In the morning, when Lucy woke up, she had just walked out of the room when she saw Mira coming out of the next door, and she didn’t react for a while.

“Mira, how did you get out of Lynn’s room?” Couldn’t it be that the two of you have been…”

Lucy couldn’t accept what had happened to the boy she liked and the other girls.

And chances are, doing something you shouldn’t be doing, like at night…

Mira was also slightly stunned, completely forgetting that there was another person in the family, which was really embarrassing.

But embarrassment is embarrassment, and there is no need to be afraid.

Anyway, she had long been used to it, it was nothing more than being suspected by others.

“Mira, are you two not?”

Lucy was slightly worried.

She could figure out the relationship between Lynn and Mira, absolutely unclear, and now that she was out of a room, there was definitely something.

Maybe something like that has happened to two people.

Lucy felt her heart break.

She was just holding hands with Lynn, wrapping her arms around her waist, and didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, and Mira had actually worked so hard.

Mira saw Lucy’s expression and wondered what Lucy was thinking.

When Elusa first warmed Lynn’s bed, she thought the same thing Lucy had, thinking what had happened to the two of them.

“You think too much, I just came to help Lynn warm the bed, after all, the weather is very cold now, Lynn is a little weak, don’t help him warm the bed, he will be frozen.” 」

Mira said the right words.

This is also true, because the excuse was originally made by Elusa or told by Lynn herself.

So now the excuse has also been taken by her.

Lucy had a ghostly expression.

“Mira, I’m not very smart, but do you really think I’m stupid?” You look at the weather outside now, it seems to be a hot day, will it be cold? ”

Mira glanced at the sky outside.

I heard that it was not early, and when the sun was shining, it seemed that it was really not very hot.

This excuse seems somewhat untenable.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as I don’t want face, no one can question me.

Mira thought to herself.

“You don’t understand, Lynn once protected me, was seriously injured, although it was a hot day, but the health is very bad, often cold.” 」

Inside the room, of course, Lynn heard it, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.

Anyway, he had already lost face.

Lucy saw Mira’s serious expression and thought in her heart, could it be that Lynn was really hurt.

Most likely, after all, it is the magic master, and the injury is also a matter of course.

Maybe Lynn was injured, so even in the summer, he would feel a special cold.

Therefore, Mira was needed to help warm the bed.

Maybe she could help Lynn too.

Wait, Lucy, what the hell are you thinking?

Lucy reacted, and she actually thought of something out of the ordinary.

This kind of thing can’t go on thinking.

“Then I’ll go see Lynn.”

Lucy immediately walked over to Lynn.

Lynn knew Lucy was coming, and pretended to fall into the quilt, her body shivering.

It’s like it’s really frozen.

Lucy really thought that Lynn was a little weak, and immediately walked over to Lynn, her eyes full of concern.

“Lynn, you’re all right, right?”

Mira watched from behind, still speechless, and admired Lynn.

It was clear that there was nothing at all, and the strong body was like an ox, and even pretended to be injured.

Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with her, just as if she didn’t know anything.

“I’m fine, it’s just that my body is a little, according to the time, as long as I rest for a while, it should be OK.”

Lynn made a good excuse for herself.

Lucy didn’t suspect it, and really thought Lynn was injured, and it was particularly cold, and she was close to Lynn.

“Lynn, rest assured, I’m definitely not going to let you have anything to do.”

Lynn didn’t speak, he wondered if he could trick Lucy into bed later.

Forget it, there’s no need to do something like that.

“You guys take a break, I’ll order a takeout.”

Mira hadn’t stayed, and of course she knew Lynn was all right, so there was no need to stay.

Lynn didn’t stop it.

After Mira left, Lynn looked at Lucy next to her, and her body shook again.

“Lucy, it’s cold, help me see if there’s heating?”


Lucy immediately turned on the heating.

Seriously, the big summer turned on the heating, and it was really hot, that is, Lynn, and there was no feeling at all.

“It’s so cold.”

Lynn said deliberately.

Lucy really thought Lynn was feeling cold, and approached Lynn tightly, clutching Lynn’s arm with both hands, as if hoping to protect Lynn.

The two men just got close together.

Of course, don’t get me wrong, Lynn is a very normal person and doesn’t intimidate Lucy to do anything.

But later, that’s not necessarily the case.

I don’t know how long later, Mira came back, with breakfast in her hand.

As soon as I came back, I saw the two people leaning on each other, and my heart was quite speechless, and I also admired Lynn’s ability.

Although he didn’t do anything with Lucy, he was already leaning on it, which showed how good Lynn was.

She remembered that once upon a time, it was said that Elusa had been fooled by Lynn and then warmed Lynn’s bed.

In the end, I accidentally dragged her into the water.

Lynn saw that Mira had returned, and felt that it was almost over, and gently pushed Lucy.

“Lucy, well, I’m pretty much there, now it’s time for breakfast, and after breakfast, I’ll take you on a few tasks to get a little familiar.”


Lucy immediately let go of Lynn, and as soon as she turned around, she saw Mira not far away, her cheeks flushed, looking very shy.

It’s really cute.

Mira naturally noticed Lucy’s expression and didn’t pay much attention.

“Lucy, don’t be shy, I’ve long been used to it, aren’t you with Lynn?” Didn’t you say you were going to marry Lynn when you were a kid? ”

Yes, Lucy did say she was going to marry Lynn.

But now that Mira had spoken out, Lucy was a little embarrassed and covered her face.

“I didn’t say I couldn’t marry Lynn.”

As she spoke, Lucy was a little nervous, even sneaking a glance at Lynn.

Lynn, I actually want to marry you, but I’m sorry to say it.

Lucy cried out in her heart.

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