so much.

“Lynn, sort it out yourself, and we’ll go tomorrow.” Naz spoke.

“Okay, then I’ll go back and get ready.”

Lynn stood up, turned and prepared to leave.

“Lynn, I’ll go help you prepare your clothes.”

Mira took the initiative to stand up, then pulled up the hem of her skirt and quickly left.

In addition to wanting to help Lynn sort out her clothes, she just wanted to leave here, and she was really embarrassed to stay.

Lynn saw the envious expressions of the men, stood up triumphantly, and held out her hands.

“Alas, you should work harder when you go back, and if your wives don’t beat them, they will be much smarter and more gentle.”

Of course, Lynn was fooling around with this.

If anyone believes him, then don’t blame him for being unlucky, it is estimated that he will be beaten up by his wife.

Many people in the crowd nodded, but they were all thinking.

Maybe you can really try it.

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