On the way back, Lucy was particularly happy.

She was one step closer to the goal of collecting all the Star Spirit Keys.

It’s all thanks to Lynn.

Lucy also peeked at Lynn from time to time, what a handsome person, really likable.

Lynn naturally noticed Lucy’s eyes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and there was a little happiness in her heart.

“Lucy, just what happened, do you think I should say it?” Let everyone know. ”

Lucy’s face turned red as soon as she brushed it.

How can the previous things be said, and once they are said, then they will lose face.

She is such a beautiful and beautiful woman, she was actually compared to a few ugly monsters, and it was really humiliating to say it.

“Brother Lynn, you can’t talk about it, and I’ll be embarrassed if I do.”

Lucy looked at Lynn beggingly.

Lynn sneaked a laugh.

“I can promise you, but you have to give me some reward, otherwise, I won’t necessarily agree.”

Lucy saw Lynn’s expression and knew what to give.

But what exactly is it paid for?

There was some hesitation, after all, she had nothing good to do.

I don’t even have any money on me.

“Big Brother Lynn, what do you want?” Say it anyway. ”

Lucy is very atmospheric.

Lynn couldn’t help but laugh.

“Then I will remember the conditions, this time I will not mention it, next time, when I think of something, you will give me this time to pay.” 」

He wasn’t in a hurry to bring it up, anyway, there was an opportunity later.

Lucy was also relieved, afraid that Lynn would make some excessive demands.

Unfortunately, Lucy didn’t know that one day, Lynn would make excessive demands, and then it would be Lucy’s bribe.

And it could also be a bribe in relation to the surname.

It’s all very likely.

A group of people quickly got their hands on the Goblin’s Tail Guild.

Inside the guild, the crowd saw that Lynn and Lucy had returned, and immediately set their eyes on them.

“Lucy, how is this mission?”

“Quite simply, with my ability, it was easy.”

Lucy held her head triumphantly.

In the crowd, Makao gently pushed Lynn’s arm.

“Lynn, how did you do it?”

“Oh, it’s simple, just hit it, knock the person unconscious, and then slap the slap on the face, and the guy will be provoked.”

Everyone present was full of shame, and many people didn’t know what to say.

This method is really too simple and crude.

They even remembered that every time someone challenged Lynn over the years, Lynn would slap him in the face.

The method was simple and crude, and many people were knocked unconscious by Lynn.

“Lynn, I really admire your ability, I didn’t expect you to be so good and complete the task so quickly.”

And the crowd said a word.

They really didn’t know what to say, but Lynn was too perverted anyway.

Perverted to the point where they can’t do anything either.

“Okay, the mission is done, we can take a good rest, and after a while, let Lucy go on the mission.”

Lynn wasn’t going to step in.

Because soon Elusa will return, it is time to leave Lucy to Elusa to take care of.

I believe that with Elusa’s strength, she will be able to take good care of Lucy, as for him, she only needs to rest at home.

On the other side, Lucy came to Mira’s side, and Mira talked and laughed, and the two sides exchanged special pleasures.

“Lucy, how are you doing on this mission?” Mira asked.

Lucy glanced subconsciously at Lynn.

“It’s okay, my mission this time is not difficult, and with Lynn’s help, so it’s easy.”

Mira naturally noticed Lucy’s expression and immediately approached Lucy.

“Lucy, you said when you were a kid that you would marry Lynn when you grew up, and you shouldn’t have forgotten that?”

Lucy’s little face was red at the brush, her face was peachy, and she looked particularly cute.

I also remembered Lynn in my mind, and I remembered even more of my own childhood.

At that time, young and ignorant, wanted to marry Lynn, and later with the passage of time, the two would write letters every once in a while.

It also causes Lucy to be full of affection for Lynn.

Even Lucy really liked Lynn.

Mira naturally noticed Lucy’s expression and instantly knew what was on Mira’s mind.

“Lucy, if you like someone, you should be able to pursue, otherwise you will regret it.”

Lucy was slightly surprised, and she didn’t expect Mira to actually agree to her being with Lynn.

She knew, but she knew that Mira had a crush on Lynn and should like Lynn as well.

There are such generous women in this world.

“This… Mira, don’t you like Lynn too? Why give Lynn to me? ”

Lucy asked curiously.

Lynn also pricked up her ears, and he didn’t expect Lucy and Mira’s two men to secretly discuss him.

Alas, people are sometimes too good.

Mira also subconsciously peeked at Lynn, who was really a handsome and handsome teenager.

Such a handsome teenager naturally could not give it to Lucy, at least not for nothing.

The big deal is for everyone to share.

“Of course not, but I think Lynn is so good, he should be able to have a lot of people, and we can take care of Lynn together.”

“Cough cough cough…”

Mira’s voice, though small, was heard by Lynn.

Lynn couldn’t help but cough, and her heart was particularly touched and happy.

“Lynn, you seem to be happy.”

A few people next to him looked at Lynn curiously.

Even Mira was a little nervous, thinking that Lynn might have found something.

“Nothing, it’s just that the drink is a little sweet, so I accidentally choked.”

Lynn casually makes an excuse and focuses on Lucy and Mira.

He was suddenly particularly interested in these two people.

Mira was relieved that it hadn’t been heard by Lynn, and if it did, it would be embarrassing.

Lucy relaxed too.

Lynn casually talked to people nearby, but her attention was always on Lucy and Mira.

The two men also communicated again.

“Actually, I’ve always liked Lynn, so as long as it’s someone Lynn likes, I basically won’t say no.”

Mira’s eyes were filled with love.

Lucy didn’t know what to say.

Is Lynn really that good?

(Card Merchants: Draw the Pirate Kaido at the beginning)

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