Inside the villa, Lucy is conducting a maid interview.

Lucy was still very confident about her appearance.

But in the face of such an ugly boss, Lucy was suddenly a little scared, in case the boss had any bad intentions, it would be bad.

But at the thought that Lynn was outside, Lucy once again plucked up enough courage.

Nothing should happen.

The boss also stared at Lucy carefully.

“Is it you, come and apply for a maid here?”

Lucy, though disgusted, nodded.

“That’s right, I came here to apply for a maid.”

Just when Lucy was nervous, the boss suddenly laughed.

“Hahaha… Just by you, you also want to be my maid, do you have this qualification? ”

“That’s really…”

Lucy thought she had been chosen, was very happy, and was about to say a good word, when she suddenly paused.

Did she just hear it wrong?

She actually lost the election!

This boss actually looked down on her.

It’s so arrogant.

She thought of herself as a beautiful woman in the world, but now she was actually looked down upon, and she was still such an ugly boss.

How this boss had the right to mock her.

Or is it that the current competition for maids is too fierce, and even a big beauty of her level is not qualified to be a maid.

That is, to envy a maid.

“What do you say? I’m not eligible, are you sure I’m not eligible? I’m very good. ”

Lucy exploded and deliberately revealed her figure.

She is a very perfect woman.

If nothing else, at least it is particularly beautiful, and the figure is also very good.

“Cut, as far as your body is concerned, you are also a beautiful woman, and I will let you see what is really beautiful.”

The boss clapped his hands gently, and immediately two people appeared next to Lucy.

One was very thin and thin, like a stick, and the other was particularly strong, fat like a pig.

Not to mention looks.

Just such two people, who are also called beautiful women, completely refresh Lucy’s understanding.

This is clearly ugly.

“In short, this is the real beauty, as for you ugly bastard, give me a roll!”

Lucy wanted to say something, but in the end she didn’t say it, because she didn’t know what to say.

Also blame this boss’s vision is too bad.

When Lynn got the video she wanted, she immediately went outside and waited.

It wasn’t long before Lucy came out.

“How’s it going? Was the interview successful? ”

Lucy was slightly embarrassed.

I was full of confidence when I came, and now I was hit hard by the perverted boss.

She didn’t even know what to say.

It can’t be said that the boss’s vision is not good, like two ugly women, not particularly like her.

“This… I’m sorry, I came late, the boss has already found someone, so I can only come out, it is really a bit unhappy. ”

Lucy made an excuse for herself.

This excuse is still quite good, if it were not for Lynn’s own eyes, maybe he would really believe it.

“Is it really what you said?” I just went in, as if the boss didn’t look at you at all and thought you were particularly ugly. ”

Lynn laughed and quipped.

Lucy was already quite shy, but now that Lynn had spoken out, she felt even more embarrassed.

There is even a feeling of landlessness.

“Since you already know it, why do you still want to ask me?” Is it too much to see me lose face? ”

Lucy stared at Lynn angrily, and the look in her eyes was eager to eat Lynn.

“No way, I just want to hear you say it yourself, but if you don’t say it, there’s nothing I can do.”

Lynn was apologetic.

Lucy wanted to be angry, but in the end she didn’t say it, just looked at Lynn silently.

“Well, without saying so much, since your latent plan failed, we can just go straight in.”

Lynn shook her arm.

That is, a boss, there is no need to waste time, just hit it.

Lucy frowned slightly, slightly hesitantly.

“Is it really good to just hit it like this?” We don’t seem to be any different from robbery. ”

“Please, do you think there is a difference between us and thieves?”

Lynn glanced at Lucy with disdain.

Lucy also reacted, but they had gone in and stolen a book, and there was no difference between petty theft and robbery.

“And I remembered that this person had a Star Spirit Key from the 12th house of the Zodiac, which he was going to snatch up and give to you, but since you don’t want it, there’s no need to go.”

Lynn sighed and prepared to leave.

As soon as Lucy heard that there was a Star Spirit Key, she couldn’t take care of it so much anymore and plucked up her courage.

“I understand, that’s it, we’ll go in now, complete this mission, and get the Star Spirit Key by the way.”

“Then hit in!”

Lynn was at the forefront.

Lucy followed closely behind, and was ready for battle.

Unfortunately, Lucy still thought too much.

The battle didn’t require her to take matters into her own hands at all.

Lucy had only just walked inside the villa when Lynn started to do it, and basically everyone slapped it.

In less than a minute, Lynn came to the front of the boss and slapped the boss unconscious.

That’s right, just a slap.

Lucy was stunned, and she didn’t expect Lynn to be so powerful and have such great strength.

Lynn gently rubbed the palm of her hand.

“Okay, this guy has fainted, and then he starts to find the book, and I’ll get his Star Spirit Key in my hand.”

“Okay, I’ll go now.”

Lucy immediately ran away, ready to find the key.

Lynn grabbed the boss again and slapped him hard to wake him up.

After waking up the boss, Lynn didn’t ask any questions, and continued to slap him, and when there was something, he waited until he had finished slapping.

First beat this boss to fear, the boss will admit it.

And it is.

Lynn was so fierce, the boss was completely frightened, and his eyes were full of panic.

“This gentleman, I was wrong, I will never dare again, please let me go, I will grant you any request.”

“Hurry up and hand over the Star Spirit Key.”

“I… I agreed. ”

In the face of Lynn’s threat, the boss, no matter how reluctant he was, eventually had to compromise.

After all, it was also a Star Spirit Key, far less than his own life.

He wanted to live a few more decades.

(Card Merchants: Draw the Pirate Kaido at the beginning)

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