In the guild.

Lucy stood in front of the mission board, searching carefully, hoping to find a task.

But alas, although there are many simple tasks, it is somewhat difficult for her.

Although there is still Lynn, Lucy does not want to rely too much on Lynn, or should work her own.

Suddenly, Lucy found a task, and her eyes revealed a glow.

“Great, I’ll be able to do it.”

Lynn also walked over at this time and took a closer look at Lucy’s mission, her face strange.

This seems to be Lucy’s first mission in the original book, and she also got a key to the star spirit.

Maybe that’s what fate it is.

“Lucy, since you have chosen this mission, I will accompany you on this mission.”

Lynn was still going to help Lucy.

After all, with Lucy’s strength, without his help, Lucy really may not be able to complete this species.

“Then thank you.”

Lucy was so happy to be with Lynn, it was the greatest honor of her life.

“Well, let’s get ready.”

Lynn took Lucy with her and left.

Halfway through, Lucy spoke.

“Lynn, I’ve just seen this mission, and it’s actually not very difficult.”

“It is said that this family has a special love for maids, and I am applying for a maid recently, and as long as I do it, I will definitely be able to apply for a successful job.”

Lucy was confident.

Lynn looked at Lucy silently, not knowing what to say.

Others don’t know, doesn’t he know yet?

The target of this mission is a hobby, somewhat creepy male.

Normal beauty he could not look at.

Only look at some ugly women.

But Lynn didn’t say it, and he was looking forward to Lucy’s maid outfit.

“Well, then you and I come here, I have a lot of maid outfits at home.”

Lynn took Lucy with her.

Lucy’s face was confused.

She had just heard something, and Lynn had a maid outfit at home.

Do normal people have maid outfits at home?

Could it be that Lynn is an abnormal person?

No, Lynn is a normal person.

Lucy was curious, but she could only follow Lynn.

The two soon entered Lynn’s house.

Lynn casually opened a cupboard.

“Come and have a look, these are the maid outfits, and see if there’s anything you like.”

Lucy stood behind Lynn and looked at the cupboard, then the whole person was dumbfounded.

What did she see?

The maid outfit is actually a cabinet of maid clothes.

And there are various styles, this style, are very good.

There are even some styles that are particularly exposed.

Lucy’s face turned slightly red, and at the same time she looked at Lynn, thinking in her heart, why does Lynn have so many maid outfits.

And there are so many strange styles.

“You try this one first.”

Lynn took a maid outfit for Lucy.

Although it was handy, it was Lynn’s favorite, and the main thing was that there was less fabric, and he liked this type.

Lucy didn’t think much of it, picked up her clothes and went inside her room.

After a while, Lucy didn’t come out, but just opened a door to reveal her head.

Even twisting and pinching.

“Lynn, this dress seems a little out of place, or will you change me again?”

“What’s not quite right? Let me see. ”

Lynn certainly knew why it was inappropriate, but such a good opportunity, of course, he could not miss it.

If you miss it, it will be a long time coming.

“This… Some of it doesn’t fit. ”

Lucy was even more shy, and had planned to reject Lynn, but unfortunately she was still one step slower.

Lynn had cheekily pushed open the door.

Not to mention, Lucy is pretty now.

The main thing is that there is less fabric, which means that Lynn’s eyes can see more.

“It’s perfect, but it’s still a bit of a misfit.”

“I’m going to change your women’s clothes again.”

Lynn certainly couldn’t have let Lucy dress like this and go out.

Even if you want to see it, you should show it to him.

Even if the vision of the object is different from that of normal people, it cannot be careless.

Lucy was relieved, she was really afraid that Lynn would ask her to wear such a dress, and then she would be embarrassed to face the others.

Fortunately, Lynn is still a normal person.

“This dress is a little more conservative.”

Lynn changed her clothes.

After Lucy got dressed, she walked out.

“Lynn, this dress is enough, or I’ll wear it.”

Lynn also looked carefully.

A very ordinary dress, and very conservative, to be honest, Lynn really didn’t like it very much.

But it doesn’t matter, after all, it is worn out, and it is certainly impossible to wear it too exposed.

“Well, we’ll go get the job done now, I’ll watch from the outside, and then you’ll take the initiative.”

Lynn took Lucy with her and left.

Outside a luxury villa, Lynn stood behind a large tree and tapped Lucy lightly on the shoulder.

“Lucy, believe in yourself, you can definitely win.”

Lucy lifted her feet and prepared to enter, but hesitated.

“Lynn, won’t you stop me?”

She still hoped that Lynn could stop it, after all, she wanted to sell her beauty

Although not planning to do something.

Lynn was actually very calm, but Lucy said so, and he could only comfort him a little.

“You can rest assured, with me here, you can never have an accident, I will secretly pay attention to you, as long as you have a problem, I will immediately rush in.” 」

After Lucy received Lynn’s assurance, her heart was warm, and she no longer hesitated, and immediately walked in to prepare for the maid.

Lynn was standing outside, with no intention of entering.

He knew very well that Lucy would never succeed and would even be humiliated.

Oh, and you can also secretly record it.

Lynn burst out laughing, then picked up a camera and sneaked inside, ready to record it.

I don’t know if Lucy will redeem this video.

Inside the mansion, Lucy came in and applied.

Perhaps because of her special confidence in her appearance, Lucy proudly held her head high, and she had expected that she would be able to successfully apply.

Not long after, a short, long, particularly ugly man appeared in front of Lucy’s eyes.

It’s ugly.

This was Lucy’s first impression, and even some disgust.

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